article Decoding The Spiritual Meaning Of 1111 — 111 — 11 & 1
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Numerology & Omens

Decoding The Spiritual Meaning Of 1111 — 111 — 11 & 1

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Moon Omens

July 3, 2020

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All numbers have spiritual significance. Each number (1-9) is attuned to a unique frequency that allows the Universe to share messages with you. Beginning to notice numbers appearing for you and following their guidance can rapidly evolve your soul’s growth.

Number sequences also activate spiritual gateways. This is especially true for dates that contain repeating numbers (3/3, 4/4, 5/5). By aligning with the energy of these dates, and understanding your personal numerology you can harness the special spiritual power they usher in to elevate your consciousness and transform your life.


Bold Beginnings 1


The number 1 in numerology indicates a fresh start. This is the number of new beginnings, independence, and individuality.

When this number is appearing for you, it is time for you to break free from the expectations of others. The Universe asks you to follow your own soul’s path – even if it means having to go it alone for a bit.


1 is a karmic number of leadership. When this number appears, you are being asked to take charge. It is time to become goal-oriented and forge a path for others to follow.

It is time for you to be more innovative in your approach to problem solving. Thinking outside the box and doing things your way is always going to be the best solution when you are seeing the number 1.

There is no need for self-doubt any longer. You can easily push through previous limitations and obstacles that held you back in the past. 1 indicates you are strong and resilient.

Seeing number 1 tells you that it is time to take a risk on something new. Create the path that feels true to you and release any sense of hesitation. Actions you take now will quickly manifest into new opportunities and blessings of abundance.


Divine partnership 11


The number 11 is one of divine partnership. This number calls you to stand in your full spiritual essence when connecting with others.

1 is a sacred number because it represents being connected to both Heaven and Earth. Its energy is a super conductor for the Universe.

11 represents two beings standing in perfect harmony. Neither is bowing towards the other, and there is equal reciprocity between both sides.

Seeing number 11 asks you to reflect on your partnerships and ensure they are in a state of balance, with both people giving and receiving the same amount.

For relationships to be spiritually successful, you first must be in perfect harmony with yourself. It is only from this place of personal power that you can truly have a sacred connection with another person.

twin flame 11:11

When 11 is appearing for you, it means that it is time for you to reconnect with your inner values, beliefs, and motivations. After you’ve remembered the divinity within you, you become liberated and are free to now share in divine partnership with another.

This is a reminder that your partnership is divine. If you are in a relationship, this numerological message asks you to create a spiritual foundation of unity. If you are seeking a relationship, this is a wonderful sign that a soulmate will soon be entering your life.


Sacred Creation 111


111 is a message of sacred creation. You have talents and gifts that only you can share with the world. Part of your spiritual journey is perfecting these talents and then sharing them with others.

Seeing this number is a sign that its time for you to develop your potential. This doesn’t mean you must become serious and neglect the fun that comes from your talents and gifts. It is rather the opposite, you are meant to feel the joy in doing what you love most.

By engaging in your creative pursuits with a sense of play and happiness, you naturally activate your heart chakra. Being in this frequency has a ripple effect that opens the hearts of those around you.


Your creative spark is a source of inspiration and also a connection to the spiritual realm. As you manifest your original gifts, you’ll notice that you gain heightened emotional sensitivity and begin to receive intuitive insight to help you spiritually grow.

Community and social connections should be nurtured when you see this repeating number. Having a network of diverse people in your life helps you to feel more inspired.

It is important that your gifts from the Universe are spread for others to enjoy; you will relish being seen for who you truly are when you share your talents.

This is a signal from the Universe that you are doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing. You deserve to feel the optimism and sense of fulfillment that comes along with living your true spiritual purpose. Seeing 111 is your confirmation that this is your path!

You may also be called to awaken to new talents when you see this number. Next time it appears, stop and notice what you are doing or thinking about when you see it. There is your hint for the next gift you can cultivate.


Synchronistic Manifestation 1111


1111 is one of the most sacred number signatures in numerology. Seeing 1111 is a sign that you are on a path to ascension through mastering the skill of manifestation.

It is no coincidence it is popular to make a wish at 11:11. It is because this number indicates spiritual desires can manifest instantly into the physical dimension. You are in full spiritual alignment when this number appears and can act as a conduit for the Universe to bring in blessings, prosperity, and abundance.


This is a sign that you are in a state of flow with the Universe. 1111 often indicates a synchronicity is on its way. All you have to do is have faith and trust that what is meant for you is one its way.

An energetic portal opens every time you see this number. Keeping your spirits high and attitude positive will allow you to enjoy the benefits of living a high vibration lifestyle.

You have learned how to sacredly use your talents and now co-create through manifestation with the Universe. By trusting your guidance, spirit can work through you. This is why many lightworkers often see this number.

1111 is a message that you are a spiritual healer, energy worker, and intuitive soul. By trusting your guidance, you now open new spiritual portals that lead to more abundance, love, and happiness in your life. It’s important to trust the Omens and follow the signs that appear before us.


Follow the Omens – Personal Year Numerology


It’s natural for those who are experiencing an awakening to see repeating numbers. As our awareness expands, we become more in tune with Omens and the language of the Universe. The repeating numbers that appear along our paths serve as guidance and confirmations that we’re aligned with the overarching theme of the cycle that our soul is in and our own ‘Personal Year Number’.


Your Personal year number changes every year on January 1st and your birthday. It helps you decode the energetic states you most naturally express during the year. Your Personal Year reveals the overarching theme and influences you can expect this year, based on your date of birth and current Universal Year.

In numerology, Your Personal Year Number will calculate the overall, vitally important trends and opportunities that are in store for you in 2020. Since we are in July, this report will be equally as powerful as you will be able to see how this personal year number has played out for you so far this year and also what you can expect for the second half of the year.

For anyone that has already experienced the Numerology report that we’ve been sharing, this report is different and was recently released to us a few days ago. We have found it to be incredibly accurate and very personal as it explores only the year of 2020. We invite you to tap here or on the image below to experience your 2020 Numerology Personal Year Report. Enjoy the journey!

P.S. we always enjoy reading you stories.. 🙂 please share your experience with numerology, repeating numbers, patterns, synchronicities in the comments below. Sending infinite love & blessings your way!

In the next article of number series we are going to decode spiritual meaning of number 2.



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