Crystal Serpentine
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crystal icon Serpentine



The Crystal of Creative Regeneration

Capricorn zodiac signs Capricorn
Virgo zodiac signs Virgo
Earth element Earth
Venus planet Venus
Root Solar Plexus
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Serpentine Guided Meditation

Our guided serpentine meditation empowers you to awaken your innate creative power, clear your blocks, and transform your life from the inside out.

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The message

Serpentine’s Message To You:

Lying dormant
at the base of your spine
your power sleeps
coiled and confined
then you plug into
the pulse of the Earth
and suddenly you
can feel your worth
and the activation of
your strength within
as you feel it rising
from beneath your skin
winding its way
up through your core
shedding the layers
of what came before
releasing toxicity
to transform the past
and create life changes
that will last


Serpentine helps you to…

  • Release ingrained patterns
  • Awaken your creative power
  • Transform your life
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Crystal Serpentine Story Background
Crystal Serpentine Story

The Story of Serpentine

Winding its way upward through the metamorphic layers of the Earth, serpentine breaks through the heaviness and solidity of habituated patterns and behaviors to help you step into a new skin. The thoughts, emotions, and karmic traps you’ve been living in that are outworn, tired, and have been holding you back will be broken down by the slinky soft energy of serpentine to usher you through the transformative growth your Soul has been searching for.

A stone of evolution, serpentine is seen in Daoist stone medicine to be in the process of evolving toward becoming jade, which is one the most wise and evolved of all stone forms. This evolutionary process is inherent within the energetics of the crystal itself, making it one of the best choices to use when you’re going through your own evolution and big growth points in your life. When you’re truly ready to change, ready to leave the past behind, to break out of old versions of yourself and rise into a higher level of your being, serpentine is one of the best stones to support you in finding stability through all the big shifts in life.

A parasite cleanser, serpentine targets harmful, pathogenic energies for clearing from your body, mind, emotions, and energy field. This applies to parasitic thoughts, behaviors, and patterns in your life as well as physical conditions, clearing away the “poisons” of societal ideations and other people’s expectations, and allowing your natural, innate being to rise and break through external conditioning.

Serpentine draws its power from the Earth, connecting you to the source of your power, your own life-force energy, also called kundalini. It lies dormant at the base of your spine, coiled like a snake, and when it awakens it rises up the spine, ascending through each chakra and out of the top of your crown, bringing this powerful, yin, divine feminine energy of the Earth all the way up through your entire system, lifting the veils of consciousness and activating powerful transformation in your life. Serpentine activates and awakens this kundalini energy and helps support its graceful, balanced ascension through your system to stabilize and harmonize the healing crisis and dramatic shifts that a kundalini awakening has the potential to bring.

Its ability to reach into the roots of your being also applies to your past and your ancestry, to help you clear through old wounds, patterns, and conditioning you’ve been carrying unconsciously, in your reptilian brain, via your blood, your psyche, and your DNA, to uncoil the energetic hold they’ve had on you so your authentic power can rise. It’s a beautiful stone to help you clear blocked energies within your entire chakra system and restore harmony, inner stability, and the natural order of life.

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Crystal Serpentine Property Background

Serpentine Healing Properties

Element Earth


Highly connected to the Earth’s energies, serpentine is a crystal that connects you back to the natural world and to the nature within yourself, helping you come back into your natural rhythms, and restoring your sense of strength, inner stability, and resilience.

When you feel like your world is being rocked and changes are happening all around you that are out of your control, serpentine taps you into your instinctual ability to adapt, evolve, and stay centered through all the chaos, reconnecting you to the grounded support and strength of the Earth, and the strength you hold within your own body and energy field.

The power of the Earth is the power of serpentine- it’s a yin, creative essence, it’s nourishing and healing, an abundant and supportive provider of life. It spurs you toward growth on all levels, bringing light and softness up through the hard, dense surface of the Earth and your being, breaking up stagnant and compacted energies to aerate the soil of your life and help the energy flow so things will naturally grow and thrive.

Chakra Root


Serpentine is inherently connected with the kundalini energy which lies at the base of the spine, at our root chakra. This chakra is where we feel our power, our sense of inner and outer security and belonging in the world, and it’s where we hold our connection to the past and our ancestry.

Serpentine activates and enlivens this chakra, awakening its dormant power and strength, allowing the energetic connection it holds with the Earth and divine feminine energy to gently rise up through every single chakra- starting at the root and moving all the way up and through the crown and out of the top of the head.

So it’s actually quite cleansing and harmonizing for all the chakras, and can be used to clear, detoxify, and help bring balance to any chakra, but that power starts at the root, at the core of who you are, to clear the way through the unconscious blocks and wounds that affect every other part of who you are, so you can begin to transform and grow from more stable and healthy roots.

Chakra Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus

Serpentine’s coloring is a yellowy green, which is related to both the spleen and liver in Daoist stone medicine, our digestive organs, which energetically connect to our ability to process and digest emotions as well.

The solar plexus is where we hold our personal power and divine will, our sense of agency and ability to go out there and do, create, and get what we desire in the world, and it can become debilitated through the fear and self-doubt we hold.

Serpentine is a master at breaking through these fears and doubts in our solar plexus to help settle and stabilize our emotions and help us rise higher in our lives, up into the heart and higher chakras, to fully express our individual essence that our Soul came to Earth to embody.

Energetic Qualities
Energetic Qualities


Serpentine has a cooling, earthy essence that rises up to clear heat from your body and being, including heated emotions like frustration, anger, and agitation. It generates fluids and cools heat symptoms in the physical body as well, including indigestion, inflammation, and hypertension.


The energy of serpentine starts at your root and rises up, ascending through each and every chakra to bring healing and harmony throughout your system. Its energy lifts what’s heavy, dense, stuck, and stagnant, it’s light and soft. It raises awareness of yourself, your body, and your internal nature. It brings toxic energy up and out for release.


This stone helps release toxicity from the physical and energetic bodies by slowing down the progression of pathogenic and harmful energies. It helps regulate and stabilize the body and is protective against parasites- physically, mentally, and emotionally. It breaks up toxic patterns and cycles so you can release the past, shed your skin, and grow anew.

Physical Properties
Physical Properties


Called “the stone with snake markings” in Daoist stone medicine, serpentine ranges from a yellow-green to grassy green with mottled coloring reminiscent of reptilian skin. It can also sometimes contain shades of white, grey, black, or brown. It’s translucent to opaque with a waxy luster.

Its yellowy-green color relates to both the earth and wood elements in Daoist stone medicine, which brings in elements of both grounding and growth, nurturing your personal power and your physical vitality and wellness. Serpentine is the color of fresh new growth in the spring, a sprout just rising from the earth, the color of a snake weaving its way through the grass with its belly to the ground.


Serpentine is a hydrous magnesium iron silicate. Hydrous means it contains water, which helps with its flowing and dispersive energies. Magnesium is relaxing. Iron is nurturing and strengthening. And its silicate structure helps you peel off the layers of outworn emotions and behaviors and provides protection.

It has a monoclinic crystal structure which is purifying in effect and helps release the agitation and stress that change can bring. It’s a sheet silicate which means it grows in flat sheets that are layered, which metaphysically translates to its ability to help us release the unnecessary and unwanted layers of our emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. These qualities are part of why serpentine is such an amazing stone for transformation.

Use Serpentine When...

you feel..

stuck, unfulfilled, agitated, frustrated, heavy, vulnerable, misaligned, stressed, pressured, overburdened, unworthy, purposeless, scared or nervous, ill, drained, self-sacrificing

you’re struggling with..

big life changes, feeling trapped, self-doubt, energy vampires, putting yourself last, lack of boundaries, other people’s expectations, ancestral/karmic patterns, digestive issues, bad habits

you want..

courage, inner strength, resolve, resilience, full body harmony, relaxation, better self-care, support in making necessary changes, to break out of old patterns, to evolve into higher self

Crystal Serpentine Use
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Crystal Serpentine Life Background

Using Serpentine in Everyday Life


A beautiful stone of creativity and transformation, serpentine is here for you when you’re ready to say enough is enough, I’m tired of living out everyone else’s ideas for me and cycling through the same old patterns and habits, and I’m ready to claim my own power and find fulfillment.

It’s incredibly strengthening and empowering to help you harness and open up to your personal power and step into the role of a conscious creator of your life. It awakens your creative essence and helps you shed the skin of the past, the old patterns, habits, and mindsets that have held you back from manifesting your desires or the kind of life you want to live, so that you’re free to define your future from your own Soul’s desires and the clarity of your highest awareness.

Use serpentine when you’re ready to manifest big changes and huge transformations in your life. Wear it or carry it with you as you’re working through a big life transition. Lay with it over your solar plexus chakra just beneath the notch where your ribs meet when you’re ready to shed the self-doubt and old scripts running in your mind, and awaken your personal power to help you take action on what you want to create for your life going forward.

Love and Relationship
Love & Relationship

The most fundamental relationship that serpentine aids with is the one you have with your own self, with your true nature, with the Soul that lives within you. It’s a crystal of immense spiritual growth and connects you back with your own innate needs, desires, and sense of creative inner power so that you can step more fully into the expression of who you came to Earth to be.

It does this by helping to shed the layers of your old self, which includes shedding the old toxic patterns, habits, and behaviors you’ve been holding in your relationships. This can at times mean letting go of the relationship altogether, and at times mean helping you establish new healthy boundaries in your relationships.

When you’ve been giving away too much of yourself to others and your relationships are feeling very one-sided, serpentine can help you rebalance this by bringing you back to yourself, to help you address your own needs and desires, to nurture and fulfill your Soul’s growth and potential, and make sure that the relationships you spend most of your energy on in your life are going to be ones that ultimately support your growth and personal development.

Shadow Work
Shadow Work

As a very transformative crystal, serpentine is a beautiful choice for shadow work as it is a potent detoxifier of dense, dark energies and an uplifter for your mindset, emotions, and spirit. It helps you strip off your outer layers- the masks and conditioning and expectations placed on you by others- so you can see the true power that lies at your core and embody its essence in your life, in everything you do.

Work with serpentine when you’re moving through big transformations and changes in your life, or feel on the precipice of one, and are feeling your subconscious fears and blocks rising to the surface. It will help you release your psychic and energetic wounds, anything that’s hindering your own self-transformation, so that you can evolve and grow into a more full expression of your Soul.

Wear or hold serpentine as you’re journaling and asking yourself the deep questions about what must be released from your life in order for you to transform. You can lay or sit with serpentine down at your root chakra or held over your solar plexus chakra to help you release the subconscious fears and shadows you hold around stepping into your own power.

Physical Healing
Physical Healing

A great stone for tummy troubles, serpentine is calming for the digestive system when upset, when you feel fire in your belly, have indigestion, nausea, or bloating. It’s cooling for the body, slowing down the progression of infection, and helping to clear pathogens, parasites, and radiation poisoning from the body.

It’s a good crystal for the skin to help heal insect bites and skin or eye infections. It brings pathogens up and out through the skin to clear them, making it a good choice to use as a facial stone roller or gua sha, or you can even gently rub a tumbled serpentine stone against your skin.

You can simply wear serpentine as a protective stone for healing and detoxing, or use it for on-body treatments upon specific areas you want to bring its nurturing, stabilizing energies to, such as over your stomach, liver, or spleen when you’re experiencing digestive upset, or over your chest for heart palpitations or hypertension. Or you can simply hold serpentine in one or both hands to have it affect your whole meridian system as needed.

Self Care
Self Care

A perfect stone for self-care, serpentine helps you honor your own needs and take care of yourself. It’s a great stone for those who tend to take of everyone and everything else in their lives first and put themselves last on the list. It reminds you that your needs and desires matter, that you belong first and foremost to yourself, and that you have to gracefully let go of what others want and expect so you can find your own authentic way in this life.

If you’re a martyr or over-doer for others, serpentine helps you be of service to yourself first, so that you can better take care of others without depleting yourself. It’s a great stone to help you release self-criticism and judgment and begin to accept yourself for exactly who you are, and who you’re becoming. Sit or lay down while you hold your serpentine and breathe to help you restore your vital essence when you feel worn out from giving too much of yourself away.

It’s also a great stone for beauty and skincare to enhance your sense of self-worth. When you’re feeling insecure or unsure about yourself for any reason, wear or hold serpentine and it will bring a boost of confidence and courage. It’s an amazing stone to have with you for your journey of self-growth.

Ancestral & Past Life Work
Ancestral & Past Life Work

Serpentine has a strong connection to the past in its ability to help you break free from the confines, struggles, and stories of the past, and rebirth yourself into a new ideation of what’s possible for you. It’s a stone of personal power, helping you rise into the integrity of your own Soul’s essence and break free from any limiting beliefs, conditioned behavior, and patterns that have been holding you back from your full expression.

It works specifically with ancestral and karmic inheritances helping you become conscious of and able to break free from habitual cycles and toxic ways of thinking and being that you were born into, that you no longer have to carry with you. Serpentine is a beautiful choice to powerfully yet gently attune you back to your own personal Soul’s rhythm and reason for being, and to shed all the layers that have been put upon you by inherited ancestral patterns, past lives, or karmic contracts.

Lay with serpentine down at the root chakra for 10-15 minutes at a time to help you break through patterns of fear and ancestral and karmic cycles. See what feelings, memories, and thoughts come to mind as you do this for clues into what your subconscious is releasing. You can also wear or hold serpentine while you’re journaling about the cycles you’re ready to break free from, or as you do a past life meditation. Keep a serpentine sphere or point in your living area where family gathers, or near old family photos, to spread the energies of release and rebirth into the space.


A beautiful crystal to meditate with, serpentine is grounding, calming, and nurturing to your mind, body, and soul. It’s uplifting and soothing for the emotions and helps bring you into a state of presence to connect with the nature around you and within you. Use it when you want to rise into a state of inner peace and harmony.

Serpentine awakens and activates your kundalini, which is your creative life force energy, what animates and enlivens your soul. It stirs this powerful and transformative energy within you and moves it all the way from its home in your root chakra up through your core and out through the top of your crown chakra, connecting you with a higher consciousness and bringing you into a state of harmonic balance. The kundalini energy rises up like a snake through your chakra system, and you can envision this in your mind as you work with the stone, or listen to our guided meditation below to help you awaken your kundalini energy.

💚 Our guided serpentine meditation empowers you to awaken your innate creative power, clear your blocks, and transform your life from the inside out. 🐍

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Serpentine Guided Meditation

Our guided serpentine meditation empowers you to awaken your innate creative power, clear your blocks, and transform your life from the inside out.

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Serpentine Connections

Zodiac Signs & Ruling Planet


Serpentine’s healing and detoxifying energy aligns with Virgo, helping you shed toxic habits and patterns that are hindering your everyday alignment and growth. It’s a grounding stone that connects you back with the natural world and the Earth itself, so you can find more internal balance. It also aids in digestive issues and the self-doubt that Virgo energy is notorious for, settling fear and worry to help you feel confident and supported in making changes in your life.


The Earth essence of serpentine also relates to Capricorn in that it increases your physical and emotional endurance and resilience, keeping you moving ahead and focusing on growth no matter what mountains you have to climb along the way. After you break through the confines of the past, you can then build upon its wisdom. Serpentine encourages you to forge ahead while trusting your instinct to guide you, just like the strong Sea-goat.


As a crystal of deep regeneration and nurturing, Venus is the natural ruler of serpentine. It draws a deep resonance with the self-worth and balance that Venus brings and helps you release the dense and dark energies in your life so you can step into more pleasure, harmony, and fulfillment from within yourself which will affect all your relationships, including the one you have with your own self, for the better.

Crystal Serpentine Connection Item
Sabian Symbol

Sabian Symbol

{The Sabian symbols are a set of channeled mental images that describe the energy associated with each degree of the zodiac wheel. Each Sabian symbol has been linked to a crystal that embodies the frequency and essence of that symbol’s energy.}

Three Stained Glass Windows, One Damaged by Bombardment… 

Phase 272, Capricorn 2*

Bring this image to your mind- what are some of the words and feelings that come along with it? This is a symbol of resilience and what must be fixed or repaired in order to come back into harmony. Each stained glass window could represent a different viewpoint or perspective, or a different lens on your life, and one has been damaged by outside forces of some kind.

It can serve as a reminder to focus on the beauty that’s still present and on how to fix what’s been broken, rather than on what caused the damage and the external influences that are beyond your control. With patience, diligent effort, and a positive viewpoint, you can even rebuild it back stronger and better this time, a metaphor for the strength and wisdom you gain from the hardships and struggles in life that allow you to rise again and transform into a fuller version of yourself, which is exactly what serpentine can help you with.

Crystal Serpentine Connection Item
Tarot Cards


The death card is a symbol of letting go, of endings, and releasing the past. It can mean letting old habits and patterns die and saying goodbye to old ways of being so that you can rebirth into a new self. This encapsulates serpentine’s deep energy of transformation and regeneration, as it’s a crystal that works by first helping you let things go, releasing the toxic and harmful energies, so you can create the space and energy you need to rise into a more powerful version of yourself.

When you’re ready to let what must die in your life go to make room to birth what’s new, serpentine is an amazing and supportive stone guide for you to work with. It aids in smoothing and stabilizing out those big life changes and necessary transformations we must make at times so we can grow into the full capacity of our Soul’s power in this lifetime.

Crystal Serpentine Connection Item
Spirit Animal


Serpentine is named after its spirit animal, the serpent or snake, and it totally encapsulates the transformative, resilient, earth-connected energy of the snake. Serpentine helps you move with ease around the obstacles in life, to shed your skin and step into a new body and new way of being, ascending in consciousness, becoming wiser and more balanced than you were before as each layer is shed.

It also helps you step into your inherent power, which the snake is a beautiful example of. It holds an energy that knows when to stay low to the ground and when to strike. It stands up for itself, it protects itself, and it commands power through its very presence alone. Serpentine stokes this innate power within you, raising you into your ability to confidently stand up for what you want to create in your life, and to stay strong and resilient through all the curves on the road ahead.

Crystal Serpentine Connection Item
Serpentine Varieties

Serpentine comes in a range of varieties, all with similar healing qualities as described above with a few differences:


This is a beautiful combination of serpentine and jade, the transforming stone and its highly evolved form together in one, helping you evolve to your highest potential as well.


This is a bright yellow-green stone in the serpentine family that helps you develop patience and courage and focus on the health and well-being of your physical body.


A darker green subset of the serpentine family that leans toward more heart-healing qualities and cellular regeneration while also being deeply detoxifying.

Crystal Serpentine Connection Item
Crystal Pairings

Serpentine + Garnet

Pair with garnet to help you release habituated patterns and toxic behaviors for good, to fully embody your power, and regain your sense of inner and outer strength.

Serpentine + Black Tourmaline

Pair with black tourmaline for a powerful detoxifying and grounding duo to help you stay focused and dedicated to the practical everyday changes you need to make in your life.

Serpentine + Stichtite

Pair with stichtite, which serpentine naturally grows with in many places, to bring high-heart energy to the surface and help you heal and repair old emotional wounds.

Crystal Serpentine Connection Item
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Crystal Serpentine Care Background

Care + Cleansing for Serpentine

As an earthy stone, bringing serpentine back to mother nature is the best way to cleanse and recharge it. You can leave it outside on the dirt, grass, sand, a tree root, or rock overnight or in the low morning or evening light, and it will discharge its accumulated energies into the Earth, and be restored by its natural harmonic essence.

You can also place your serpentine directly in the sun for a powerful recharge but only for a couple of hours- too much solar energy can throw its yin nature off balance.

For a quick cleanse, simply run your serpentine stone under some cool water for a bit until its energy feels cleared. You can also recharge it on a clear quartz cluster.

We put our hearts and souls to bring this into life for you. We want to ask you to tap on the heart button if you like this, and please share with others! Thank you. Love and blessings from Moon Omens team..

Oh, and we are looking forward reading your comments below about your experience with Serpentine or crystals in general!


Tell us what you think


  • This content and information is so insightful and deep. Thank you so much for your time love and support. Amazing work

  • I adore this article and appreciate its timeliness. I have been searching for the right stone to guide me through a profoundly transforming period. Thank You.

  • Divine timing. Beautifully written and powerfully informative. This is for sure my next crystal purchse. Very much aligned with what I feel is needed at this time. Thank you so much Moon Omens✨️🙏🏼💖

    • There’s so much transformation going on for a lot of us, it’s an amazing stone to help you through it all- glad you found it at the right time!

  • The timing of this article was perfect. The crystal has been talking to me for awhile and now I have some great ways to help work with its energies. Thank you.

  • Thank you so much , I have been intuitively connecting with this stone and so wonderful to read this article and find meaning and connection to this stone.

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