article Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn: Breaking Cycles
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Astrology & Omens

Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn: Breaking Cycles

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Moon Omens

June 23, 2021

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On June 24, 2:39 PM ET, we experience a Full Strawberry Moon happening at 3°27’ of the sign of Capricorn.

Full Moons are a moment of fruition, maturation, and celebration. They represent the peak moment of the lunar cycle, a time to reap the rewards of our efforts and witness the results of the work we have been doing. These cosmic events happen when the Moon and the Sun form an opposition, which is a 180 degrees angle from our perspective on Earth: they occupy the same degree of opposite Zodiac signs, in this case, Cancer and Capricorn.

The Full Moon taking place in June is popularly known as the Strawberry Moon: it marks the time of the strawberry season in the Northern part of the globe. Strawberries have a connection to the planet Venus and the energies of love, fertility, abundance, and devotion: they are perennial plants and can remain productive for three to ten years. The Strawberry Full Moon is an invitation to connect with our hearts and with the feelings of love and abundance that are always available within ourselves.

To celebrate the arrival of Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn, on June 24 at 9:45 PM ET, we are hosting Global Live Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn Meditation on our YouTube channel. We invite you to join us, and invite others to meditate together with us. Tap here to find our scheduled live meditation.


Cancer-Capricorn: the Family Axis


The Sun is now in Cancer, exactly opposite the Moon in Capricorn. The light of the Sun brings our awareness to our subconscious and our emotional world, catalyzing revelations and breakthroughs, giving us chances to better understand the patterns we have developed to adapt to the early family dynamics we have been exposed to.

Cancer, ruled by the Moon, corresponds to the private sphere, to feelings of home and belonging, vulnerability and emotions, our inner child and our inner mother. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is associated with the public and the social sphere, with our inner authority figure, with our duties, our responsibilities, the rules we need to follow, the limitations we encounter, and the conditioning we have received.

Cancer-Capricorn is also considered the family axis. It relates to our perceptions of our childhood experiences relative to both our more nurturing parent and our more authoritative parent. These are directly linked to the way we learn to nurture and love ourselves, the expectations and judgments about ourselves we have internalized, and the scripts we unknowingly keep playing out, the loops we seem to be caught into.

Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn

These subconscious patterns will be highlighted by the current Full Moon, which will bring to light home versus work dynamics, emphasizing the contrast between public image and private behavior, and the connection between the past and the present. Many of us will feel a need to better balance the time invested in our professional and public obligations and the time we dedicate to self-care, family, and close bonds.


Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn: Taking Responsibility for our Emotional Wellbeing


Traditionally, the Moon in Capricorn is considered a debilitated placement because Capricorn is connected to rules, regulations, and laws, while the Moon relates to self-care, self-love, and nurturance. With this configuration, there is a tendency to be quite harsh on ourselves: we hold high expectations and standards, and we have hard times being gentle with ourselves when we don’t meet them.

The Moon in Capricorn reflects a tendency to control and sometimes restrict our natural emotional expression. This archetypal combination can correspond with a tendency to focus on practical matters as a way to divert our attention away from our feelings and keep pushing forward despite sadness, pain, or discomfort.

When the Moon travels through Capricorn, we always have an opportunity to gain more self-awareness and improve how we self-regulate and self-soothe. When the lunar functions are expressed through the filter of Capricorn, we learn how to feel worthy of nurturance, love, and care independently of our gains, performances, results, success, or status, and that it is primarily our duty to give love, care, and nurturance to ourselves.

The Full Moon in Capricorn opposing the Sun in Cancer invites us to take responsibility for our emotional wellbeing, reminding us to give space to emotional expression and release, yet without allowing our feelings to take the lead indiscriminately. During these days, we will have chances to set better boundaries that allow us to prioritize our emotional needs and not settle for less than we deserve.

To help you harness this energy Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn brings we have created Full Moon printable channeled “Breaking Cycles” journal and guided meditation audio. We invite you to use these Full Moon Ritual tools: journal and meditate together with Moon Omens Soul Family. Tap here to learn more and gain access to ritual tools.

Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn


Saturn square Uranus and opposite Mars: Explosive Energies


The ruler of the Full Moon in Capricorn is Saturn, now in retrograde motion in Aquarius, squaring Uranus in Taurus, and opposite Mars in Leo. Saturn is referred to as the Lord of time, ruling over the law of cause and effect, limitations, boundaries, as well as self-mastery, authority, and structure. The T-square configuration involving Saturn, Uranus, and Mars is explosive and unpredictable and will be most active between June 30 and July 5. There is a possibility of sudden and unexpected changes, social tension, and disruptive events meant to accelerate our growth. 

Saturn retrograde is about reassessing and redefining our priorities, how we use our time and energy, to be able to step up to a new level of personal authority and responsibility. Its transit through Aquarius is a chance to join forces with like minds to build something solid and innovative, that offers lasting value to both ourselves and others, promoting collective progress and personal evolution.

Mars in Leo reflects our instinctual desire for creative self-expression and personal self-actualization, while Uranus in Taurus highlights our need to be free to be able to follow our rhythms and detach from societal expectations to connect with our unique values. Uranus is an iconoclast, Mars is a warrior: they both demand complete independence. We are all noticing a strong desire to break free from what is limiting and blocking us, or from what we perceive is suppressing our self-expression.

Scorpio is the only Fixed sign missing in the picture and represents the resolution point of the T-square configuration. Scorpio reminds us of the importance of looking deeper than what meets the eyes, to be able to find true strength in crises, hardships, and challenges. This archetype teaches us that by facing the parts of ourselves we have suppressed and denied we will be able to rise from the ashes of who we were and transmute our limitations.


Venus opposite Pluto and trine Neptune: Deep Connections and Fated Bonds


As the Full Moon in Capricorn takes place, Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn and trines Neptune in Pisces. When Venus opposes Pluto, we crave depth of connection: fated bonds and karmic encounters tend to manifest around this time, and existing relationships based on shaky foundations may culminate. When two planets oppose each other, it is always useful to go back to the time of their last conjunction to understand more deeply what their dialogue is about. Venus joined Pluto in Capricorn on January 28, 2021: reflect on what you started back then, what you were dealing with, what was showing up in your life, and what your focus was on, especially in your love life and in the financial arena.

Under the spell of Venus-Pluto alignments, we often express our all-consuming passion compulsively: love can bring us to extremes. We want all or nothing and we are obsessed with getting it. With this aspect, we have a chance to transform how we relate to both ourselves and others. We are encouraged to find a deeper sense of security within ourselves, strengthen our sense of self-worth, learn to value ourselves, and really start making choices that allow us to feel good in our own skin. 

Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn

The trine between Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces softens the mood, facilitating the connection with feelings of unconditional love and compassion, and increasing our desire to merge with a special someone. This aspect stimulates our inspiration and creativity and eases the process of channeling challenging and intense emotions into creative and artistic pursuits. Venus trine Neptune increases our receptivity and sensitivity and offers us a chance to deepen our relationship with the Universe, Nature, and the Divine within each of us.


Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn: Breaking Cycles


The Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn reminds us that we are the ones responsible to meet our emotional needs. And that it is normal to need others to meet our needs too. We are social beings, we are meant to connect with others, connection is literally what allows us to survive as a species. However, learning to feel completely comfortable, nurtured, and fulfilled when alone allows us to establish connections that aren’t based on holding on too tightly to the other for fear of being abandoned or betrayed by them.

During these days, we will have chances to understand how our early experiences keep influencing the way we see ourselves and how we show up in life, at work, and in all our relationships. We will have the opportunity to set better boundaries, make changes in our lives, and begin detaching from the repetitive patterns that we are in the process of outgrowing. On this Capricorn Full Moon, we are encouraged to become a nurturing authority figure for our inner child and to reparent ourselves in the way we need to feel unconditionally safe, loved, and cared for.

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