article July 2020 Astrology Forecast – Integration & Initiation
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Astrology & Omens

July 2020 Astrology Forecast – Integration & Initiation

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Moon Omens

July 2, 2020

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Welcome to a new month of July! In this article we are going to explore July 2020 Astrology Forecast.

The first half of July represents a period of emotional integration. Eclipse season is ending with a Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, and many planets keep moving retrograde. We will feel drawn to spend time reflecting and evaluating the changes that occurred during June, taking responsibility for the choices we made.

Many of us are going to feel the energetic shift that happened since Mars is in Aries. During the second half of the upcoming month, many people will be motivated to bring forth major decisions in their lives, like relocating, starting their own business, or changing careers.

The first weeks of July remain a highly emotional time: letting go of the past can be harder than we expected. As Leo season begins, the excitement will take over: the fiery energy will increase, and support us in the initiation of meaningful changes.


Saturn retrogrades in Capricorn

July starts with a significant event: after spending about three months in Aquarius, Saturn retrogrades back into Capricorn. The Planet of Time and Karma will stay in serious Capricorn until December 17, and he won’t come back there for 28-29 years

Before officially inaugurating two years and a half of Saturn in Aquarius, we are asked to take a step back and review some of the lessons that emerged during the last couple of years, when Saturn has been in Capricorn. Saturn transits inspire us to take full responsibility for our lives and remind us that, if we work hard and consistently, we have the power to manifest any reality we want. Tap to read Saturn retrogrades in Capricorn article.


Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

This Eclipse is particularly important as, besides closing the current Eclipse season, it is also the last one happening in Capricorn for the next 18 years. This energy may bring up issues from the past, to allow us to fully heal and move forward.

The Eclipse invites us to reflect on the role we want to have in society, on the duties it implies, and on the relationship between responsibility and power. Family dynamics may also be triggered. We could feel drawn to reflect on the conditionings received, and how they influence our patterns of behavior and our relationship with authorities.


Mercury Stations Direct

July 2020 Astrology Forecast

Mercury stations direct after three weeks of retrograde motion. As he transits through Cancer, we have the opportunity to solve and clarify any misunderstanding that happened during the retrograde. When Mercury was moving backward, we have been reflecting on the way we normally think and speak to ourselves and others.

We will keep working on integrating more kindness and empathy in our verbal exchanges, especially with our family and the people closest to us. Mercury will be in Cancer for the rest of July, inspiring us to cultivate compassion and deepen our emotional intelligence.


Mars conjunct Chiron Retrograde

July 2020 Astrology Forecast

Chiron stations retrograde on July 11, and just a few days later he forms a conjunction with Mars at 9°26′ Aries. As the archetype of the Wounded Healer meets the archetype of the Warrior, we are encouraged to reflect on our inner wounded masculine, and on the way this energy has created distortions within families and society.

With any Chiron transit, the wound itself is the medicine: becoming conscious of the origin of feelings like impotence and powerlessness allows us to transmute the energy that has been repressed, and to take back our power.


Sun opposite Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn

July 2020 Astrology Forecast

As the Sun in Cancer opposes the three Giants in Capricorn, he shines a light on the importance of finding balance and flow between our personal life and our social role.

We may become conscious of patterns of behaviors we adopt in society that are not authentically reflecting our inner self. We could realize that what we are currently doing for a living is not aligned with our sense of purpose and decide to make a change. This energy may inspire us to redefine our relationship with authorities and laws in a way that feels more empowering and positive.


New Moon in Cancer

July 2020 Astrology Forecast

The second New Moon in Cancer of 2020 is the very first New Moon after Eclipse season ended, which marks the beginning of a new chapter in our collective and personal evolution. Having two New Moons in Cancer is a clear indicator of the need to integrate more emotional awareness into our lives.

We will be inspired to revisit the vision we had in May, before Eclipse season started, and acknowledge what has changed. The invitation is giving concrete form to our dreams from a higher level of consciousness.


Leo Season

The Sun enters Leo bringing up the enthusiasm and the positive vibes. We are all going to feel this shift: when the Sun is the sign he rules, his energy is more influential and more powerful.

Leos are famous for their love for life and their ability to see the bright side of any situation. During Leo season, we are encouraged to connect with our playfulness and have some fun after the emotional intensity of Eclipses and Cancer season.


Venus square Neptune

Venus in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces have been squaring each other on and off since May. At the end of July, we experience the last of three cycles of squares. This time, Venus is direct while Neptune is moving retrograde.

These planets inspire us to become aware of our assumptions in relationships; they invite us to let go of the need to know what to expect from our partner. The tension of this square implies a crisis in action: while Venus in Gemini wants to know it all, Neptune in Pisces keeps reminding us that we have no idea of what’s actually going on.

The invitation is cultivating a sense of faith and the belief that whatever happens, it is the best thing for our growth.

We hope you have enjoyed July 2020 Astrology Forecast. Comment below what events you are excited about the most and why. Sending love and blessings your way. Happy and abundant July!


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