article Full Snow Moon in Leo: Our Right to Shine
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Astrology & Omens

Full Snow Moon in Leo: Our Right to Shine

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Moon Omens

February 16, 2022

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On February 16, 11:56 AM ET, the Moon at 27°59’ of Leo exactly opposes the Sun in Aquarius. We experience a Full Moon in the sign of the Lion, which rules the heart chakra. This lunation reminds us to keep our hearts open and reclaim our right to shine. This Full Moon increases our desire for romance and passion, also enhanced by the conjunction of Mars and Venus, the two relationship planets, in Capricorn.  

The Full Moon happening during February is also popularly referred to as the Snow Moon. The name is due to the frequent snowstorms taking place in the Northern and Eastern parts of what today we know as the United States around this time of the year. In the past, the Full Snow Moon signaled the arrival of snow, an invitation for people to gather indoors and be in community.

To celebrate the arrival of Full Moon in Leo, on February 16 9:45 PM ET, we are hosting Global Live Full Moon in Leo Meditation on our YouTube channel. We invite you to join us, and invite others to meditate together with us. Tap here to find our scheduled live meditation.


Full Snow Moon in Leo: Personal and Collective Identity


This month, the Moon reaches its culminating phase in Leo. Full Moons reveal to us something previously hidden, unclear, and uncertain. These events happen when the Moon forms a 180º angle with the Sun and bring up the challenge of finding more harmony between two opposite polarities. 

The current Sun-Moon opposition activates the Leo-Aquarius axis. This alignment emphasizes the need to find ways to connect our individual desires and creative expression with the needs of our community and humanity at large. The Full Snow Moon brings our attention to issues of personal and collective identity while offering us an invitation to express ourselves creatively in new ways. 


The Leo-Aquarius Axis: Developing our Unique Voice


The Moon in Leo has qualities of generosity, creativity, and playfulness. When the Moon transits here, we are encouraged to allow our inner child to be creative and see life as a playground, the world as our stage.

Full Moon in Leo

The Sun’s journey through Aquarius has been bringing the spotlight on the importance of developing objectivity, joining with like minds, and expressing our individuality on our terms. Aquarius season is a time to explore group connections, visionary thinking, and our relationship with technology. It reminds us of the importance of embracing our weirdness and daring to be ourselves fully, even when we feel different from everybody else.

As the Moon perfects its opposition to the Sun, we may get chances to experiment with our creative energy, showcase our talents to the world, find new ways to develop our artistry and connect with our unique voice. We may have opportunities to express our personal creativity in collaborative projects and explore how our capacity to create and envision can be enhanced by participating in a group setting. 


Full Moon quincunx Pluto: Integrating into Society & Exploring Boundaries


The Leo Full Moon is forming an exact quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn. Quincunxes or inconjuncts are 150º angles, considered aspects of paradox and crisis. The current Moon-Pluto quincunx involves the signs of Leo and Capricorn. Archetypally, the Leo-Capricorn dynamic speaks about the difficulties of integrating our creative expression in the societal structure in a way that offers value to the collective.  

Pluto corresponds to our unconscious emotional attachments and to everything we repress and disown, while the Moon represents our conscious emotional needs and instinctual reactions. Both are connected with how we generate conditions that we perceive to be safe and secure. 

Full Moon in Leo

Around this time, we may find it challenging to reconcile our need for attachment and emotional intensity with our or others’ desire for space and independence. As a result, we may experience other people’s boundaries as threatening or offensive or have difficulties asserting our own boundaries.


Full Moon quincunx Pluto: The Importance of Self-Regulation


The Moon-Pluto quincunx could indicate a tendency to gravitate towards intense attachments and obsessive feelings. During these days, we may have hard times connecting with a sense of security coming from within ourselves and find it challenging to trust our intuition and our gut reactions.

We have to keep in mind that Pluto is the planetary ruler of the South Node of the Moon. The South Node ruler gives us information about habitual and familiar ways of operating, relating, and getting our needs met. For this reason, it has a particularly relevant role in our understanding of the spirit of the times and the evolutionary dynamics at play.

Hard aspects between the Moon and Pluto invite us to look at ourselves honestly and notice if we have any tendency to try to manipulate or control others to feel safe. These alignments give us chances to refine our capacity of independent self-regulation and achieve a deeper understanding of our emotional and psychological nature.


Sun and Moon square the Lunar Nodes: Becoming Self-Secure


The Sun and the Moon are in a square aspect to the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio. This configuration, technically called a Fixed Grand Cross, involves all the signs of the same modality in a tense relationship with each other. Fixed Grand Crosses reflect a strong resistance to change and fear of leaving one’s comfort zone, while planets squaring the Nodes inform us of unresolved karmic dynamics that are blocking our evolutionary progression. 

The Moon squaring the Nodes indicates the necessity to improve our awareness of our reactions, our emotional needs, and our moment-to-moment feelings. It reminds us of the importance of learning to care for ourselves and honoring our inner child yet without allowing them to lead our life. 

The Sun squaring the Nodes reflects the need to overcome fears and limiting beliefs that hold us back from shining, from being fully expressed, from allowing ourselves to be seen and appreciated by others. This configuration invites us to work on any fear of not being creative enough or not worthy enough to be in the spotlight. 


Mars conjunct Venus in Capricorn: New Values & Relationship Structures


As the Full Moon takes place, Mars joins Venus in Capricorn. Their conjunction is the first of a cycle of two: the second one takes place at 0º Aquarius on March 6. This is an exceptional event and is due to Venus’ reduced speed after her retrograde phase. 

The current conjunction in Capricorn can be seen as an opportunity to gain better awareness of our relationship style, our values, desires, and needs. The upcoming conjunction in Aquarius will begin a new cycle in this sense and encourage us to align with new ways of being in connection with others, with society, and with ourselves.

Our romantic and intimate relationships are likely to be in the spotlight during the upcoming weeks, while our creativity and artistry will be fueled by an increased determination and clarity of vision. The Venus-Mars conjunction in a Cardinal Earth sign amplifies our drive to create, connect, and express ourselves, inspiring us to direct our energy into creative expression and tangible goals.


Venus & Mars trine Uranus, Jupiter sextile Uranus: Exciting Changes


Venus and Mars are in a trine aspect to Uranus in Taurus. Their alignments support an open-minded attitude towards matters of the heart, and an increased willingness to join unusual activities, spend time with people very different from us and expand our worldview. 

These aspects may inspire us to take action on our desires, explore different ways of being in connection and different values. We may experiment with new relationship structures and new ways to manage our finances. The activation of Uranus, which is also in a sextile to Jupiter, will inspire us to perceive change as something exciting rather than scary and can counterbalance any tendencies to resist evolution.

To help you harness this energy Full Moon in Leo brings we have created Full Moon printable channeled “Our Right to Shine” journal and guided meditation audio. We invite you to use these Full Moon in Leo Ritual tools: journal and meditate together with Moon Omens Soul Family. Tap here to learn more and gain access to ritual tools.

Full Moon in Leo: Deeper Self-Confidence


When the Moon is in Leo, particularly when it is in a hard aspect to Pluto, feeling cared for, safe, and secure can be too tied up with receiving unconditional praise, recognition, and validation. We may have difficulties accepting constructive criticism or receiving feedback that doesn’t make us feel special: this can slow down our growth and impede self-awareness. The current planetary configuration reflects a need to learn to give validation to ourselves.

At their best, Moon-Pluto aspects can facilitate deep self-knowledge and a radical transformation of our habitual emotional patterns and reactions. Yet, to get there, we often have to face a great amount of resistance and learn to prevent our wounded inner child from running the show. The Sun, Saturn, and Mercury in Aquarius can facilitate objectivity, helping us interpret our experiences and the information we receive in a neutral, detached way.

The activation of the Leo-Aquarius axis invites us to reflect on how we can generate a positive impact on our community through our creativity, talents, and passions. This Full Moon may reveal to us something we need to address relative to our role in a group, organization, or in our romantic connections. We may have creative breakthroughs that change our relationship with self-expression and exposure, get to finally present our work to an audience, and reach new levels of self-confidence and self-trust.

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