article Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn – July 4th / July 5th 2020
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Astrology & Omens

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn – July 4th / July 5th 2020

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Moon Omens

July 4, 2020

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Eclipse season finally comes to an end on July 5: at 12:44 AM EST, we experience the Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, closing the gateway of transformation and change. This period of radical and sudden metamorphosis happens two times a year: the next portal is opening on December 14. Until then, we will be able to reflect and integrate the shifts that have been taking place since May. 

We are witnessing the last Eclipse happening in Capricorn for a while. There won’t be another one in this sign until 18 years from now. This fact makes it even more relevant for us, as it represents a fantastic opportunity to close a karmic cycle and fully heal wounds we have been carrying for long.

Capricorn inspires us to let go of anything that’s not essential or useful for our growth, anything that is not practical, that doesn’t have a rational meaning, and lasting value.

A Lunar Eclipse is a Super Full Moon: she showers us with an incredible amount of light and power. She invites us to fully release what is weighing us down, what is preventing us from living life with a feeling of openness, from celebrating it with joy and spontaneity.


Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn: Liberating Repressed Emotions


When the Moon transits through Capricorn, her expression becomes more challenging. The Moon is naturally ruled by Cancer, the opposite sign, which corresponds to a maternal, familiar, nurturing, and sensitive energy.

Capricorn is about going out there in the world and working on establishing ourselves in society, following the rules and regulations in place. This archetype, if distorted and brought to an extreme, leaves little room for consciously taking the time to feel our emotions and understand what they are trying to tell us.

The Eclipse inspires us to find a balance between personal time, self-care and family, and the energy we spend working on our goals and career.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

An issue that can often come up with the Moon in Capricorn is emotional repression. A risk could be focusing too much on being successful in our career as a way to feel good with ourselves, and in this process cutting ourselves off from our emotional needs.

We might feel the temptation of building walls between ourselves and others, instead of asking for help or expressing our true feelings. We may have problems verbalizing what’s happening even within ourselves.

During these days, while the energy is more powerful, notice if you end up in situations where you have the temptation of being judgmental and quick to discredit others: think if you have been unconsciously judging yourself in the same ways.

The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn asks us to make a conscious effort to reconnect with our repressed emotions and release them. She gives us permission to feel and express them unapologetically, so we can let go of the burden of carrying them. 


Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus: Uncovering Unconscious Patterns


The harmonic trine between the Moon in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus reflects the need to work consistently on our individuation process. Trines are aspects of flow: they connect planets transiting signs of the same element, in this case, Earth, and they allow an easy exchange of information between them.

The individuation process, as described by Carl Jung, is all about becoming aware of our unconscious patterns of behavior. Once we uncover our unconscious dynamics, they no longer have power upon us, and no longer control us. Only then we will be able to connect with our true Self and express it fully.

To find our purest individuality, we need to break free from what has been limiting us. The trine between Uranus in Taurus and the Moon in Capricorn encourages us to liberate ourselves from what makes us feel safe but doesn’t help us grow, from anything that doesn’t serve our highest purpose.

The energy of this Lunar Eclipse is encouraging us to become aware of the conditioning we received from our families. This Full Moon may bring up past issues that originated in our childhood, to allow us to fully process them, heal, and move forward.

To assist you and help you harness the energy this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn brings we have created tools (channeled guided meditation audio & channeled printable “Healing The Inner Father” journal). Not having witnessed a healthy expression of authority may block us when we try to establish ourselves in society, create boundaries in our relationships, or make a living doing something we love. 

Whether you had a father figure or not, and whether or not he had a positive influence on you, we all have the opportunity to work with our Inner Father archetype. We invite you to use these ritual tools together with us and get one step closer to your personal freedom and personal mastery. Tap here or on the image below to access Ritual Tools & Insights.

The triggers that emerge during this time are likely to give us highly relevant information. When we notice that similar, repetitive patterns keep coming up in our lives, we have the opportunity to understand the deeper reason for them and break the karmic cycle.


Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn: The Distortion of Capricorn


Capricorn, like Cancer, is a feminine archetype. Yet, we commonly associate it with a controlling, authoritarian vibe, which could be considered a masculine force. Pluto has been transiting this sign since 2008, bringing up all the shadows of Capricorn and forcing a change in how we feel and express its energy.

The Cancer-Capricorn polarity is considered the axis of security. While Cancer represents internal and emotional security, independent from external factors, Capricorn represents the security we derive from having a job, money in our bank account, and a certain social position.

Both of them are necessary but, collectively, we have gone a bit too far towards the Capricorn polarity, to the point that many people associate their sense of identity uniquely to having a social function, and don’t know who they are without it.

Greed and excessive ambition are other distorted expressions of the Capricorn archetype. If we realize we want more and more and we are never satisfied with what we get, we may want to reflect on the ways we could have internalized a feeling of lack and scarcity during our childhood.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn emphasize the necessity to let go of our old ways of thinking and perceiving life. Once we do it, we will be able to be reborn into real success, freedom, and a sense of security more linked to our inner state than to external conditions. 


Figuring Out our Place in the World


The Eclipse invites us to reflect on the role we want to have in society, on how we want to bring our contribution to the world.

Capricorn reminds us that we need to know the practical steps to get there. We must also be aware of the duties and commitments that the role we choose implies. We should never forget to take into account the relationship between responsibility and power: Capricorn teaches us that one cannot exist without the other.

The presence of five retrograde planets at the time of this Eclipse is another indicator of the strong need for introspection and inner work, to consciously come into contact with our True Self. This process may include some sort of rebellion against what has been blocking our authentic expression.

The structure of our society often implies the need to sacrifice the expression of our authentic self for the illusion of security. How many of us have been working jobs they hate just to earn the bare minimum they need for survival?

Yet, if we reflect on how our past conditioning has influenced our patterns of behavior, we may realize that, more often than not, we unconsciously self-sabotage and limit ourselves more than any other external factor.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn is encouraging us to release the limiting beliefs and thought patterns that keep us stuck in a reality we hate.


Developing Personal Authority


Capricorn invites us to reflect on our relationship with discipline and rules, and to cultivate a strong sense of inner authority. The Eclipse supports us becoming confident in the direction we choose, in the choices we make, and in what we want to do, even if nobody else is doing it or has done it before.

During this process, we need to develop high standards of integrity and personal responsibility, take responsibility for our behaviors, as well as for the energy we put out in the world.

The energy of Capricorn, when expressed consciously, allows us to become the leader of our life, and to guide others on the same path. It invites us to provide for our own needs autonomously, to suggest and implement concrete solutions instead of focusing on problems and on what is missing.

The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn is the best chance we get this year to release disempowering assumptions around ourselves and our capacities. She reminds us that we decide what we can and what we cannot do: whatever we choose to believe, we are usually right. When we develop a healthy relationship with this energy, we easily do what it takes every day to get closer to our goals and dreams.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

Cultivating a positive and empowering concept of discipline allows us to reach deeper levels of personal mastery. As we learn to make and follow our own rules, we also become aware of the importance of taking care of our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being. The Eclipse reminds us that taking time off and resting enough is key to increase our productivity and creativity.

Comment below with what resonated with you the most. What are some personal inner things that requires your attention, compassion, love and healing? Please share this article via the sidebar with friends and family and help us spread guidance. Sending love and blessings your way. Happy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse!


Global Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Meditation


We invite you to meditate together with Moon Omens Soul Family on our YouTube channel Group meditation is super powerful and transformative experience. We all come together, bring our energies and align with our true selves and with one another, with The Earth and for a little while we become more aware that we are one, and that we are infinite. Tap on the video link below to find our scheduled global meditation 🙂


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