March 2025 Astrology Forecast: Bridge Between Worlds
Moon Omens
March 1, 2025
On March 1, 01:26 PM —
March 2025 is a bridge between worlds: with Eclipse season unfolding and Neptune’s first ingress into Aries, we are entering a month of transition, where endings and beginnings merge and intertwine.
March kicks off with Venus stationing retrograde in Aries, marking the beginning of a period dedicated to reassessing and restructuring our relationships, finances, and values. Shortly after, Mercury enters Aries too, inviting direct communication and decisive action. On March 14, we experience the first Eclipse of the year, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo that brings a grounding reality check amidst the dreamy Pisces season. Just a day after the Eclipse, Mercury too stations retrograde in Aries.
During the second half of the month, the beginning of Aries season supports our willingness to take action on our desires, and the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries opens our eyes to new possibilities. However, Pisces energy continues to be prominent, inviting us to slow down and shift our focus inward. Both Venus and Mercury retrograde back into Pisces, crossing paths with Neptune on the final degree of this sign. This configuration brings potent opportunities for healing, forgiving ourselves and others, and tapping into latent psychic and spiritual gifts. Finally, Neptune’s first entry into Aries on March 30 inaugurates a brand-new chapter of our personal and collective evolution.
Here are more details about March 2025 upcoming transits.
Venus stations Retrograde in Aries
March 1, 2025, 7:36 PM EST
As the new month begins, Venus stations retrograde at 10º Aries. Venus retrograde is a special event, as this planet spends the least amount of time in apparent backward motion of any other celestial body. This is a time of redefinition of both our relationships with others and our relationship with ourselves, a time to reassess our values and our financial habits, and reorient according to our deepest truth. In Aries, this transit brings the spotlight on redefining our relationship with our desires, our instinct, our sexuality, and our physicality, as well as the way we relate with our self-discovery and self-actualization journey. Read full article here.
Mercury enters Aries
March 3, 2025, 04:04 AM EST
Mercury’s ingress into Aries motivates us to communicate with boldness and decisiveness. This transit encourages quick thinking and decision-making and supports our ability to take action on our ideas. During this time, we are inclined to speak our truth and express our opinions without overthinking about how they might be received. Impulsive speech can be more tempting during this transit, which can correspond to a surge in discussions and verbal confrontations. Nevertheless, Mercury in Aries inspires us to be courageous in both thought and action and motivates us to go after what we want without second-guessing ourselves. Read full article here.
Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
March 14, 2025, 02:59 AM EST
The first Eclipse of the season happens in Virgo: this is the first Eclipse in the sign since 2016. This event reminds us of the importance of keeping our feet on the Earth and brings unresolved issues to the surface, while inviting us to release habits, behaviors, and ways of being that don’t support our physical, mental, and spiritual health. This Total Lunar Eclipse happens on the South Node, which offers an opportunity for deep emotional purging and inner work. In Virgo, it is an invitation to let go of patterns that keep us stuck in self-criticism, overthinking, and perfectionism. The Full Moon will tightly oppose Saturn in Pisces, highlighting where excessive rigidity, need for control, or avoidance of responsibility may be limiting our growth.
Mercury stations Retrograde in Aries
March 15, 2025, 02:46 AM EST
Just a few hours after the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, Mercury, Virgo’s ruler, stations retrograde in Aries. As Mercury’s shift of motion happens during the Eclipse window, the need for a major shift in perception is emphasized. The invitation for us is to reassess how we perceive reality, communicate, and think.We have an opportunity to establish a new relationship with our minds as we navigate the changes unfolding within and around us. In Aries, Mercury retrograde encourages us to pause before speaking or sharing our thoughts, and be particularly mindful of any impulses to act or speak hastily. This transit urges us to pay attention to what triggers our impulsive reactions and reconsider how we assert ourselves and our ideas.
Sun enters Aries
March 20, 2025, 05:02 AM EST
The Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac wheel, where it is traditionally considered to be exalted. Here, the Sun shines with maximum potency: both the Sun and Aries belong to the Fire element, associated with creation, vitality, passion, and action. This combination of energies supports risk-taking and creative self-discovery: during Aries season, the focus goes on the unfamiliar, the unexplored, and the new. This season is a time to put ourselves out there and challenge ourselves: it is a time to explore unfamiliar paths despite our fears, a time to learn by trial and error without getting discouraged by setbacks.
Venus Retrogrades from Aries to Pisces
March 27, 2025, 04:41 AM EST
Retrograde Venus leaves Aries and re-enters Pisces, immediately crossing Neptune at 29º of his home sign. This portion of the Venus retrograde transit is an opportunity to tie up loose ends and explore new ways of relating with the Divine, the mystery, and the unseen. Venus coming back to Pisces is an invitation to deal with any lingering issues from the past weeks and months and recognize how we might have idealized others or projected our desires and expectations onto them. The final Venus-Neptune conjunction in Pisces is also a powerful opportunity to forgive ourselves and others and heal past wounds for good. This is a very potent time to do work aimed at opening our hearts and aligning with the frequency of unconditional love.
New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries & Mercury Retrogrades from Aries to Pisces
March 29, 2025, 06:48 AM EST and 10:18 PM EST
A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, is an incredibly powerful opportunity to start fresh and leave the past behind. This Solar Eclipse kicks off a new cycle of personal and collective evolution, transformation, and growth. However, this is our last Eclipse in Aries until 2032, hence it also represents the ending of a chapter of our journey. Moreover, the Sun and the Moon at 8º Aries are widely conjunct with Mercury in Aries as well as Neptune, Venus, and the North Node on the late degrees of Pisces, which emphasizes the feeling of closure and completion. Endings and beginnings are blending as the Solar Eclipse in Aries peaks: this event highlights the need to close the door on the past to make space for new opportunities and possibilities.
Mercury retrogrades back to Pisces a few hours after the Eclipse, immediately joining Neptune and Venus. The final Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Pisces can flood our minds with intuitive messages and revelations and facilitate the activations of latent psychic gifts. Nevertheless, this aspect also indicates heightened possibilities of experiencing a strong sense of confusion, misunderstandings, and brain fog. Mercury’s retrograde journey through Pisces is a powerful opportunity to deepen our inner and spiritual exploration, revisit recent events, and renew our trust in Life and in our inner guidance system.
Neptune enters Aries
March 30, 2025, 08:01 AM EST
After being in his home sign of Pisces since 2012, Neptune makes his first ingress into Aries. This shift can feel like waking up from a long blurry dream to find ourselves in a completely unfamiliar landscape, alone. We may feel we have access to a newfound sense of clarity and direction, but beware: we might just have entered a different kind of dream. Aries is the most individualistic sign, unconsciously self-centered and self-referential, while Neptune is all-embracing, boundaryless, a reminder of our unity of everyone and everything. A central theme of Neptune’s journey through Aries is aligning our personal will and desires with Divine Will, with the Universe’s plans for us. Neptune’s shift of signs brings unique opportunities for spiritual awakenings and breakthroughs and is likely to shed light on illusions we believed to be true during Neptune in Pisces transit.
March 2025 Astrology Forecast: Our Invitation
March 2025 is a bridge between worlds: this month, we will be navigating between closing past cycles and venturing toward new, uncharted territories that demand courage and trust. Our task for the upcoming weeks is to clear out outdated illusions, attachments, and self-concepts, and make space for new ways of thinking, relating, and being.
This month, we experience the first Eclipse in Virgo since 2016 and the last Eclipse in Aries for this cycle. We already experienced a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in 2024, however, the North Node was still in Aries. For the upcoming year and a half, we are going to experience Eclipses while the Nodes are on the Virgo/Pisces axis: it is a potent time to reflect on what was going on in our life between 2015 and 2017 and pay attention to the themes that emerged back then, as they will be activated again.
As March comes to a close, Neptune makes his first ingress into Aries and begins a brand-new cycle through the Zodiac wheel. Surrendering to transformation becomes crucial during this time. The key invitation for us is to trust the process, allow old cycles to come to completion, and step into this new era with faith, even if the path ahead is still uncertain.
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