article First New Moon of 2020 – January 24
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Astrology & Omens

First New Moon of 2020 – January 24

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Moon Omens

January 22, 2020

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On January 24th, we are greeted by a New Moon in the airy and intellectually fueled sign of Aquarius. This is a time for rebellion and one in which we set out to walk our own true path without apology. We are being reminded to stay fluid, go with the flow, and embrace any changes that may come our way.


You are on the cusp of transformative and inspiring moments


This Aquarius New Moon represents the end of one lunar and opens the gateway to the next as we set our intentions for the month to come. With the Sun, Moon, and Mercury all in Aquarius, we are being showered in an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. Regardless of your natal chart, this Aquarius New Moon energy will be felt deeply.

This is a sign of change as we learn to question old habits, beliefs, and behaviors and use the creative and out-of-the-box energy of Aquarius to help you move forward with new and inventive ways of making progress. You are on the cusp of transformative and inspiring moments that will feel life changing. As we set our positive intentions for the next lunar cycle, we leave old energy where it belongs – in the past.

This is the time to make a fresh start, create fresh goals and initiatives, and move forward with confidence. Don’t be surprised if changes in your career, relationships, and goals appear. The Universe is providing us with the clarity to align ourselves with our true path as we plant seeds in our lives that will begin to bloom in the coming months.


Follow your intuition, you are aligning with your Higher self and your true life’s calling


With the Aquarius New Moon square Uranus, which is in Taurus, expect to feel some uncertainty as you feel an innate calling for change. This alignment can often trigger unpredictable behavior from us as our inner rebelliousness awakens. You know in your heart of hearts that some changes need to be made. You have been trying to find harmony and rebalance your energy, but something hasn’t felt right.

During this cosmic alignment, we are being called on to follow our intuition and break free from the constraints that we feel we have in our lives. This desire for freedom can bring sometimes bring about anxiety, uncertainty, and restlessness. If you have felt more abrupt in your interactions with those around you or have been experiencing mood swings, just know that you are not alone.

With the New Moon square Uranus, our souls are trying to regain their balance. We have recently experienced some heavy alignments filled with big lessons and we are still reeling from this energetic rollercoaster. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You are right where you’re supposed to be, and you are learning to harness your inner peace.

As our desire to assert our independence and break free of the perceived restrictions we’ve created in our minds grows, we may feel restless. Approach this Moon with an open mind and open heart and remain flexible. All of the changes you are experiencing are helping to align you with your Higher self and true life’s calling. You are embarking on a brave new path and unlocking endless opportunities and possibilities as you reclaim your power and rebalance the energy around you.


Remain open to receiving blessings in ways you may not have envisioned


Venus and Mars also play key roles during this Aquarius New Moon as we are being supported through our own personal journeys of growth. With Mercury sextile Mars, we are being blessed with the gift of quick thinking and reflexes. As unexpected changes happen around us, we are being given the ability to be like water.

“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.” – Bruce Lee

Use this cosmic alignment to propel you to new heights but remain open to receiving blessings in ways you may not have envisioned. You have a strong sense of purpose and initiative and are on the cusp of the success you desire. The Universe is showering you with the courage and fighting spirit that you need to help you take on any challenges that come your way.


Embrace patience, love, and dedication


Venus, the ruler of our relationships, also plays a role during this New Moon. With Venus being square Mars, we may experience some relationship difficulties as we finally address any tension that has been lingering. If you are an aggressive or impatient person, this fiery alignment may provoke you to lose your temper. Make sure you recognize this and take a step back when you need to. Don’t lose your temper over things that are out of your control and don’t risk an existing relationship because of the impatience that this alignment can sometimes bring.

With Venus sextile Jupiter, the Universe helps to balance out this Mars energy by helping to calm things down if they get heated and will help to quickly relieve relationship tensions if they arise. Venus is teaching us a valuable lesson as we evaluate our relationships. We are being reminded to value ourselves and not lower our standards for those whose energy does not align with our own.

However, we are also being taught patience, love, and dedication. We are reminded that conflicts may arise, but we must remain true to ourselves and committed to those around us. This alignment brings us a better understanding of our relationships with those we care for and reminds us to show gratitude for the genuine and loving people that we have in our lives. 


This New Moon is calling you to be your true authentic self unapologetically


While this New Moon can cause some anxiety and uncertainty as we learn to embrace this newfound energy and release preconceived notions, this Moon will ultimately help us focus our minds and stabilize our emotions. We are being prompted to take the actions that we need to experience freedom, nurture our souls, and live authentically.

We are invited to expect the unexpected, do things out of the norm, and embrace any surprises that come our way as we break free of our shackles and express our true selves. This is an incredibly progressive and forward-thinking Moon and is one to remember. The insights that we have been seeking are right on the horizon and we are reminded to continue to pay attention to our intuition and move forward unapologetically. 

Whatever intentions we plant now have the potential to grow during this next lunar cycle and for months to come. However, we are reminded to trust the process and to be open to receive blessings in ways we may not have expected. Things don’t always turn out the way that we expect them to; sometimes the Universe has grander plans in store for us.

To help you harness the energy around this New Moon we have created a guided meditation and a transformation journal that you can use during the arrival of this New Moon. Tap here or on the image below to gain Access.

Please leave a comment below if you too feel like you are ready for this energy! Also, give this article a heart if you loved it as much as we loved creating it for you 🙂

Sending infinite blessings & love your way,

The Moon Omens Team


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