article Full Moon in Leo 2025: Creative Liberation
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Astrology & Omens

Full Moon in Leo 2025: Creative Liberation

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Moon Omens

February 8, 2025

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On February 8, 01:37 PM —

On February 12, 08:53 AM EST, a Full Moon at 24º05’ of Leo takes place. This is a wake up call for creative liberation that urges us to reconnect with our authentic self: the Leo Full Moon, tightly squaring Uranus, invites us to embrace the dance of transformation and align with our true needs.

The Full Moon in Leo will be particularly impactful for people with natal placements in the late degrees of Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). The individuals personally impacted by this event are likely to experience sudden awakenings and profound realizations. They will feel a strong urge to break free from stagnation and old patterns and will be drawn to make bold, radical, and potentially life-changing decisions.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this Full Moon in Leo.

Full Moon in Leo: Personal Creativity as Catalyst for Collective Progress


Full Moons are the peak of the lunar cycle, a time when emotions are heightened and everything unfelt and unresolved comes to the surface. At this time of the month, the Sun and the Moon are directly opposing one another, forming a 180º angle technically referred to as an opposition. The light of the Sun brings our attention toward our inner, emotional world and offers us an opportunity to see something that has been hidden from our conscious awareness. At this time of the month, more clarity is available and it is common to experience new insights and revelations about the process we are going through.

Every Full Moon highlights two opposing and complementary signs and this week the Leo-Aquarius polarity is in the spotlight. Our attention goes toward themes of belonging, individuality, creativity, and collaboration and we are reminded of the importance of investing in our personal desires, self-expression, and self-actualization as it not only enriches our individual lives but has the potential to represent a catalyst for collective progress and evolution.


Connecting with What Moves Us


Ruled by the Sun, the center of our Solar System, Leo governs the conscious development of the Self and our connection to our creative essence. Leo energy is about self-expression, charisma, and the light that emanates from within each of us.

As we move through Aquarius season, a time of the year centered around revolutionizing our inner and outer lives, observing our relationship with technology, and making changes in how we show up in groups and communities, the Leo Full Moon comes to remind us of the importance of being connected with our True Self. This event invites us to reignite our creative fire and express ourselves unapologetically and courageously: it is a call to shine our light and invest in the passions that move us.

The Leo Full Moon underlines the need to stay connected with our hearts in a world that can feel cold and hostile, where technology dominates while we tend to be more and more disconnected from ourselves and from one another. This event emphasizes the value of human creativity, warmth, and presence and urges us to acknowledge the power of emotional expression and genuine heart-to-heart interaction.


Full Moon in Leo: Our Role in Our Ecosystems


The Leo Full Moon has the potential to offer us access to a deeper understanding of our emotional landscape, our heart’s desires, and our place in the world. This event could bring to light any underlying tensions between our personal desires and our involvement in communities and organizations and offer us opportunities to observe how we integrate our individuality in groups, what role we tend to take in community settings, and how we position ourselves when we are surrounded by other people or on social media.

This is an interesting time to reflect on how we interact with our networks, both online and offline, and what kind of identity we tend to take on in them. It is also an opportunity to observe how we relate to the larger ecosystems we are part of, whether consciously or unconsciously, and what our impact tends to be not only on the people we directly interact with but also all the other individuals that surround us, as well as the digital, urban, and natural environments we spend time in.

Full Moon in Leo 2025

Full Moon square Uranus: Creative Liberation


The Leo Full Moon is forming a 90º square to Uranus in Taurus, a 180º opposition to Mercury in Aquarius, and a 120º trine to Chiron in Aries. The Sun, the Moon, and Mercury are all squaring Uranus in Taurus, creating a configuration technically referred to as a T-square. By increasing the friction and discomfort we experience, T-squares push us to make bold, often radical changes: for this reason, they are known to be very motivating aspect patterns that push us to step out of inertia.

The square to Uranus, the planet of sudden shifts, awakenings, and rebellion, is particularly potent during this Full Moon. Uranus is known for shaking things up, and this aspect can bring unexpected events or out-of-the-blue realizations that disrupt our lives in unpredictable ways and ultimately guide us toward something more aligned with our authentic selves. This square is likely to inspire many of us to make decisions that allow us to break free from stagnation and explore life on our own terms.

This configuration is a wake-up call for greater freedom, authenticity, and inner revolution. As the Leo Full Moon illuminates hidden desires and areas of our lives in need of transformation, shocking revelations and unexpected news could catalyze profound awakenings, leading to sudden breakthroughs that inspire us to make significant life-altering decisions.


Full Moon opposite Mercury and trine Chiron


The opposition between the Moon in Leo and Mercury in Aquarius, also squaring Uranus and conjunct the Sun, can indicate a surge of mental and emotional tension. When the Moon and Mercury are in a tense relationship with one another, they emphasize challenges reconciling rationality and intuition, what we feel and what we think, as well as difficulties with communicating and articulating our emotions and finding the right words to express what we are sensing. This opposition highlights the conflict between the heart and the mind, between what feels soulful and what is logical.

The Full Moon in Leo is also forming a trine to Chiron in Aries. This is an aspect of flow and harmony that invites us to tend to deep emotional pain with compassion and care.

As the Full Moon peaks, retrograde Mars in Cancer and Chiron in Aries are squaring each other, which emphasizes the invitation to acknowledge and tend to wounds that impact our ability to assert ourselves and go after our desires with confidence and courage. Chiron’s activation reveals to us something we need to address in our healing journey and highlights the healing power of creativity, play, and self-expression. 


Aligning with our Authentic Needs


As the Full Moon peaks, dwarf planet Ceres is in Aquarius, between the Sun and Mercury, and tightly opposing the Moon in Leo. Ceres, named after the mythological Goddess of agriculture and fertility, is associated with themes of self-care, self-nurturance, and motherly love and has a deep connection with the changing of the seasons and the cycles of nature.

While the Moon governs our emotional and subconscious needs, Ceres is connected with the nourishment required for our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The opposition between the Moon and Ceres is an opportunity to reflect on what nourishes us and what depletes us and pay attention to how what soothes us emotionally may not be aligned with what our bodies truly need. We have an opportunity to explore how behaviors and habits that provide emotional comfort may not actually nurture us and gain awareness of patterns and habits that may be soothing but are also depleting us.

Ceres’ presence in Aquarius, her proximity to the Sun and Mercury, and her square to Uranus in Taurus is also an opportunity to challenge conventional ideas about self-care, question what we have been taught about it, and revolutionize the way we care for ourselves and others.

With the South Node in Virgo and the North Node in Pisces, still conjunct with Neptune, themes of health and healing are in the spotlight this year. The Leo Full Moon invites us to be intentional relative to how we nourish ourselves and make sure we are aware of our true needs. This event is a powerful opportunity to redefine self-care and learn to nurture ourselves in ways that support our aliveness and vitality.


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Tell us what you think


  • Well lam not in Love with myself.lam a Leo.I have had bad Luck all my Life.But God has started to change things for me.Having better Luck.Praise God.

  • I Always read your write ups, I have to say, on a personnal level, this full Moon in my Sun sign is so on point with what I am going thru lately, it’s incredible and very validating as well, thank you so so much for your guidance


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