article Mars in Leo 2024: Leading from Our Hearts
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Astrology & Omens

Mars in Leo 2024: Leading from Our Hearts

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Moon Omens

November 2, 2024

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On November 2, 04:37 PM —

On November 3, 11:10 PM EST, Mars leaves Cancer and enters Leo, inviting us to lead from our hearts and take action on our desires with courage. Mars is going to remain in Leo until January 6, station retrograde on December 6, 2024, and returns to Cancer until April 18, 2025.

Mars’ ingress into Leo is especially relevant for those born with planets or angles in Fixed signs Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius, and especially for individuals with natal Mars in Leo, who are experiencing their Mars return. The people personally impacted by Mars’ shift of signs are being challenged to live courageously, trust what gives them joy, and follow the desires of their hearts.

Mars from Cancer to Leo: From Emotional Self-Exploration to Creative Self-Actualization


Named after the mythological God of War, Mars in Astrology has to do with how we go after what we desire, how we initiate, how we lead, and how we forge our unique path. Mars’ transits show us where action is taking place and offer us information about collective trends in terms of taking initiative, asserting ourselves, and taking action in the direction of our desires.

During Mars’ journey through Cancer, we had an opportunity to observe how our emotions and needs, especially the unexpressed and unacknowledged ones, influence our decisions and actions. Mars’ transit through Cancer highlighted how our past experiences still affect us in the present and encouraged us to better understand the impact of our childhood on our present behaviors, desires, and motivations.

As Mars begins traveling through Leo, we will feel drawn to take bolder risks, we will be more proactive in expressing our creativity, and we will feel more motivated to stand up for ourselves. In Leo, Mars inspires us to allow our passions to lead, follow what gives us joy, and share our gifts openly and generously.


Mars in Leo: Leading from Our Hearts with Courage


Mars’ ingress into Leo brings a desire to take charge of our lives and be the leaders of our lives. Our desire for creative self-actualization takes the lead during this transit, one that motivates us to allow our spirit to shine through and take center stage without reservation. Mars’ journey through Leo is a powerful time to invest more energy into our passions, into what makes us feel alive, and into what creatively inspires and stimulates us.

This transit emphasizes the courage it takes to express ourselves authentically and embrace ourselves as we truly are,rather than adapting to others’ expectations. The word courage comes from the Latin word cor, which means “heart”. Thus, true courage has something to do with choosing to live from the heart and committing to staying aligned with our hearts’ desires.

In Leo, Mars encourages us to reconnect with our heart’s passions and commit to leading from our hearts. Mars’ journey through the sign of the Lion is not just about stepping into the spotlight: it is about allowing ourselves to be seen as we truly are, an incredibly vulnerable experience that requires true courage.

Mars in Leo 2024

Mars’ upcoming retrograde in Leo and Cancer


The Red Planet goes retrograde roughly once every two years: for this reason, it is a fairly rare event. Mars’ upcoming retrograde starts on December 6 at 6º of Leo and ends on February 23, at 17º of Cancer.

Mars’ retrograde journey through Leo will offer us opportunities to deepen our reflection on our true desires and motivations and challenge us to reflect on whether our actions are genuinely serving the actualization of our highest creative potential or merely feeding our ego and need for external validation. When Mars retrogrades back into Cancer instead, the focus will be on dealing with unresolved issues from our childhood, reassessing our relationship with expressing our needs and emotions, and deepening our emotional resilience.

Mars is already in his pre-shadow phase, which means he is going to travel again on these degrees twice, first while retrograde and then while direct. For this reason, the themes that will emerge during the retrograde are already starting to surface, and around this time we may get some hints and clues about what the retrograde will be about for us personally.


Mars’ ingress into Leo and his upcoming oppositions to Pluto


Mars enters Leo while still opposing Pluto at 29º of Capricorn. Their aspect was exact only a few hours ago and has been coloring the past weeks. The Mars-Pluto opposition will go exact again, but in the signs of Leo and Aquarius: it occurs on January 3, while Mars is retrograde, and April 27, a few days following Mars’ return to Leo.

The Mars-Pluto opposition highlights our resistance to change and the friction between what our ego wants to do and our higher Soul calling while bringing to the surface repressed anger, frustration, and desires.Mars-Pluto energy, if we relate to it unconsciously, can erupt in very destructive ways, exacerbating power dynamics and attempts of domination and control.

This alignment marks a powerful evolutionary crossroads: our task during the upcoming weeks and months is to find how to channel this energy consciously and productively, rather than being blinded or consumed by it.


We are happy to announce that our highly anticipated 2025 horoscopes are now available and ready for you! This creation is truly special for our team, as it was a long journey creating and bringing this 2025 guidance to life. Thank you for your support, we ❤ you!

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