article December 2020 Astrology Update: Letting Future In
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Astrology & Omens

December 2020 Astrology Update: Letting Future In

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Moon Omens

December 3, 2020

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Eclipse season has just begun, and we kick start the last month of 2020, once again, with a high level of cosmic intensity. December is the final chapter of this extremely transformative year. The first half of the upcoming month is a time for completion, during which we are encouraged to keep releasing the past. On the contrary, the second half of it is about letting the future in by aligning with new dreams, new visions, and new sources of motivation. 

We have recently experienced a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, which highlighted the need to reconnect with our voice, to be open to exchanging ideas and opinions, yet without forgetting to discern and discriminate the type of information we take in. In less than two weeks, the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius of December 14 is likely to bring up similar themes: the spotlight will be on the need to let go of outdated beliefs and assumptions belonging to the past. 

After the Total Solar Eclipse, we experience two weeks packed with cosmic action: as the Moon starts growing, change is likely to happen incredibly fast. A huge amount of energy will shift from an Earth to an Air archetype: the highlight of the month is the Great Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius. The pressure, the sense of fatigue, and the heaviness we have been experiencing for months are going to decrease. While we are likely to feel physically lighter, our minds are going to be way more active: the Cosmos is inviting us to experiment, to be original, and to create something that has never been done before.


Mercury enters Sagittarius

December 2020 Astrology Update

As the new month begins, the planet of logic, communication, and information enters expansive and philosophical Sagittarius. Sagittarius, as an archetype, is naturally focused on the big picture, has a tendency to generalize, and not much patience with details. Yet, the transit of Mercury through this sign will uplift our mood and support our intuitive capacities through the activation of the right brain. Mercury in Sagittarius can offer us opportunities to gain deeper self-knowledge, by helping us become aware of assumptions and judgments that are not rooted in objectivity.


Venus trines Neptune

December 2020 Astrology Update

The beautiful Water trine between Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces is ushering in powerful healing energy. This aspect is exact on December 5, but we have been feeling it for a couple of days, and its influence will be available for a few more. The Venus-Neptune trine reflects strong feelings of empathy, compassion, and increased sensitivity to other people’s emotions. Make sure to ground and align with your own energy: this is a fantastic influence for our creativity and for any artistic endeavor, which can allow us to transmute the intense emotional energy constructively.


New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

December 2020 Astrology Update

On December 14, the Sun, the Moon, and Mercury join the South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius and we witness a total Solar Eclipse. Since the beginning of time, Solar Eclipses have been considered the most powerful omens of change. While this cosmic event can reflect a sense of crisis related to a loss of faith and meaning, it also offers us the opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of growth. The Solar Eclipse will emphasize the necessity to completely let go of the past, of our expectations related to it, of our old beliefs and ways of thinking, in order to be able to move towards a new and more authentic direction.


Venus enters Sagittarius

Just one day after the Total Solar Eclipse, Venus enters Sagittarius, increasing the emphasis on this archetype. Venus in Sagittarius is an energy that needs absolute freedom of expression, as it aims to self-discovery and self-actualization. This transit will support our ongoing search for truth, purpose, and for the meaning of life: for this reason, during the journey of Venus through Sagittarius, many of us will feel inspired to dive deeper into personal development and spiritual growth. 


Chiron stations Direct

December 2020 Astrology Update

Meanwhile, on the same day, Chiron stations direct in Aries after being in retrograde motion since July. Chiron stationing direct represents an invitation to take concrete action towards healing, by implementing behaviors that support emotional self-regulation and promote the integration, rather than the suppression, of our sensitivity. Cultivating a stronger sense of self-worth and self-confidence, and learning to be who we are without apologizing for our nature will be the main themes of the upcoming post shadow phase, lasting until April 2021.


Saturn enters Aquarius

As Saturn enters Aquarius, we are encouraged to find a deeper sense of personal responsibility, not based on our conditioning but rather on an embodied feeling of how the energy we send out through our actions, words, and deeds positively or negatively affects the collective. The importance of community will be emphasized throughout the next two and a half years of Saturn in Aquarius. During this time, we will have the chance to build something of lasting value by working together with others.


Sun and Mercury conjunct the Galactic Center

December 2020 Astrology Update

On December 18, both the Sun and Mercury will form their yearly alignment with the Center of our Galaxy. We are likely to feel the effects of this configuration for a few days: the Galactic Center is a region of space and not an actual celestial body. When this point is activated by planetary transits, themes from the past can emerge to be released, so that we can move forward lighter. These aspects invite us to embrace a higher perspective of life and to reconnect with the Divinity within ourselves.


Jupiter enters Aquarius

On December 19, Jupiter enters Aquarius for the first time after 2008-2009. Jupiter in Aquarius inaugurates a one year cycle of technological and spiritual expansion. Intellectual freedom and independent thinking will be big themes of the upcoming years, during which many of us will break free from deep and unconscious conditioning and limiting beliefs. Our inspiration and creativity are likely to increase exponentially through contact and exchange with like-minded Souls.


Mercury enters Capricorn

On December 20, Mercury enters Capricorn, after spending three weeks in expansive and intuitive Sagittarius. From now until January 8, our thought patterns will be more structured and practical, as we will seek to generate order and make sense of reality through logic and rationality. During this transit, we may feel quieter and more introspective than usual. Mercury in Capricorn will help us be more disciplined, plan for the year ahead, and organize our days in constructive ways.


Sun enters Capricorn

On December 21, the Sun joins Mercury: Capricorn season begins, and the Winter Solstice takes place. This year, Capricorn season will be a highly transformative time, as it is inaugurated by the powerful Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. Throughout the transit of the Sun through Capricorn, we will witness some endings and many new beginnings. Capricorn season and Wintertime represent an invitation to turn within in order to discover what reality we truly want to manifest. We will be encouraged to let go of any fear of being judged by others and of any inhibition that prevents us from expressing ourselves authentically.


Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

Traditionally known as “the Great Conjunction” this Jupiter-Saturn alignment is taking place at the 0° of the sign of the Water Bearer. This cosmic event is inaugurating a new era full of creativity, originality, and innovation. While Jupiter expands, Saturn contracts: this may sound contradictory, but these energies can work well together: their influence will support us in bringing our ideas into form and will inspire many of us to give birth to something revolutionary.


Mars square Pluto

On December 23, we experience the last one of a cycle of three squares between Mars in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Themes that first came up during August can culminate or emerge again, to find a complete resolution. As this can be a highly explosive aspect, it is important to be particularly aware of avoiding reacting on impulse, as this can easily generate even more reactivity and anger. On the other hand, Mars square Pluto highly supports our motivation and our stamina: this energy will help us embody the strength we need to overcome challenges and obstacles.


Full Moon in Cancer

December 2020 Astrology Update

The Full Moon in Cancer is closing the Eclipse portal as well as the calendar year. This celestial alignment is inviting us to come back to our hearts, to nurture our inner child, and to honor our connection with our loved ones. On the same day, Venus is approaching a conjunction with the South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius: this aspect will be exact on December 30 or 31, depending on the timezone, but it will be already active on the Full Moon. Venus on the South Node represents an invitation to seek fulfillment within ourselves, rather than expecting other people to fulfill us.


December 2020 Astrology Update: Our Invitation


December 2020 is a month during which we are invited to release what stands in the way of our freedom: the cosmic transits are encouraging us to embrace and explore our uniqueness and our individuality. Deconditioning and liberation are Aquarius keywords and will be the main themes of the entire 2021. Throughout the upcoming month, our work is to let go of any residual fear of other people’s judgment, any sense of shame about our authentic nature, and any guilt linked to not fulfilling others’ expectations.

The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius inaugurates a period of spontaneous action and instinctual self-discovery, in which we are called to be in alignment with our Higher Self. Don’t be afraid to be different, and stay open to life unfolding in ways you never thought were possible. Believe in yourself and in your vision, and trust that the path that is spontaneously opening will take you where you need to be.

Comment below what you are excited about in December and tap on the heart if you love this article.

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