article June 2021 Astrology Update: Cognitive Dissonance
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Astrology & Omens

June 2021 Astrology Update: Cognitive Dissonance

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Moon Omens

June 12, 2021

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Eclipse season is always a time of unpredictability and fast change and June 2021 will be no exception. We are in the midst of two Eclipses, the intensity is undeniable, and so is the feeling of cognitive dissonance. After the Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius that took place on May 26, during June we will experience an Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini, the last one happening in the sign of the Twins until 2029. This cosmic event marks a new beginning that inaugurates a six-month cycle of growth and culminates with a Full Moon in Gemini on December 18.

Moreover, during June 2021 we will witness the second exact square between Saturn in Aquarius, now in retrograde motion, and Uranus in Taurus. This is the main theme of 2021: it highlights the tension between past and future, and the need to adapt to the social shifts that are taking place by radically restructuring our inner and outer reality. Retrograde Saturn square Uranus reflects the resistance we need to deal with as we try to break free from what is preventing us from moving towards a way of living that honors our individuality.

While we welcome the Solstice, Jupiter stations retrograde: at this time, four planets will be in an apparent backward motion, slowing down the overall momentum and inviting us to spend more time in reflection. Only a couple of days after Mercury stations direct, Neptune will station retrograde too, joining Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, encouraging us to connect with our center and find stillness amid the general sense of chaos.


Venus enters Cancer

June 2, 09:19 AM ET

As the new month begins, Venus moves from Gemini to Cancer where she will remain for three weeks. When Venus travels through the sign of the Crab we value nurturance and we desire to have a stable support system. We feel naturally more drawn to spending time with our close ones and more willing to allow our vulnerability to be seen by others. Our insecurities in our love life and social arena may emerge to be witnessed, accepted, and loved. Venus in Cancer softens us and changes our attitude around relationships. This transit will inspire us to seek and cultivate meaningful emotional exchanges with a few trusted others with whom we feel safe. Read full article here.


Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn

June 5, 3:45 PM ET

When Mars opposes Pluto, we experience polarization, impulsivity, and a strong reactivity that can easily get out of control. This is a very powerful energy that can turn destructive, yet offers us amazing fuel and motivation. As our desires get more intense and visceral, our willpower and drive to achieve exponentially increase. This alignment culminates a cycle that started with the Mars-Pluto conjunction of March 23, 2020, at 24° of Capricorn. As Mars is in watery Cancer, there is a risk of excessive emotional reactions linked to very subjective perceptions of events. Make sure to channel your emotional energy and your anger into constructive outlets, as the resentment that we have been suppressing so far may unexpectedly explode. Read full article here.


New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini conjunct Mercury and square Neptune

June 10, 06:52 AM ET

The Solar Eclipse in Gemini will happen on the North Node of the Moon, and the Sun and the Moon will be conjunct retrograde Mercury, their planetary ruler. While, on the one hand, this New Moon Eclipse represents the beginning of a new lunar cycle, on the other we may feel we still carry something unclear and unresolved. Neptune will be in a square aspect to Sun, Moon, and Mercury. Our perception of reality is likely to be clouded and extremely subjective, as during these days we will tend to interpret everything through our emotional filter. Making peace with the sense of not having it all figured out just yet and remaining open to different interpretations of facts may help us navigate these times with more ease. Read full article here.


Mars enters Leo

June 11, 09:34 AM ET

Shortly after the Eclipse has taken place, Mars travels from Cancer to Leo, giving us a boost of energy and optimism, inspiring us to make choices that allow us to take control of our lives. During this transit, we tend to be romantic and playful, and we will naturally feel more passionate and individualistic. Mars in Leo inspires us to focus on our creative and personal development and to make the most out of our talents and skills. We are encouraged to show up in the world as we are, and connect with a sense of self-confidence rooted in radical self-love self-acceptance rather than arrogance or entitlement. Read full article here.


Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

June 14, 6:00 PM ET

The ongoing Saturn Uranus square reflects the tension between conservative and future-oriented values we experience during the entire 2021. It corresponds to resistance to change and to the limitations we encounter as we try to establish new systems and paradigms. Saturn square Uranus may correlate with disruptions to our stability and security that have the purpose of liberating us from stagnation. In February, the two planets exactly aligned for the first time, while they were both in direct motion: now, Saturn is retrograde. This indicates the need to review and reflect upon our priorities, commitments, responsibilities, and duties, and upon how to best adapt to the changes that have been taking place. Saturn square Uranus reflects the challenges we encounter as we try to break free from crystallized structures and try to create something different.


Cancer Season begins & Jupiter stations Retrograde in Pisces

June 20, 11:32 PM ET & 11:05 AM ET

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer as we experience the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Almost simultaneously, Jupiter stations retrograde in the sign of Pisces, and forms a beautiful water trine with the Sun, inspiring us to see challenges as opportunities for growth. Cancer season is a time to tend to our inner garden, come back to our heart, and focus on self-care, close bonds, and personal time, turning our attention inwards rather than outwards.

The Solstice represents a new beginning, and whatever happens on this day gives us information around how the three months ahead will unfold. Jupiter stationing retrograde invites us to put into discussions our beliefs and assumptions to be able to embody a deeper authenticity and connect with our personal truth. Jupiter will be retrograde for approximately four months and move back into Aquarius on July 28, helping us get in touch with our capacity for innovation and inviting us to question what being authentic means for us.


Mercury stations direct in Gemini

June 22, 6:00 PM ET

After being in retrograde motion since May 29, Mercury stations direct. As the Messenger slowly begins moving forward again, we are encouraged to begin taking action upon the insights we received during the retrograde. However, Mercury is still in a square to Neptune in Pisces, which may delay the sense of complete certainty and understanding many of us are longing for. After Mercury completes its post-shadow phase on July 7 and begins moving away from the square to Neptune, everything is likely to feel clearer.


Full Super Moon in Capricorn, Venus opposite Pluto

June 24, 2:39 PM ET

This Full Super Moon culminates the cycle that started with the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, as well as a larger six months cycle that began in January, with a New Moon in Capricorn. The New Moon in Capricorn we experienced in January was conjunct Pluto, and Pluto is now opposing Venus in Cancer. Plutonic themes, such as issues of power, control, and manipulation, may emerge again, while unhealthy relationship dynamics and corruption may be brought to light. On this Full Moon, we have an opportunity to gain more self-awareness, establish healthy boundaries, and get to know our shadows on a deeper level. We may witness tangible results of the projects and plans we have been focusing on, and feel clearer on what needs restructuring and redefinition.


Neptune stations Retrograde in Pisces

June 25, 3:22 PM ET

Towards the end of the month, Neptune begins its retrograde cycle, lasting approximately six months every year. We are dealing with an ethereal, transpersonal planet. The effects of this transit are felt on a subtle and collective level. Neptune retrograde inspires us to find the answers we are looking for within ourselves, to seek stillness and silence, and connect with the energy that wants to express itself through us. We have a chance to reflect upon our projections, expectations, and irrational fantasies, lift the veil of illusion and be willing to deal with the truth, even if it hurts.


Venus enters Leo

June 27, 12:27 AM ET

Venus leaving Cancer and joining Mars in the sign of the Lion contributes to uplifting our mood, inspiring us to be more playful and lighthearted. After a very emotional Full Moon and a lot of emphasis on the Water element, Venus entering Leo reminds us to give the right value to joy and pleasure and allow ourselves to have fun. With this transit, we are encouraged to self-source the attention and adoration we naturally desire. Venus in Leo is a time to celebrate ourselves and the beauty of life, enjoy its pleasures and learn to feel special and worthy just as we are, without seeking validation or appreciation from external sources.


June 2021 Astrology Update: Our Invitation


We are living in interesting times, and during June 2021 there will be a strong emphasis on the Water element, which will intensify our experience of emotions. The Eclipses are magnifying and revealing what can’t be swept under the rug anymore, while the Saturn-Uranus square keeps forcing substantial, radical, and systemic change. We are all experiencing a sense of confusion, and we feel some amount of lack of clarity. Many of us aren’t sure what to believe in anymore, and none of us knows where all this is taking us.

Holding on to our assumptions and our security attachments is not going to be helpful right now. This is a moment to be flexible and patient, to be receptive to what life is bringing on our path, keeping in mind that our version of the truth isn’t the only truth, and approaching conflict or misunderstandings from a curious rather than reactive place. We can learn and grow a lot during the month of June: not trying to control things and going more with the flow may unexpectedly bring us to beautiful places.

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