article Mars in Aries: Riding the Wave of Change
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Astrology & Omens

Mars in Aries: Riding the Wave of Change

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Moon Omens

June 28, 2020

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After spending two months in dreamy Pisces, Mars gets ready to enter Aries on June 28, offering us the chance to move forward and start a brand new chapter in our lives. 

The transit of Mars through its home sign Aries is going to last until January 2021. Mars will spend six months in Aries this year, as he is going to move retrograde from September 9 until November 13.

The last time Mars was in Aries for so long was in 1988: this transit doesn’t happen often. It is going to powerfully affect us all, pushing us to take concrete action towards our personal evolution and collective growth.


Mars in Aries: A Powerful Energetic Shift


Mars is pure impulse and desire. For the rest of the year, his influence is likely to inspire us to feel more driven and motivated. This is the right moment to do what we’ve been fantasizing about for months, cut cords if needed, and move forward in life.

During the transit of Mars through Pisces, taking focused action and making decisions might have been harder than usual. As soon as the Red Planet enters the sign of the Warrior we are all going to feel a strong energetic shift: we may have the sensation that we can’t play it safe anymore, that is now or never.

Mars in Aries lights up our inner flame, the fire in our belly burns so brightly that it becomes impossible to ignore. While during the transit of Mars through Pisces the focus was on dreaming a new reality, we now feel called to make our dreams come true. 

mars in aries moon omens

With Mars transiting Aries, we are not supposed to wait for anyone’s permission to go after what we want, we are not supposed to think about the possibility of failure: we just need to do whatever feels right in the present moment.

Mars in Aries is a transit that inspires us to stand up for ourselves and change what doesn’t work in our life: this energy is highly motivating, it inspires us to reinvent ourselves fearlessly. 


Rediscovering our Sexual Needs


As soon as he enters Aries, Mars opposes the Moon in Libra, bringing our attention to the ways we show up in relationships. We are invited to become aware of the importance of balancing our individual needs with other people’s necessities and desires. This is likely to be an ongoing theme for the next six months. Some of the shadow sides of the long transit of Mars through Aries are the tendencies to overreact and be excessively individualistic.

mars in aries

Mars in Aries is going to bring our focus on the way we live our sexuality and on how we use our sexual energy. Individually, we are likely to feel changes in our sex drive, in our needs and desires, as Mars is one of the planets associated with sexuality. During this transit, we may feel inspired to experiment with new ways to channel our sexual and creative energy, whether we are in a partnership or not.


Mars in Aries: Healing the Wounded Warrior


On July 14 Mars forms a conjunction with Chiron, a planetoid associated with the archetype of the wounded healer: somebody who can heal others but not themselves.

This conjunction, happening every second year, offers us the possibility to take an honest look at some of the wounds we have been carrying since childhood, mostly related to our inner masculine. Through loving acceptance of our vulnerability and tenderness, we will be able to release any feeling of powerlessness or impotence that came up in the past. 

The Mars-Chiron conjunction is going to inspire us to develop healthy ways to assert ourselves. We will be invited to nurture our connection with our inner strength and power, independent of our physical strength or any external circumstances.


Riding the Wave of Change


The energy of Aries is going to be extremely powerful during July and August, before Mars goes retrograde. These two months represent a time for change: don’t be afraid to start a new chapter in your life. During this period, there might be a feeling of getting ready for something without knowing what it exactly is: embrace it with excitement and anticipation.

For those of us who are struggling with self-doubt, holding themselves back from taking action, this transit represents a great chance to overcome these obstacles, let go of the sense of inadequacy and the need to have everything under control.

This is not time to stay in our comfort zone: ride the wave of change, reinvent yourself completely. Even if you don’t see much of the path ahead yet, just start walking. Everything will become clearer along the way, as the journey unfolds. Don’t wait to have it all figured out to start: mastering all details in advance is never possible.

Ultimately, Mars in Aries reminds us of the power of our desires. Our will is an expression of Divine will: desires are what keep us moving forward in life, they have a reason to exist. Connecting with our inner Warrior, we realize that everything is possible: we have all we need to create a fulfilling and exciting life for ourselves while making the world a better place for everyone.

Comment below if you already feel the winds of change, or if you’re excited about this energy to enter your life! Sharing is caring, share omens with others. Love & blessings!


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