article Mars retrograde in Leo: Creative Self-Discovery
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Astrology & Omens

Mars retrograde in Leo: Creative Self-Discovery

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Moon Omens

December 6, 2024

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On December 6, 12:33 PM —

On December 6, 2024, 6:33 PM EST, Mars stations retrograde at 6º10’ of the sign of Leo, offering us an opportunity to explore the nature of our desires, understand what truly moves and motivates us, and inaugurating a journey of sexual, creative, and emotional self-discovery. Mars is going to be in retrograde motion until February 23 and enter Cancer again on January 6. On April 18, Mars enters Leo for the second time and completes his transit here on June 17, 2025.

Mars’ shift of motion is particularly relevant for those born with planets or angles in Fixed signs Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius, as well as for those with personal placements in Aries, the sign ruled by Mars. The people personally impacted by this Mars retrograde cycle are being challenged to pause and take time to reflect on where they are going and why before taking further action. They have an opportunity to explore their desires and motivations and develop a deeper relationship with their creativity, sexuality, and will.

Planetary retrogrades and their Deeper Meaning


From an astronomical point of view, planetary retrogrades are optical illusions happening due to an apparent shift in the direction of that celestial body from our perspective on Earth. Astrology is based on the study of celestial bodies as seen from Earth, from a geocentric perspective: for this reason, retrogrades have a strong symbolic meaning.

In Astrology, planetary retrogrades are seen as opportunities for us to internalize our focus and deepen our reflection around our relationship with the energy of the planet involved. Rather than doing business as usual and moving along with the inertia, the invitation for us is to ask better questions before making decisions. Hence, retrogrades have the potential to accelerate our growth and support our deconditioning and individuation journeys.

Several celestial bodies are currently in apparent backward motion: besides Mars in Leo, Mercury in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Gemini, Uranus in Taurus, and Chiron in Aries are also retrograde, and Neptune in Pisces is going to station direct in a few hours, on December 7. This suggests that we are experiencing a strong pull to go inward, to move slowly, to prioritize being, feeling, and reflecting rather than doing, producing, and moving forward. The invitation for us is to spend more time contemplating why we make certain decisions and why we experience certain desires and not others.


Mars retrograde: Exploring the Nature of our Desires


Mars’ energy is sharp, direct, forward moving. A Yang, masculine planet, Mars is a go-getter, drawn to shape his own path and move in the direction of his impulses and desires. The ruler of Aries and also the traditional ruler of Scorpio, Mars in Astrology has to do with how we get what we want, how we initiate something, and how we assert ourselves. When retrograde, Mars’ energy is internalized and directed inwardly rather than outwardly, which can feel strange because of the very nature of this planet.

Mars goes retrograde roughly once every two years for a period of 58 to 81 days. This is a rare retrograde, one we are not so used to experiencing: for this reason, many of us can feel frustrated as if we were driving and the car in front of us suddenly slowed down for apparently no reason.

Mars retrograde is a time of reflection about the nature of our desires and our relationship to them. It is an opportunity to question why we act the way we do, why we make the decisions we make, why we feel certain urges and impulses, and why we relate to them in the way we do. This transit invites us to make sure we act deliberately and intentionally, rather than blindly follow our impulses and repeat habitual behaviors. Mars retrograde is an invitation to spend more time considering how we desire to invest our energy and life force, and how and in what direction we aspire to channel our will.


Mars retrograde in Leo: Understanding What Moves Us


Leo is the sign connected to the full expression of the Self. A Fixed, Fire sign, Leo rules over creativity, personal self-actualization, romance, and the pursuit of joy. Leo governs the heart, both literally and metaphorically, symbolizing courage, generosity, and the ability to lead with authenticity and passion.

In Leo, Mars’ retrograde transit is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of what truly moves us, motivates us, and makes us come alive. It is an opportunity to spend more time reflecting before taking action, spend more time questioning our desires, and spend more time trying to understand why we act, react, and respond the way we do.

This transit challenges us to ask ourselves how much of what we do is driven by a desire for personal significance, visibility, and external recognition and encourages us to make sure that what we do and create is also fulfilling for us on a Soul level and in service to something greater than our personal interests and our ego.

Mars retrograde in Leo

Mars retrograde through Leo and Cancer: Sexual, Creative, and Emotional Self-Discovery


Mars’s retrograde journey through Leo is an opportunity to redefine, renovate, and rediscover our relationship to instinct, desire, visibility, being seen, creative expression, and sexuality. The upcoming weeks are an invitation for us to explore the link between sexual energy and creative energy and make sure we take time to recognize where our urges come from before following them blindly.

When Mars retrogrades back into Cancer from January 6 until April 18, our focus will go on unresolved emotional matters from the past few months but especially from our childhood and youth. This transit is an opportunity to reflect on how we tend to assert our needs, express our feelings and emotions, and relate to conflict. Mars retrograde in Cancer is a powerful time to deepen our emotional resilience and our emotional self-knowledge and heal emotional wounds caused by a betrayal of trust and a disrespect of our vulnerability.


The Mars-Pluto Opposition: Evolutionary Threshold


Mars stations retrograde while opposing both Venus at 29º Capricorn and Pluto at 0º Aquarius. This configuration fuels an intense desire for passion and brings increasing pressure to transform our relationships, particularly romantic ones, and the way we show up in them. The opposition between Mars, Venus, and Pluto challenges us to recognize and stop any power plays or underlying control attempts, and choose instead to find overt, honest ways to create harmony between our needs and desires and those of others and find compromises that are truly healthy.

The first Mars-Pluto opposition was in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn on November 3. This alignment offered us opportunities to recognize how unhealed childhood wounds and unconscious security needs keep us stuck in dysfunctional attachments, relationships, and patterns. The final Mars-Pluto opposition in Cancer and Capricorn shed light on the defense mechanisms we rely on to avoid or suppress unprocessed emotional pain and emphasized the importance of learning to feel secure within ourselves.

The Mars-Pluto opposition will go exact again on January 3, while Mars is retrograde, and on April 27, when Mars is again direct. In the signs of Leo and Aquarius, this configuration exacerbates the friction between the desires of our ego and our higher Soul calling and underlines the necessity of linking our personal self-expression and creative self-actualization to a purpose that is relevant not only for us but for the collective.


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