article Harvest Full Moon in Pisces: Faith in Life’s Unfolding
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Astrology & Omens

Harvest Full Moon in Pisces: Faith in Life’s Unfolding

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Moon Omens

September 9, 2022

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On Sep 10, 05:58 AM ET, we experience a Full Moon in Pisces, happening while Mercury is stationary retrograde in Libra. The Full Moon is conjunct Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces: this lunation invites us to open our hearts to Life and cultivate full trust and faith in its unfolding.

The current Full Moon is the closest one to the Fall Equinox and, for this reason, it is popularly referred to as the Harvest Moon. For millennia, this lunation has represented a time of celebration of our efforts and communion with the land. In the past, in the Northern Hemisphere of the globe, this Full Moon marked the culmination of a season of work and was an indicator of the time of harvest, as it allowed people to have additional hours of light at night to reap the crops. 


Harvest Full Moon in Pisces: Order & Chaos, Structure & Flow


The current Full Moon culminates a chapter that began six months ago, on March 2, with the New Moon in Pisces conjunct with her ancient ruler, Jupiter. We are also at the maturation point of the lunar cycle that started two weeks ago, with the New Moon in Virgo. From now on, the Moon is going to receive less and less light each night, inviting us to slowly let go of our original intentions as the lunar month comes to an end.

Full Moons are times of release, conclusion, and closure. Since Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, the feeling of closure and culmination is even stronger. Full Moons take place when the Moon aligns with the Sun at a 180º angle, technically known as opposition, and the Earth is between them. The Sun and the Moon are transiting in opposite Zodiac signs, emphasizing the need to find a balance between two complementary polarities. 

Right now, the spotlight is on the Virgo-Pisces axis, the axis of service, healing, devotion, and mindfulness. The Virgo-Pisces polarity invites us to find order in chaos and balance structure and flow. While Virgo is about fully honoring our humanness, inhabiting our bodies and the mundane reality we are experiencing daily, Pisces corresponds to the impulse to transcend our human experience and connect with something beyond our separate selves. The activation of the Virgo-Pisces axis invites us to remain mindful and respect the inherent sacredness of everything.


Full Moon conjunct Neptune: Mystical, Transcendental, & Otherworldly


The Harvest Full Moon is conjunct Neptune, the modern planetary ruler of Pisces. This adds a strong transcendental, mystical, and otherworldly feeling to this lunation. Neptune and Pisces are connected to the last evolutionary stage of the Zodiac, which is about the dissolution of boundaries and of the separate sense of self that was formed during the previous eleven signs. Neptune is currently in retrograde motion, which increases the introspective, reflective, and contemplative qualities of this Full Moon.

Full moon in pisces

While our inclination to fantasize and daydream is likely to increase, this Full Moon may also mark a time to release our attachment to something that isn’t True. It could offer us opportunities to become aware of Truth and uncover illusions we have been relying upon. These days, we may have chances to let go of naivety and get to access a deeper level of awareness, acceptance, and trust in Life. 


Letting Go of the Need to Define Ourselves


The conjunction of Neptune and the Full Moon in Pisces magnifies our empathy, our intuition, and our sensitivity. Neptune and Pisces rule dreams, sleep, and circadian rhythms, linked to the production of melatonin by the pineal gland. For this reason, this lunation is likely to enhance our dream life, which could be especially vivid and full of symbolism, while increasing our capacity to access meditative and flow states.

The Sun-Neptune opposition is going to be exact on September 16, and we will keep feeling it for the entire week ahead. This aspect could bring a feeling of dissolution of an old identity, sense of self, or sense of purpose. On the one hand, we could feel a bit lost, as we may feel emptiness, lack of motivation, and an unexplainable urge to let go of something without knowing what comes next. On the other hand, we could experience a sense of freedom and joy, as we let go of the need to define ourselves or know our path in detail and simply allow ourselves to be and walk the path that unfolds in front of us.


Full Moon sextile Uranus & square Mars: Need for Excitement


Both Uranus and Mars are in aspect to the Full Moon, adding a more proactive and action-oriented quality to the receptive, sensitive, and empathic Piscean and Neptunian energy. These alignments increase our need for change, stimulation, experimentation, and movement.

Uranus is in Taurus, in a trine to the Sun, and in a sextile to the Moon. These are both harmonic aspects that are facilitating change, giving us the courage to make different choices, to choose differently, stand out from the crowd, and explore beyond our habitual social networks. The activation of Uranus will catalyze innovation and creativity, indicating a desire to embrace new ways of being and honor our individuality.

Mars is in Gemini, squaring both the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces. These alignments add a passionate quality to this lunation, increasing our determination and our willingness to fight for what we desire. Taking time to notice our triggers without immediately reacting to them is advised, as impulsivity is likely to be present these days.

To help you harness this energy Full Moon in Pisces brings we have created Full Moon printable channeled “Faith in Life’s Unfolding” journal and guided meditation audio. We invite you to use these Full Moon in Pisces tools: journal and meditate together with Moon Omens Soul Family. Tap here to learn more and gain access to ritual tools.

Mercury retrograde in Libra: Reassessing Communications in Relationships 


Just a few hours before the Full Moon, Mercury has stationed retrograde at 8º55’ Libra, beginning its third retrograde cycle of 2022. This transit, lasting until October 2, is an opportunity to reevaluate, renew, review, and reassess our way to communicate with others, as well as our way of thinking and perceiving relationships. Mercury retrograde in Libra invites us to refine our awareness of communication dynamics, reflect on how we habitually approach confrontations, discussions, and conflicts, and question our way to show up in relationships, our values, our needs, and the expectations we may place on others.

Mercury comes back to Virgo on September 23. This shift represents a chance for us to establish adjustments in our daily life and work, reorganize our routines, and reassess our standards and priorities. Mercury retrograde in Virgo invites us to reflect on our healing journey, rethink our concept of wellness, and redefine the way we perceive and care for our health. It will give us chances to self-correct, if needed, and come back to alignment, with deeper discernment and awareness.

Mercury is stationary while in opposition to retrograde Jupiter in Aries, the ancient ruler of Pisces, and in a trine to Mars in Gemini. The Mercury-Jupiter opposition invites us to be mindful of the difference between opinions and truth, facts and beliefs. It increases our capacity to communicate in a charismatic manner, but also the tendency to exaggerate and misrepresent facts. The Mercury-Mars trine supports assertiveness and clarity in our communications, it inspires us to speak our truth confidently and directly and offers us chances to empower ourselves through written and spoken word.

To help you navigate Mercury Retrograde and learn everything about it we have created really profound and completely free e-book “Mercury Retrograde: The True Meaning”. You can download Mercury Retrograde e-book here.


Harvest Full Moon in Pisces: Building Bridges Between Physical and Spiritual


This Full Moon magnifies our sensitivity, our empathy, and our awareness of what is taking place around us, as both Neptune and Pisces correlate with the invisible threads that link us all, with the collective emotional body, with the collective unconscious, and with all mass phenomena. For this reason, what is happening to other people and in the world may affect us particularly intensely, and we may not even realize it. These days, distinguishing our feelings from other people’s feelings or the collective frequency may be challenging, and we may experience sensations and emotions that seemingly have no clear cause. A sense of confusion could arise and disorientation may result from it.

The activation of the Virgo-Pisces axis encourages us to build bridges between the physical and the spiritual. The Full Harvest Moon in Pisces is an invitation to remember how our physical body represents a doorway to a deeper sensitivity and an expanded awareness, when we ground ourselves firmly and honor our body’s needs. This lunation invites us to find harmony between flow and organization, surrender and discipline, intuition and logic. The Pisces Full Moon conjunct Neptune inspires us to focus on being and not only on doing, represents an opportunity to integrate more awareness into our daily lives, and reminds us to make time for more conscious moments of stillness.

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you enjoyed this article!

To find out more how this Harvest Full Moon is going to affect your sign read our September horoscope here.


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