article Jupiter in Taurus: Tuning into Abundance
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Astrology & Omens

Jupiter in Taurus: Tuning into Abundance

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Moon Omens

May 15, 2023

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On May 15, 12:12 PM —

On May 16, 1:20 PM ET Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus. Jupiter’s transit through Taurus will last for a year, until May 2024. During this time, Jupiter will encourage us to tune into the frequency of abundance, bring our attention to the value of simple living, remind us of the importance of embodiment, and invite us to slow down. Jupiter in Taurus offers us an invitation to connect with the abundance within us and all around us.

The ingress of Jupiter in Taurus will be significant for everyone, but it is particularly relevant for those of us who were born with planets or angles in Fixed signs and for those of us with Sagittarius placements. The individual more strongly impacted by this transit will have an opportunity to develop a closer relationship with their physical body, experience a shift in their beliefs and values, and feel inspired to actively work on cultivating self-love and a more solid sense of self-worth.

Jupiter in Taurus: Attune to Your Senses


Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces, is connected with expansion, abundance, faith, and Natural Law. This planet is associated with our drive to search for the meaning of life through religion, philosophy, metaphysics, or traveling, and form a system of beliefs. Jupiter magnifies and expands whatever he comes into contact with. This planet correlates with our ability to connect with our personal truth, to be authentic, and corresponds with the right hemisphere of the brain and with all intuitive, experiential learning processes. Jupiter is also associated with the dynamic of exaggeration, which is a form of dishonesty, and with both optimism and pessimism. 

Taurus, the second sign of the Zodiac, corresponds to a phase of evolution focused on preserving life and guaranteeing survival. Self-sufficiency and self-reliance are key qualities correlated with Taurus: this sign teaches us to value ourselves and what we have to offer. For this reason, it is associated with our relationship with our body, self-love, and self-worth. Taurus reminds us that our physical body is an extension of Nature and invites us to take the time to listen, slow down, turn inward, and experience life through our senses.

The combination of the energies of Jupiter and Taurus feels luscious, abundant, rich, and fertile. This transit offers us an invitation to review our beliefs about our body, sensuality, and pleasure, and work on letting go of beliefs that prevent us from remaining centered in feelings of self-love and self-worth.

Jupiter in Taurus: Balance Between Indulgence & Embracing Healthy Discomfort


Jupiter’s transit through Aries has been a time to cultivate faith in our instinct, a time to be bold and daring, a time to be courageous in going after what we desire without much second-guessing. This transit led us on a journey of spontaneous exploration of desire, will, and instinct, as a way to learn more about ourselves and Life.

Jupiter in Taurus transit will inspire us to connect with feelings of abundance and recognize the abundance within us and surrounding us. This shift can be an indicator of financial growth and is likely to support our awareness of how to apply our skills, talents, and resources in space-time reality.

Risks associated with Jupiter in Taurus could be overindulging in physical and sensorial pleasures, getting too comfortable with a state of non-doing, and waiting for too long for things to come to us, without putting in enough effort. Finding a balance between excessively indulging in pleasure and embracing healthy discomfort for the sake of growth will be necessary.


Jupiter conjunct the North Node: Learning from Nature


Jupiter is currently conjunct with the North Node of the Moon in the early degrees of Taurus. This alignment emphasizes the invitation to cultivate resilience and self-sufficiency and explore new ways to embrace a more sustainable and environmentally conscious lifestyle. The Jupiter-North Node conjunction brings into the spotlight the necessity to recognize the importance of respecting Nature, learning from Nature, and living in alignment with her rhythms. 

This configuration invites us to recognize where our existing emotional attachments, addictions, and codependency patterns may be preventing us from connecting with the truth of what’s happening in our reality. Mercury is also conjunct Jupiter and the North Node, underlining the invitation of staying committed to an ongoing learning journey, refining our communication skills, and honing our capacity to integrate logic and intuition.

Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter square Pluto: Transforming Outdated Beliefs


As Jupiter enters Taurus, he immediately squares Pluto at 0º Aquarius. Jupiter is also separating from a square to Mars in the late degrees of Cancer. The Jupiter-Pluto square, in particular, will continue to be active for several weeks, underlining the importance of these days as a time of transformation of our individual and collective worldviews and beliefs. 

This alignment encourages us to release those identities we formed as a result of an attachment to specific ideologies, philosophies, religions, cosmologies, and systems of thought. It is a time to open our minds to new dimensions and outgrow beliefs and worldviews that contribute to keeping us smaller, naive, and disconnected from our truth. Because Jupiter and Pluto are forming a square, an aspect indicating friction, resistance to this process is present, and we are navigating feelings of tension that often come with paradigm changes.

The Jupiter-Pluto square is bringing our focus to those areas of our lives where we may disempower ourselves by being excessively indulgent, attached to our comfort zone, or blinded by our senses, failing to see the deeper layers of our experiences, the deeper intentions, motivations, and desires behind our actions and choices.

Seeking pleasure and running away from pain can be a way to avoid feeling emotions that are under the surface of our consciousness, waiting to be felt, waiting for us to stop and acknowledge them. This is a time to notice in what ways we try to avoid ourselves by letting ourselves be intoxicated and distracted by an ongoing search for pleasurable experiences and make radical changes in our relationship to pleasure, our bodies, and our senses.


Jupiter in Taurus: Tuning into Abundance


The last time Jupiter was in Taurus was in 2012. Jupiter’s ingress in the sign of the Bull is an opportunity to revisit our journals of that time if we still have them around. We may reflect on what was taking place in our life back then, notice how we dealt with it, and what we would do now, tracking our growth and committing to making more mature and conscious choices.

Jupiter in Taurus will bring into the spotlight our beliefs surrounding our relationship with our bodies, with pleasure, with food, with sensuality, with Nature, and with slowness. This year-long transit directs our attention to the importance of connecting with simplicity, cultivating a solid sense of self-worth, and tuning into the abundance within us and all around us yet without falling into excess. We will have chances to notice where relying on a scarcity mindset directly impacts our ability to value and love ourselves enough and leads us to make choices that don’t fully honor our truth.

Exploring a balanced approach between overindulgence and unnecessary restriction will be necessary. We will be invited to acknowledge the value of pleasure, comfort, and material possessions, but also recognize that true abundance comes from living in alignment with our values and our truth: this is not always comfortable or pleasurable. Ultimately, Jupiter in Taurus invites us to channel our energy into what truly brings us a sense of fulfillment, cultivate a deeper appreciation for the simple pleasures in life, and deepen our commitment to our expansion and growth.

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Tell us what you think


  • I deeply appreciate your insightful messages about the impact of cosmic movements and your daily inspirations are spot on! It’s lovely to be affirmed in what I notice about my own shifting. Thank you and bless you💕🙏

  • Was looking forward to this. It was so hot that I could hear the drums! Thank you so much! 🙂

  • I feel this journey already started for me. I am a Taurean (19th May), Aquarian moon and Libra rising. I feel it started in 2012 but has intensified the past 2-3 years.

  • I don’t know why but May 17 has been popping up for me for about 9 months, today occultation showed up, I have a progressed Stellium in Taurus 11th house that lines right up with the transit Stellium , I also have a natal grand fixed cross. Don’t know what it means but I’ll find out lol

  • Thanks for educating me about the energy that is present at this time. I will know how to engage the vibrations that are occurring

  • Dear Hearts,
    Mostly as I read your articles I find that I’m already heading in whatever direction you are speaking of. Checking in on 2012 really set me back on my heels (heals). Big pat on the back to me because I’ve come a long way! Thank you! 💚


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