article Full Harvest Moon in Pisces: Doorway to Spirit
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Astrology & Omens

Full Harvest Moon in Pisces: Doorway to Spirit

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Moon Omens

September 20, 2021

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On September 20, 7:54 PM ET, the Moon in Pisces opposes the Sun in Virgo and we experience a Full Moon, taking place at 28°13’ of the sign of the Fish. The Moon is conjunct Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces: this lunation opens a doorway to Spirit and a portal to a realm of infinite possibilities.

Full Moons are moments of revelations and breakthroughs: the light of the Sun, our conscious awareness, completely illuminates the Moon, our emotional world. This phase of the lunar cycle is associated with culmination and clarity, and it allows us to see more clearly both our inner and our outer realities. The influence of Neptune, however, may still generate a feeling of blurriness and uncertainty.

The Full Moon closest to the September Equinox is also popularly known as the Harvest Moon. For the ancients, this lunation marked the peak of the harvest season in the Northern Hemisphere. The Moon would illuminate the fields after sunset, and people were able to work for longer hours on reaping the crops.

From a spiritual standpoint, the Harvest Moon encourages us to celebrate our progress and enjoy the fruits of our efforts. This cosmic event reminds us that, if we keep consistently working towards our dreams and aspirations, we are going to see tangible results.

To celebrate the arrival of this Full Moon in Pisces, on September 6 at 9:45 PM ET, we are hosting Global Live Full Moon in Pisces Meditation on our YouTube channel. We invite you to join us, and invite others to meditate together with us. Tap here to find our scheduled live meditation.


Full Harvest Moon in Pisces: an Ocean of Emotions


When Full Moons take place in Water signs, our emotional state tends to be more changeable and our feelings are more intensely experienced. Pisces is the last archetype of the Zodiac and can be considered both the end and the beginning of our journey. This archetype is connected with our experience of being in the womb, a place where everything is provided and our survival is ensured without any effort on our part. Pisces corresponds to our awareness of forces larger than ourselves, to our connection with the collective frequency, and with the collective emotional body.

Empathy and compassion are enhanced on this Pisces Full Moon, a lunation colored with a strong idealism and an increased desire for positive change. The planetary configuration of the moment reflects a temptation to indulge in fantasy and daydreaming, and it may correspond to a tendency to sacrifice personal needs and goals for other people or to support larger causes.

The Moon in Pisces opposes the Sun in Virgo, culminating a period during which all planets transiting Virgo have been opposing Neptune in Pisces. The activation of the Virgo-Pisces axis highlights the importance of finding a balance between effort and passivity, between proactivity and acceptance of what we can’t control.


Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune: Heightened Intuition and Sensitivity


The influence of Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, magnifies our sensitivity to energy, to other people’s emotions, and to what is going on in the collective. The conjunction of Moon and Neptune is an extremely artistic, spiritual, and intuitive alignment, which supports any type of creative endeavor and increases our capacity to channel our emotions and feelings into art, music, dance, painting, and all non-linear modalities of expression. 

Full Harvest Moon in Pisces

Heightened sensitivity can generate a feeling of sensory overload, which may lead to struggles dealing with everyday challenges. This aspect can reflect a sense of being overwhelmed by life and by our emotions and it may correspond to difficulties managing pressure and stress.

When the Pisces and Neptune archetypes are so strongly emphasized, we tend to absorb the emotions and feelings of others like a sponge. Being so widely open to energetic and emotional information coming from the environment increases our vulnerability and stresses the importance of staying in alignment. In moments like this, it is important to protect our energy by listening to our bodies and establishing clear boundaries relative to what we are available to experience in each moment.


Sun conjunct Mars is Boosting our Courage & Vitality


The Sun in Virgo is in an out of sign conjunction with Mars in Libra, which will perfect on the upcoming New Moon in Libra. Mars and the Sun joining forces give us strength, motivation, and courage, inspiring us to cut ties if needed, and move on from all those situations that aren’t nurturing our growth, our health, and our wellbeing. Their alignment will help us discern what to expose ourselves to and separate from what is not supportive of our path in the present moment.

Throughout the next couple of weeks, the Sun-Mars conjunction will increase our energy levels and our vitality: many of us have been feeling weakened, lazy, or more lethargic during the last month, while both Mars and Sun have been opposing Neptune. This alignment has the potential to counterbalance any tendency to passively adapt to life circumstances and wait for changes to happen: the Sun and Mars will encourage us to be proactive and take initiative to improve our reality.

Mars in Libra and the Sun in Virgo are also forming a Grand Trine aspect involving the North Node of the Moon in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. This configuration will also remain active throughout the following days, increasing our capacity to be disciplined, motivated, and focused, while highlighting the importance of networking and community building as a way to support our learning journey.


The Activation of Pluto brings Opportunities for Transformation


The Full Moon is forming a sextile with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. Sextiles are 60° angles, aspects of potential and opportunities, gently triggering us into making changes. The Moon-Pluto alignment has the potential to increase our emotional awareness. It offers us an invitation to mature and take responsibility for our emotional expression, encouraging us to reflect on what lies beneath our triggers and to respond to these more consciously.

The Sun in Virgo is also in a harmonic aspect with Pluto in Capricorn, in this case, a trine. Trines are 120° angles supporting a flowing exchange of information between planets transiting signs of the same element. This configuration promotes physical and psychological regeneration. Sun trine Pluto facilitates personal transformation and the metamorphosis of our sense of purpose, inspiring us to rise fearlessly into a new version of ourselves. 

Meanwhile, retrograde Pluto is perfecting a square to dwarf planet Eris, a very slow-moving celestial body that has been transiting Aries for about a century. Named after the Goddess of strife, Eris is about the way we respond when we feel left out or disrespected. The Pluto-Eris tense alignment has been ongoing since 2020 and will be active until 2022. This is one of the peak moments of it, and the Pisces Full Moon contributes to bringing things to a head. During these days, we may witness disruptions, social tension, and an increased drive to fight for freedom and justice, which will pave the way for radical systemic changes.

Mercury is also squaring Pluto, pointing to the possibility of verbal and ideological confrontations, and gives us the opportunity to transmute disagreements into enlightening conversations. This aspect sharpens our focus and our willingness to dive deeper into topics we are passionate about.


Venus square Saturn & opposite Uranus: Conflicting Desires


Meanwhile, Venus in Scorpio triggers the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square: the Goddess of Love is separating from a square to Saturn and approaching an opposition to Uranus. Tension between wanting to hold on to the known and a desire to make new experiences is likely to arise, especially in our romantic life and in the professional arena.

Throughout the last few days, Venus square Saturn has been highlighting our need for reliability and commitment both in our love life and in our finances. It possibly brought to the surface some fear of scarcity and revealed to us where the foundation of our self-worth isn’t solid.

Unusual attractions, unexpected encounters, and electric feelings are common when Venus and Uranus align. During the upcoming days, this alignment may inspire us to revolutionize our relationships. It can also correspond to sudden changes in our values, income, and finances, that will unfold throughout the rest of the lunar cycle. 

To help you harness this energy Full Moon in Pisces brings we have created Full Moon in Pisces printable channeled “Doorwary to Spirit” journal and will be hosting Full Moon Workshop. We invite you to attend our Full Moon workshop and perform rituals together with Moon Omens Soul Family. Tap here to learn more and gain access to ritual tools and workshop.


Full Harvest Moon in Pisces: Doorway to Spirit


This Full Moon enhances our devotion to our spiritual path, our compassion for others, and our willingness to make a personal contribution to help the world become a better and kinder place.

Jupiter, the ancient ruler of Pisces, is forming a harmonic trine to Mercury in Libra, an aspect supporting our optimism, facilitating intellectual expansion, and inspiring us to make plans, dream big, and envision a better future for humanity. Due to the strong activation of Neptune, there is still a risk of feeling uncertain about what is true and what isn’t. Some of us may experience disenchantment, while others may witness dreams coming true.

Neptune and Pisces can be associated with chaos and confusion, but they also represent a doorway to states of pure bliss and joy. This Full Moon is an invitation to adopt a higher perspective of reality while keeping our feet on the Earth. Grounding practices that work on our Root Chakra such as walking barefoot and spending more time in Nature are likely to help us tune into our bodies and our intuition, and deal with our heightened sensitivity with more ease.

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