article Mars enters Aries: Moving Forward
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Astrology & Omens

Mars enters Aries: Moving Forward

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Moon Omens

May 24, 2022

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On May 24, 7:18 PM ET, Mars enters its home sign of Aries, bringing a clear, sharp energetic shift that invites us to move forward. Mars remains in its domicile until July 5. During this time, we are likely to experience a surge in our need for freedom and in our urge to break free from what restricts, oppresses, or limits us.

This transit supports our energy levels and adds more dynamism and enthusiasm to our lives: Mars in Aries is a motivating combination, which inspires us to fearlessly follow our instincts and our impulses.


Mars from Pisces to Aries: a New Chapter


Transits of Mars show us where action is happening. Mars has been in Pisces since April 14 and, during the last week of its transit, it has been conjunct Neptune, the modern ruler of the sign. The Mars-Neptune conjunction in Neptune’s domicile has coincided with a sense of lethargy, slowness, and blurriness. Throughout the last few days, we might have felt some confusion relative to our direction, our desires, and our goals. The Mars-Neptune conjunction has also brought up an urge to find the deeper intentions behind our desires and to seek experiences that promote soul growth rather than simply immediate gratification.

mars enters aries

We now transition from this vague, diffuse, elusive feeling, to a more direct, assertive, and energizing vibe. As a Cardinal, Yang, and Fire archetype, Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, is meant to break new grounds, start new chapters, and lead us into unknown territories. Mars entering its Fire domicile represents a great opportunity to break free from the old, find the courage to take action to follow our dreams and make new experiences.

Mars’ journey through Aries supports our drive to make things happen, move forward, take risks, and explore where our instinct takes us. This transit supports our willingness to take initiative, our motivation to start new endeavors, and our capacity to fight for our desires.


Mars conjunct Jupiter & Mars conjunct Chiron


Shortly after Mars’ ingress into Aries, we experience a potent Mars-Jupiter conjunction. Jupiter has recently entered the sign after 12 years and will be joined by Mars on May 29. The Mars-Jupiter conjunction is going to be very active on the New Moon in Gemini taking place on May 30: for this reason, the energy of this alignment will color the upcoming lunar cycle, increasing its dynamism. Mars conjunct Jupiter ignites our desire for personal freedom, inspiring us to take action to actively defend what we believe in. This conjunction will expand our need to feel free to live as we wish, possibly indicating a tendency to exaggerate and take unnecessary risks.

Later, on June 15, Mars joins asteroid Chiron, also transiting through Aries. The Mars-Chiron conjunction invites us to heal our relationship with the Masculine as an energetic principle. It could bring up wounds relative to the expression of assertivity, anger, and leadership, both in our personal lives and in society, and invite us to work on our relationship with men and with the archetypal energy of the Warrior. This is a good time to reflect on how we tend to affirm ourselves, on our capacity to be clear, direct, and decisive, on our willingness to take initiative and take risks, on how we relate with and express our rage.


Mars sextile Saturn & Mars square Pluto


On June 27, Mars forms a sextile to Saturn in Aquarius, a favorable aspect that indicates the potential for opportunities that supports our capacity to work efficiently and proactively. This sextile helps us direct our efforts and our energies in a structured, organized, and productive way. Saturn is going to be retrograde by then, which indicates that, at this time, we may have chances to rethink and review the kind of structures we desire to build and make necessary changes in our plans of action.

mars enters aries

Later, on July 1, shortly before entering Taurus, Mars squares retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. This alignment indicates a tension between our conscious desires, symbolized by Mars, and our unconscious motivations, relative to Pluto, which could lead to feeling inwardly conflicted. This alignment could mark a turning point in our personal lives and our collective evolutionary journey. Pent-up frustration and anger could explode or implode, as these planets intensify each other’s expression. These days, it is important to make sure we have constructive outlets for all this heat and that we channel our energy and our power wisely, into physical movement and activities we are passionate about.


Mars enters Aries: Time of Changes


Mars entering Aries ignites our inner Fire and inspires us to take advantage of all the possibilities that the present moment can offer. This transit inspires us to put ourselves out there in new ways and break away from ways of being, acting, and behaving that aren’t serving us. Mars in Aries supports our stamina, our energy levels, our willpower, and our strength, and increases our impulsivity and impatience.

Venus is also entering her home sign of Taurus on May 28. The two relationship planets being both at home is a factor that will increase our desire for passion and romance and represent a beneficial influence on our love and social life.

After a few months with many planets in Pisces, indicating an increased sensitivity and drawing us to explore our inner world, the energy shifts substantially and becomes more outwardly oriented. Mars in Aries will bring change and novelty into our lives, increase our confidence, and inspire us to move forward, take action, and explore our desires without much second-guessing.

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