Crystal Clear Quartz
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Clear Quartz

The Crystal of Vibrational Activation

Pisces zodiac signs Pisces
Taurus zodiac signs Taurus
Aries zodiac signs Aries
Air element Air
Water element Water
Fire element Fire
Earth element Earth
Sun planet Sun
Crystal Clear Quartz Price Box Background

Clear Quartz Guided Meditation

🤍 Our guided clear quartz meditation is cleansing & clarifying to align your mind, body, and soul, open to your intuitive intelligence, and amplify your positive intentions out to the Universe. ✨

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Crystal Clear Quartz Message Background
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The message

Clear Quartz’s Message To You:

I shine pure light into every part of you
transmitting the electric energy of consciousness
the pulse of pure intelligence
the current of clear knowing

I channel the highest vibration of light
through the very center of your being
flushing out the darkness and confusion
carving the pathway for insight to flow

I activate your crystalline nature
illuminating your purest essence
opening your eyes to the truth
as you breathe in your connection to the divine

I contain great libraries of wisdom
Stored within the infinite memory of the Universe
An interdimensional light being in physical form
I contain all that is and all that ever will be.


Clear Quartz helps you to…

  • Find clarity & direction
  • Access higher intelligence
  • Activate your life force
Crystal Clear Quartz Story Background
Crystal Clear Quartz Story Background
Crystal Clear Quartz Story

The Story of Clear Quartz

Born at the beginning of consciousness from the Source of life itself, and implanted into the entire crust of the Earth, clear quartz is a master healing crystal here to guide humanity’s evolution. The most fundamental crystal to have in your collection for activating, cleansing, and uplifting the energy within and all around you, clear quartz is a must-have for every beginner crystal enthusiast and a tried and true tool for even the most advanced crystal collectors and healing practitioners.

The memory keeper of the Earth, holding the vast annals of its history through time and space, clear quartz holds ancient wisdom within it. It’s like pure light in a solid form that you can touch and hold and use as a tool to bring pure light consciousness into your body. You can use it to help you access energetic information that’s been stored in the databank of the Universe, to gain answers and wisdom from the past, present, and future and bring it into the material reality of right here and now.

Ever abundant and pure, made simply of oxygen and silicon, clear quartz is found everywhere on Earth and is included in a majority of the other beautiful minerals and crystals that we know and adore. Known as the “outstanding stone” in Daoist stone medicine, its most potent power is its ability to strengthen the effects of other stones, as well as activate the life force essence of anything its directed towards.

Highly programmable, clear quartz absorbs, stores, and transmits whatever energetic information is input into it. It’s one of the most easily accessible and affordable crystals you can use to access a clear vision for your future, set your intentions, and bring your ideas and dreams to life.

It enhances your intuitive intelligence and uplifts and expands your awareness to help you see your life clearly from a higher perspective, helping you make the right decisions and turn down the right paths that will lead you to your highest purpose.

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Crystal Clear Quartz Property Background

Clear Quartz Healing Properties

Element Fire


Clear quartz is like the pure essence of the divine that lives within all things, and its wholeness encompasses all elements. Its fire essence is the beginning, the spark of creation, the activating force that ignites the energy of all things and boosts the energy within you, and of anything it’s directed towards.

Its fire energy is the clear fire of wisdom, an electric current of pure inspiration, the essential force that moves us, ignites us, and helps us take action on the insights and ideas we receive. It harnesses the powerful essence of pure consciousness to connect with the divine spirit that’s within all that is.

Element Earth


As the most abundant mineral on Earth’s crust and an inherent part of its life force essence, clear quartz is integral to our material world and human society. It’s in whatever electronic device you’re reading this on right now, and quite literally helps keep time ticking in our lives. This connection to our humanity makes it an essential part of life here on Earth.

It’s strong, durable, tough, resilient, and becomes activated through pressure, harnessing the energetics of the Earth to help you embody all those qualities as well. Clear quartz energy is so clear and strong that it can make the effects of other crystals stronger as well, as a conductor of pure life force.

Element Wind


Made of pure silicon and oxygen, clear quartz harnesses the essential ingredients for human life to help you breathe in the fresh air of clarity, awareness, and truth. It’s the air of infinite space, clearing stifled, cluttered, and chaotic thinking. It heightens and expands mental perception and the ability to channel clear, actionable, positive thoughts that will guide you toward a more satisfying and enlightening life experience.

It also opens the channels of communication with the divine realm of Spirit to help you gain access to higher information and insight to guide your life. It illuminates new pathways and perceptions to help you find clear ways to move forward and gives you access to the infinite intelligence of the Universe to expand your knowledge and heighten your understanding.

Element Water


Ancient Daoists considered clear quartz to be congealed water that solidified over thousands of years, and a representative of water’s purest essence. Its water energy cleanses and clears emotional blocks and stagnancy, releasing dense, heavy energies to bring your emotional body into more balance.

Water energy is highly connected to intuition and emotional intelligence, both of which clear quartz can stimulate and heighten within you to help you access more clarity and focus in your perception and cultivate inner strength and alignment that can guide you through times of confusing or chaotic emotions.

Chakra Crown


Clear quartz works with every chakra and can be used to activate, cleanse and clear each one, but its baseline of clear, high vibrational energy is particularly associated with the crown chakra and the illumination, transcendence, and enlightenment that this chakra opens you up to.

The crown is connected to the Divine, to the realm of spirit, to the highest vibrational energy and information available to our human perception. It’s the gateway that opens your awareness, heightens your consciousness, brings you up and above the material world into the realm of pure consciousness where you can find peace, calm, and clarity.

And clear quartz is like a key to open the door of the crown chakra and let in the cleansing, divine light of the highest vibration down into your body, bringing it down through the central column along your spine to clear and activate each chakra and every cell of the body, illuminating any darkness, density, and confusion along the way.

Energetic Qualities
Energetic Qualities


Clear quartz can transmit, receive, and store information and can contain infinite amounts of data which is why it’s used in computing devices and electronics. You can program it with your conscious intentions, goals, and ideas, to input energetic information into it, and it will then broadcast and amplify that programming throughout your aura and the world around you.


The purest amplifier of the crystal world, clear quartz conducts and strengthens electric energy. It’s piezoelectric which means, when pressure is applied to it, it emits an electric pulse. This surges its pure life-force energy into your body, other crystals, or wherever it’s in use, amplifying, expanding, and radiating the energies of what it’s directed toward.


As a crystal holding so much clarity, clear quartz cleanses and clears the energy through the central channel of your body, from head to toe, bringing your mind, body, and spirit into harmonic alignment so that all the pieces and parts of you are working together. Deemed the “master healer” in crystal healing, it washes away dense, dark, heavy energies.

Physical Properties
Physical Properties


Clear quartz is clear to white in color, ranging from completely transparent with glass-like clarity to cloudy, semi-transparent, or whitish. Clear and white coloring is associated with purity, clarity, and the higher realms of awareness, creating an uplifted consciousness and cleansing impurities, negativity, and dense energies.

Clear quartz has hexagonal-shaped crystals which are naturally six-sided structures, and bring the essence of harmony and balance to it. This hexagon shape also mimics a circular structure which is correlated to the energy of water, which is the clear, essential substance of life that clear quartz holds within it.


Made of simply silicon and oxygen, clear quartz is a pure channel for life force energy to move through, which is why it’s able to absorb, store, and transmit energetic information so effectively.

It has a framework silicate structure, which moves energy up and down, in and out, bringing balance wherever it’s needed. It also has a trigonal crystal shape, which relates to the element of fire, to our inner fire, sparking the soul and imagination.

Use Clear Quartz When...

 you feel..

lost, confused, foggy, imbalanced, unsure, depressed, heavy, dark, low energy, disconnected, uninspired, unmotivated, weak, ill, stuck, overwhelmed, chaotic, restless  

you’re struggling with..

exhaustion, a cluttered mind, lack of willpower or purpose, indecision, failed manifestations, pain, instability, inner turmoil, low vibratory energies, lack of focus or concentration

you want..

clarity, confidence, cleansing, positivity, balance, strength, amplification, manifestation, intuitive enhancement, expanded awareness, divine connection, to strengthen other crystals 

Crystal Clear Quartz Use
Crystal Clear Quartz Life Background
Crystal Clear Quartz Life Background

Using Clear Quartz in Everyday Life


One of the best crystals to use for manifestation, clear quartz can quite literally hold, store, and broadcast your intentions for what you want to manifest out into the world to become tangible things you can hold and real-world experiences that bring you joy and fulfillment. Its light-filled, active energy points you toward positive, enlightening, uplifting options and routes along your path, especially during those times when you may feel lost or confused.

It’ll help you not only get clear on exactly what it is you want to create in your life, or how you can serve your purpose in a greater way, but to also take action on the insights and inspired ideas that it opens you up to, helping you move in alignment towards your highest potential. It helps you remember and embody the wisdom that wherever your attention goes, energy flows.

One of the simplest ways to use it for this purpose is by writing down what you want to manifest on a piece of paper, and then folding it up and placing it beneath a clear quartz generator, sphere, or cluster to direct the energy of your intention out into the Universe. You can also speak your intentions directly into the quartz and it will hold them in the same way. You can also expand this into a full crystal grid by placing a clear quartz at the center and supporting crystals around it that align with the energy of the intention you want to bring to life.

You can also use small clear quartz points directed towards any other crystals you’re working with for specific manifestations that you’re calling into your life to help strengthen and amplify the effects of those stones.

Love and Relationship
Love & Relationship

The most essential relationship that clear quartz helps with is the one you have with yourself, helping you find inner clarity and tap into your own essential wisdom and innate knowing. When you’re in this state of purity, openness, clarity, and energy that’s active and moving, you bring that same essence into the rest of your relationships to raise the consciousness of them all.

The great harmonizer, clear quartz helps you gain clarity and awareness around the relationships in your life and which ones are helping you find more balance, are opening you up more, helping you expand and activate your potential, and which ones aren’t. This can help you bring more harmony to your life by helping you focus your energy and attention on the relationships that are uplifting and beneficial for you. You can also use clear quartz as an enhancer and strengthener for any other love or heart-related crystals you may be using, and it will amplify their healing effects. Pair it with emerald, rose quartz, or rhodonite to help you heal and strengthen your heart and soothe and repair old wounds to bring more strength and comfort into your relationships.

Shadow Work
Shadow Work

As a crystal holding immense, electric light, clear quartz is a beautiful choice to help you clear through the shadows of your subconscious. When you feel low down and dark within yourself, unclear how to move forward, or unsure what’s been holding you back or keeping you stuck in the same patterns, clear quartz can raise your perspective to help you see the truth, to help you look within yourself with eyes wide open, and to find the positive, light aspects of whatever you might find hiding there in the darkness.

Wear or hold quartz or have it near as you dive into some shadow work journaling to help you bring things to light. You can place it on your third eye as you lay down and relax and envision yourself going into the dark of your unconscious, to help you find what’s hiding there. Or place it on your heart to help cleanse old wounds, guilt, and grief that may be lingering, or on your sacral chakra to help you clear and release fear, shame, guilt, and many of the emotional shadows that can settle into your lower body.

You can also use a double-terminated quartz (one that’s pointed on both ends) laid down along the center of your body- this will send energy out from both directions to move light through the whole body, clearing cords from old wounds and energetic binds from the past.

Physical Healing
Physical Healing

As a crystal of life-force energy, clear quartz is physically revitalizing and activating, boosting your mental focus and attention while also helping you relax and stabilize internally to release tension and pain held in the body. It regulates and invigorates the blood, helping things flow and move out, and helping to relieve internal heat, palpitations, and even constipation.

Connected with the element of metal in traditional Chinese medicine, which is associated with the lungs, clear quartz helps activate, cleanse, and harmonize the lungs, aiding with shortness of breath and constriction in the diaphragm. It helps the lungs in their essential task of grasping the “qi”, or life force energy, that’s all around us and bringing it into the body to be dispersed and used to charge up your internal batteries.

Place a clear quartz generator, which is flat on the bottom with a point on top, onto any area of the body that you want to draw healing life force energy into. You can also use a double-terminated quartz wand on the center of the body to send healing energy both up and down throughout your entire body to boost physical vitality and well-being. Or use a clear quartz point to direct and target the energy to anywhere you want it to flow, including into acupressure points, areas of pain, or very specific spots on the body.

Self Care
Self Care

An essential and simple tool to use in your everyday life, clear quartz is a crystal you can wear, hold, or have around you day in and day out to bring clarity and upliftment anytime you need it. Wearing clear quartz on a necklace, ring, or bracelet, or keeping one along with you in your pocket or bra, is the best and easiest way to stay within its clarifying field of energy.

You can safely place clear quartz in your bath water with you to help cleanse and clear your energy field along with your physical body, or even place it in your drinking water to bring its energizing and clarifying effects into your body and have them move through you all day long. Just be sure to clean it off with some soap and water first before using it for these purposes.

As one of the least expensive and most accessible crystals available, it can be helpful to get multiple small clear quartz points that you can use in a variety of ways. You can use these in your crystal grids or to pair with any other crystals you may be using for self-care to amplify their effects. You can also use them to help you set and achieve specific goals and intentions around your self-care routine or even as reminders for you to take better care of yourself throughout the day. You can keep one in the four corners of your room to bring more fresh, clear, activating life force energy into your whole environment.

Intuitive Development
Intuitive Development

The most prevalent and easily accessible crystal on Earth is also one of the best to use for amping up and developing the innate powers of your intuition. It’s so pure and clear that it helps you become a clear channel for the intelligence that is flowing in from spirit, from your higher self, and from Source itself.

Clear quartz’s electric activation shoots straight through the dense energy within you that can clutter and clog your intuitive awareness, and opens you to the intelligence that already lives within you and that you can access from the great Universal consciousness. It sends your awareness upward and outward to gather the most clear, purposeful, and necessary insights from this matrix of information floating all around us. Place it over your third eye or above your head while lying down to help open and clarify your intuitive channels.

A clear quartz sphere is the classic “crystal ball” that has been used for scrying and divination throughout history. It’s true that gazing into clear quartz can help you gain focus, insight, awareness, and clarity. Try this with a question or intention in your mind, or ask for wisdom or clarity around a certain situation, and then simply gaze into your quartz, the clearer the better for this purpose, and simply stay open to what enters your awareness, where your mind and attention and focus go, on what you see and feel inside.


A beautifully powerful stone to meditate with, clear quartz clarifies and directs the mind to help you find and focus on the light. Sitting with clear quartz can bring you into a state of peace, contemplation, and higher awareness, lifting and expanding your energy, and helping your mind, emotions and physical body come into a state of alignment where they can all communicate with one another.

Meditate with clear quartz when you need clear insight, inspiration, higher wisdom, or simply to gain freedom from a troubled, heavy, cluttered mind. It’s most helpful to meditate with it while holding a clear intention in your heart, as it will amplify and broadcast that intention through your energetic field and into the world around you.

🤍 Our guided clear quartz meditation is cleansing & clarifying to align your mind, body, and soul, open to your intuitive intelligence, and amplify your positive intentions out to the Universe.

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Clear Quartz Guided Meditation

🤍 Our guided clear quartz meditation is cleansing & clarifying to align your mind, body, and soul, open to your intuitive intelligence, and amplify your positive intentions out to the Universe. ✨

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Clear Quartz Connections

Zodiac Signs & Ruling Planet


Clear quartz holds the birth of consciousness within it, which is the archetypal representation associated with Aries. Hard and clear like a diamond, the Aries birthstone, clear quartz brings energy, enthusiasm, light, and positivity, inspiring an Arien-style fresh perspective, mental clarity, and the agency to act on your soul’s urge.


Clear quartz amplifies any intention you set, helping you bring ideas down to into tangible creations here on Earth. It keeps energy flowing and moving forward wherever you may tend to get stuck or resist change. Associated with the uplifting energy of new life and resurgence of growth in the spring, it brings a Taurean strength of being.


With its clarity and connection to the Divine and Spirit world, clear quartz helps you access information and truths from higher realms and pure sources of wisdom. It illuminates the dark places within, giving you a guiding light when you’re swimming through the dark waters of your unconscious, and brings mind, body, and spirit into harmonic alignment.


Filled with activating, yang energy, clear quartz harnesses the higher consciousness and abundant light of the Sun, the Source of energy for life on Earth. It activates, magnifies, and expands the light that’s all around it, radiating its energy outwardly into the Universe. Any rainbows clear quartz may contain become visible in the sunlight, as it holds the essence of all vibrations within it, showing us the truth of what is.

Crystal Clear Quartz Connection Item
Sabian Symbol

Sabian Symbol

{The Sabian symbols are a set of channeled mental images that describe the energy associated with each degree of the zodiac wheel. Each Sabian symbol has been linked to a crystal that embodies the frequency and essence of that symbol’s energy.}

A Crystal Gazer… 

Phase 9, Aries 9*

Bring this image to your mind of an intuitive healer gazing into a clear quartz crystal ball, able to harness and hone their potent inner sight to look into the past, present, and future, able to see the pathways and possibilities clearly. Clear quartz can actually be used for divination in this way, to focus your energy and intentions and act as a conductor for clear intuitive information to flow through.

This symbol describes the energy of harnessing the potency of your intuitive gifts and allowing them to guide you, and it’s the energy that clear quartz brings into your life. It helps you focus your conscious mind while opening and expanding your higher, psychic mind to Divine intelligence and a broader awareness. It activates and strengthens your inner vision so you can break free from the bounds of the past and see the way forward to bring your intentions to life.

Crystal Clear Quartz Connection Item
Tarot Cards

The Magician

This major arcana card symbolizes the manifestation of intentions coming into form, and the alchemization of different elements into new creations. The Magician can be seen with one hand holding a wand pointed towards the sky, and the other hand with a finger pointed towards the ground, signifying the summoning of Divine forces onto the physical plane. He has every element in the tarot deck represented on the table before him which sits behind a flourishing garden of flowers, bursting with life and creation.

This reflects the energy that clear quartz holds and its ability to harness all the elements to bridge the material and spiritual worlds to bring ideas to life. The infinity symbol above the Magician’s head signifies his connection to the infinite wisdom of the Universe, which is exactly what clear quartz can help you tap into. They both are symbols of harnessing your inner power, focus, and intent to channel pure energy into manifesting your highest potential.

Crystal Clear Quartz Connection Item
Spirit Animal


The energy of clear quartz feels like an eagle soaring through a clear blue sky on the currents of the wind, illuminated by the radiant light of the Sun. With its laser-like focus and expansive vision, it sees the world from a higher perspective and is able to direct and focus its energy and attention with immense skill. Its power, agility, and grace allow it to soar to the highest heights of consciousness, representing a clear connection to the Divine forces.

These are the same energies that clear quartz stokes within you to help guide you out of the darkness and confusion, into the light of your own inner strength and innate knowing. It taps you into your intuitive intelligence while lifting your perspective to greater heights where you can gain the clear vision of an eagle and focus on exactly what you want to create for your life going forward.

Crystal Clear Quartz Connection Item
Clear Quartz Varieties

There are countless varieties of clear quartz hailing from different areas of the world and embedded with the spiritual codes of their different environments, all with similar healing effects as described in this article. Here are a few of the most typical varieties you’ll find:

Herkimer Diamond

These small but potent double-terminated quartz crystals are exceptionally clear and found only in Herkimer County, New York. The point on each end amplifies their spiritual and clarifying energy.

Lemurian Quartz

This variety is believed to contain wisdom from Lemuria and the ancient worlds, and often is found with horizontal striations along its side, like a ladder climbing to new heights of perception.

Enhydro Quartz

This refers to clear quartz that contains tiny pockets of water that became trapped within it during its formation. These often refract rainbows in the light, and the water content enhances their emotional cleansing ability.

Phantom Quartz

This is a magical variety of clear quartz that occurs when its growth is interrupted at some point, creating a shadowy effect of a smaller crystal within it. These are especially potent for divination and connecting with higher dimensions.

Himalayan Quartz

Renowned for their high dimensional energy and strong connection to ascended masters and the highest realms of spiritual intelligence, this quartz variety is perfect for elevating your consciousness on the journey towards enlightenment.

Crystal Clear Quartz Connection Item
Crystal Pairings

Clear Quartz + any other crystal!

Clear quartz is absolutely the best crystal to pair with any other crystal in your collection to amplify and direct the energies of your others stones.

Clear Quartz + Black Tourmaline 

Pair with black tourmaline for a beautiful yin/yang duo of supreme grounding and ultimate upliftment, to help you ground your clear insights in the physical realm.

Clear Quartz + Emerald

Pair with emerald for a beautiful cleansing and uplifting duo that will set you up for attracting abundance in all areas and seeing your intentions come to life.

Crystal Clear Quartz Connection Item
Crystal Clear Quartz Care Background
Crystal Clear Quartz Care Background

Care + Cleansing for Clear Quartz

Since clear quartz is highly programmable and absorbs and transmits energetic information very easily, if you’re using it for specific healing purposes or intentions, you do want to make sure you clear and recharge it each time before use.

You can cleanse and clear the imprinting of clear quartz by leaving it in the sun for a short period of time- only for 20-30 minutes tops to recharge its innate solar, yang energy back up. Place it in a safe spot and only for a short time, as it’s so clear that the direct sunlight shining through it can start a fire! You can also leave it out on the earth overnight under the moonlight to cleanse and recharge it with yin, earthly energies.

You can also run your clear quartz under some water or immerse it in a bowl of salt water to absorb any energy and information it’s holding, or place it on a selenite plate overnight.

You can also use smudge smoke or sound vibration to clear and charge your quartz, or even just hold it in your hands with the purest intention that it be cleared, and imagine a glowing white light purifying and recharging it.

We put our hearts and souls to bring this into life for you. We want to ask you to tap on the heart button if you like this, and please share with others! Thank you. Love and blessings from Moon Omens team..

Oh, and we are looking forward reading your comments below about your experience with Clear Quartz or crystals in general!


Tell us what you think


  • I am in a particularly confusing phase of my older life where I realize I will need to make a move to be closer to one or the other of my sons. I love where I live, and the cabin in the woods is a very familiar and cozy home. But isolation at nearly 68 years of age is not what will be best for me, particularly with some health issues that may worsen. I will use my clear phantom crystal to work on body, mind, spirit, and what comes next. Blessings to you!

    • Ooh you have a clear phantom quartz, those are very magical. We hope it helped you find the clarity you were looking for at the time! 💎

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