article Full Moon in Gemini: the Last Full Moon of 2024
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Astrology & Omens

Full Moon in Gemini: the Last Full Moon of 2024

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Moon Omens

December 13, 2024

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On December 13, 05:17 PM —

On December 15, 04:01 AM EST, we experience the last Full Moon of 2024, happening at 23º52’ of Gemini. As the Full Moon peaks, Gemini’s ruler Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius, beginning the phase of integration and reorientation following its retrograde.

The Gemini Full Moon is especially relevant for people born with planets or angles around the 23º of Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Those of us personally impacted by this event will have opportunities to access a new understanding of the meaning of the experiences we had in the past weeks, gain awareness of what needs to change in our thinking and communications, and experience significant shifts in perspective.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this Full Moon in Gemini.

Full Moons: Invitations to Celebrate Our Growth


As the peak of the lunar cycle, Full Moons symbolize completion, maturation, and culmination: they are a time to reflect on our journey, celebrate our growth, and honor how we are blooming. Full Moons offer us an opportunity to share the rewards of our efforts with others and enjoy the beauty of what we have created while inviting us to release what we no longer need or what no longer serves us as the Moon begins to wane in the upcoming days.

As the calendar year comes to a close, this Full Moon offers us a powerful opportunity to get clear about what we want to release before 2025 begins, and let go of attachments, ideas, beliefs, and ways of being that don’t serve our highest good.

When the Moon is directly facing the Sun, she is fully illuminated, fully revealed: the light of our awareness, symbolized by the Sun, shines over our emotional and subconscious world, the realms of the Moon. The Moon rules over tides and bodies of water, and our emotions run high when the Moon is Full: feelings we normally try to suppress may emerge strongly into our conscious awareness, and emotions we may be used to ignoring could ripple like a wave into our consciousness and take over both our dream and waking life.

At this time of the month, more clarity tends to be available to us: even if it can be wise to wait to make decisions, particularly around matters that have an emotional impact, more information is usually accessible, especially when we aredealing with a Gemini Full Moon.


Full Moon in Gemini: the Last Full Moon of 2024


During Sagittarius season, a time of the year centered around embracing radical authenticity, following our intuition, and focusing on the big picture, the Gemini Full Moon reminds us of the importance of being aware of what is happening right under our nose and not mistaking a belief for a fact. While the Sun in Sagittarius encourages us to stay connected with our personal truth, the Moon in Gemini reminds us that everything is relative and that our truth isn’t the only truth.

In the sign of the Twins, the Full Moon is an opportunity to become aware of ways of thinking, perceiving the world, and communicating that don’t serve our highest good, that deplete us, disempower us, and keep us stuck. The Gemini Full Moon is an invitation to deepen our understanding of how our upbringing, education, and culture continue to shape our mindset, worldviews, and perceptions. It is an opportunity to remember that our mind is meant to be a tool we have full control over, not something we are enslaved by.

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Full Moon conjunct Jupiter, square Neptune, and square Saturn


The Moon in Gemini is widely conjunct with retrograde Jupiter, and both the Sun and the Moon are squaring Neptune in Pisces. The Full Moon and the Sun are also in a loose square to Saturn in Pisces. Even though the orb of this square is 10º, we can still feel it, particularly because Saturn and Jupiter are about to perfect their square for the second time.

The conjunction between the Full Moon and Jupiter amplifies our desire for learning, growth, and expansion, and magnifies the emotional energy surrounding this event. The traditional ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces, Jupiter has to do with the urge to seek meaning in life, explore new horizons, and connect with a greater sense of purpose: on this Full Moon, this urge will be front and center. Since Jupiter is retrograde, we will feel drawn to reorient our search for meaning while questioning our existing beliefs and any ideologies we might adhere to or identify with.

The square between the Sun, the Moon, and Neptune in Pisces adds a sense of emotional confusion, fogginess, and insecurity relative to who we are, what we feel, what we think, and what we need. It is an aspect that exponentially magnifies our sensitivity as well as our desire to escape uncomfortable emotions and find refuge in fantasy, addictions, or other coping strategies. Around this time, we will be extremely sensitive to what is going on in the collective and to other people’s energies and emotions.

The square to Saturn reminds us to stay committed and devoted to what matters to us. It also highlights areas where we may experience insecurities and low self-confidence, brings our attention to any urge to suppress our natural emotional responses, and offers us an opportunity to reflect on whether we tend to relate to life from a place of lack and scarcity. This aspect reminds us of the importance of taking responsibility for our dreams and for what it takes to make them real.

The Mars-Pluto opposition is Still Active


As the Full Moon in Gemini peaks, Mars, now retrograde in Leo, and Pluto in Aquarius are opposing each other. Mars and Pluto have been opposing each other for several weeks, since Mars was in Cancer and Pluto was still in Capricorn. Due to Mars’ recent shift of motion, the two are within the orb of an opposition for the entirety of December and their second exact alignment takes place on January 3.

The Mars-Pluto opposition exacerbates and reveals underlying conflicts, tensions, and power play while bringing to the surface repressed anger, unconscious fears, and unacknowledged desires. This intense aspect brings into the spotlight any incongruencies between our conscious and unconscious desires, between what we think we want and what our Soul truly desires. The Mars-Pluto opposition is an invitation to discover what truly drives us, what motivates us, what is behind our actions and choices, what unacknowledged fears, needs, and desires keep moving us, without us realizing it.


Full Moon in Gemini: Setting the Stage for 2025


Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini and of this Full Moon: studying Mercury’s condition helps us gain more insight into the energy of this event. Mercury is in Sagittarius, has just completed its retrograde phase and is now stationary direct. This suggests that this Full Moon will catalyze significant shifts in perspective, particularly around what happened while Mercury was retrograde. 

Because of Neptune’s prominence, these days we easily feel overwhelmed by the amount of information and stimuli surrounding us: it is wise to be particularly mindful of what we consume and its impact on our emotional and mental wellbeing. Neptune’s square to the Full Moon in Gemini reminds us of the importance of discernment and invites us to be patient and not rush into decisions.

During the upcoming days and weeks, as Mercury resumes forward motion and gathers speed, more information will come to light and we will have access to more clarity: we may still need a bit of time to fully understand the meaning of what we experienced and the changes that took place.

Nonetheless, this final Full Moon of 2024 offers us opportunities to step into the new year with a greater awareness of the power of our minds and of how changes in our mindset, thoughts, beliefs, and communication patterns can reshape our entire reality. It is an invitation to establish a more intentional and conscious relationship with our mind and set the stage for the changes we aspire to make during 2025.


We are happy to announce that our highly anticipated 2025 horoscopes are now available and ready for you! This creation is truly special for our team, as it was a long journey creating and bringing this 2025 guidance to life. Thank you for your support, we ❤ you!


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  • I watched Ninas video, and it ressonated, and I felt assured of what I was experiencing – and it helped me getting back to myself


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