Our Full Moon in Libra video is now available on our YouTube channel. It’s an hour of wisdom and guidance together with Nina and our Moon Omens Soul Family!
Full Moon in Libra: Relationships as Doorways to Self
On April 6, 03:37 AM —
On April 6, 12:34 AM ET, we experience a Full Moon at 16º07’ of Libra, closely opposite Chiron and Jupiter in Aries. The Libra Full Moon will offer us opportunities to notice how our relationships can be doorways to our True Self, mirrors of our inner reality and of unacknowledged desires and needs.
This lunation will offer us plenty of learning and growth opportunities and will illuminate unhealed wounds and unaddressed pain that impact how we show up in relationships, the choices we make, who we attract, and who we are attracted to.
The Libra Full Moon will be relevant for all of us, but those individuals who were born with personal placements around the 16º of Cardinal signs will be particularly impacted by this lunation. This Full Moon could facilitate revelations about the root of patterns and dynamics that keep coming up in their relationships with others and will offer them chances to break disempowering cycles, let go of unhealthy coping strategies, and begin to make radically different decisions in their social and romantic life.
Full Moon in Libra: Relationships as Mirrors
Full Moons are the maturation point of the lunar cycle: around this time, we experience a peak in energy and receive new insights and revelations. As the Moon opposes the Sun, forming a 180º angle from our perspective, she receives the maximum amount of sunlight, and more clarity is available to us relative to our subconscious landscape and emotional world.
At this time of the month, the alignment between the Sun and Moon activates two opposing and complementary signs: in this case, the spotlight is on Libra and Aries. Currently, the activation of the Aries-Libra axis directs our focus toward finding better harmony between investing our energy into ourselves, our self-development, our needs, and our desires, and investing our energy in nurturing and deepening our relationships with others.
During Aries season, a time centered around spontaneously exploring our impulses, our instinct, our desires, and our physicality, the Moon in Libra reminds us that we are not alone, that connecting with other people is an essential human need, and that creating healthy and loving relationships is a central part of a fulfilling life. This lunation is here to remind us that we can be in relationships with others without losing ourselves, without abandoning ourselves, without sacrificing our needs, and without repressing our desires. This Full Moon will show us how relationships, when navigated consciously, represent doorways to our True Self, and a key component of our path of spiritual and personal growth.
Full Moon opposite Chiron: Facing our Unhealed Pain
The Sun in Aries is conjunct with Chiron and Jupiter, and they are all opposing the Full Moon in Libra. Oppositions usually allow us to experience more clarity, as the planets are across from each other and can see each other clearly.
Chiron, named after the mythological Wounded Healer, is astrologically associated with wounds connected to rejection, non-belonging, and alienation as well as with our capacity to heal and to guide others in their healing process. Chiron teaches us that where our wounds are, our deepest healing gifts also lie. The Moon-Chiron opposition will reveal to us how the unhealed pain we carry is affecting our relationships and the way we show up in our interactions with others.
Chiron in Aries’ transit has been bringing our attention to wounds surrounding identity, self-assertion, spontaneous self-expression, and connection to instinct and desire. On this Full Moon, we will have chances to realize how these wounds have been influencing our ability to recognize and express our needs, desires, feelings, and boundaries to other people, preventing us from having fulfilling relationships.
We will have opportunities to notice how being disconnected from our instinct, our desires, and our genuine, spontaneous expression leads to relational issues and generates dissatisfaction with the quality of our connections. This Full Moon will remind us of how nurturing our relationship with our true, authentic self is necessary to be able to have authentic and nourishing relationships with others.

Full Moon opposite Jupiter: Choosing Growth over Comfort
Jupiter is also in Aries, conjunct with the Sun and Chiron and opposing the Moon. Jupiter is the planet of growth, abundance, and expansion. He is a natural teacher and an avid lifelong learner, rich in intuitive knowledge and experiential wisdom, deeply connected with Natural Laws.
Jupiter in Aries has been bringing our focus to our self-actualization and self-discovery journeys, inviting us to take more risks and deepen our confidence in our instinct and our desires. The current Moon-Jupiter opposition illustrates the tension between the need to feel comfortable, safe, and in familiar situations, and the desire to independently explore beyond our comfort zone, take risks, and expand our horizons and our knowledge.
This aspect suggests that, these days, we will have opportunities to choose growth over comfort, learn something new about ourselves and about relationships, and recognize other people as our teachers. The Moon-Jupiter opposition supports our capacity to see the deeper lesson in challenges, and invites us to connect with the purpose of our experiences, going beyond their immediacy. Around this time, we may notice that the way we have been showing up in one or more relationships has been limiting our growth, enabling us to stay small and avoid discomfort: we will have chances to choose differently and change the dynamics at play.
Venus conjuncts Uranus, sextile Neptune, and trine Pluto
Venus is the ruler of the Full Moon and her condition gives us more information about the energy of this lunation. Currently, Venus is in Taurus, the other sign she rules, and she is separating from a conjunction with Uranus, forming a sextile to Neptune, and approaching a trine to Pluto.
Venus in Taurus adds an earthy, sensual, and grounded vibe to this Full Moon. When Venus travels through the sign of the Bull, she knows herself and what she wants, she is in tune with her desires and with her sensuality. The presence of Venus here supports a sense of confidence in ourselves and in our worth, and invites us to look at those places where we, maybe unconsciously, still feel unworthy of having what we desire.
For the past week, Venus has been conjunct with Uranus: their alignment was exact on March 30, and the planets are now separating from each other. Their conjunction brought novelty, electricity, and changes into our romantic and social life, and it might have catalyzed a shift in our values, priorities, and perspectives on relationships.
The Venus-Neptune sextile invites a compassionate and empathic attitude toward both ourselves and others. This aspect supports our creativity, artistry, and spiritual exploration, inspiring us to express our feelings and emotions in nonlinear ways. Venus is also approaching a trine aspect to Pluto at 0º Aquarius: the Venus-Pluto trine indicates a need for profound and intense exchanges. Their alignment inspires us to deepen our relationship with others as well as our awareness of what we truly desire.

Making Different Choices, Growing in Self-Awareness
Full Moons mark times of culmination, closure, and release: we are now entering the second half of the lunar cycle, a period for us to slow down and detach from the intentions we set on the previous New Moon. Around the time of the Libra Full Moon, some relationships may come to a close or change their form, as we grow in self-awareness and recognize what needs to shift in how we connect with others. Some relationships may grow stronger, upgrade, and enter a whole new chapter, completely different from anything we experienced before.
During these days, we will have chances to see with more clarity how our relational experiences are mirrors of our inner reality, our wounds, our inner conflicts, our unacknowledged desires, and our unconscious needs. If we experience confrontations and discussions around this time, it’s valuable to keep in mind that they are happening for us and for our growth: if we navigate them consciously, there is a lot we can learn.
Around the time of this Libra Full Moon, plenty of lessons and healing opportunities will be available if we are open to receiving them and if we are willing to really dig beneath the surface and go beyond appearances. We are being challenged to dare to look at ourselves, our choices in relationships, and our habitual behaviors from an entirely new perspective and take responsibility to break cycles and patterns that seem to keep repeating over and over again.
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