Crystal Charoite
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crystal icon Charoite



The Crystal of the Sacred Path

Scorpio zodiac signs Scorpio
Sagittarius zodiac signs Sagittarius
Water element Water
Air element Air
Moon planet Moon
Heart Third Eye Crown
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Charoite Guided Meditation

Our guided Charoite meditation takes you on a cleansing, empowering journey to connect with your highest self and regain confidence to move forward on your path.

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Crystal Charoite Message Background
Crystal Charoite Message Background
Crystal Charoite Frame

The message

Charoite’s Message To You:

Through the rivers of change
I’ll carry you
I’ll steady your heart
& guide you through

Into the deep dark
I’ll follow you there
releasing the blocks
I’ll make you aware

Of your personal power
& the insight you hold
helping you reach
your highest goals

Dismantling the fears
that hold you back
so you can overcome
& get on track

To walk the path
of your highest vision
and step into
your true Soul’s mission


Charoite helps you to…

  • Move past obstacles
  • Embody your highest self
  • Find your true path
Crystal Charoite Story Background
Crystal Charoite Story Background
Crystal Charoite Story

The Story of Charoite

Born by the waters of a great river that runs through a cold, harsh landscape, charoite teaches you how to keep moving and flowing forward in your life despite hardship, how to overcome the apparent boulders and blocks along your path and use them instead as stepping stones to help you get a leg up in life and see things from a different point of view. It’s an incredible crystal companion to help you feel more stable, confident, and clear during emotional challenges, big life changes, and transitional phases in life.

Found in the high desert of Siberia, Russia near the Chara River it’s named for, this is a very magical and emotive stone, clearing through the deep and dark, the stuckness and stagnancy, helping you see your way forward through the hard times, through the times in life when you feel like you don’t know where you’re going and don’t know what to do. This glistening purple stone connects you with the wisdom that lies inherent within you so you can connect with your highest path, with your Soul’s true mission here on Earth, and with the courage and inner strength it’ll take to help you walk that path.

A stone of the mental realms, charoite helps you overcome distractions and your negative or self-defeating thought patterns. It elevates and expands your mind so you can see from a higher perspective and then bring that wisdom back down into the physical realm, into your body. This helps you more rationally contain and even rise above your heavy emotions when they’re feeling overwhelming or threatening to carry you away. It’s a beautiful stone to relieve fear and insecurity, helping you move past the mental barriers that keep you feeling stuck, unworthy, or purposeless in your life.

It’s a great tool to activate your creativity, align with your purpose, and figure out what you want to dedicate yourself to, be loyal to, what you truly love to do. What happened in the past doesn’t have to define your future and charoite reminds you of that, empowering you to become a teacher, healer, or leader, to share the wisdom of what you’ve learned through experience, hardship, struggle, and pain, to rise above the past and retain the gems of insight and understanding it gave you, and carry them forward into the future of your own creation.

Crystal Charoite Property Background
Crystal Charoite Property Background

Charoite Healing Properties

Element Water


Harnessing the energy of a river, charoite moves energy and qi, regulating the waters of your body and your emotions. Water relates to the kidneys in Daoist stone medicine, which store our core essence, our vitality, our energetic batteries.

When you feel emotionally drained or energetically depleted, charoite can help get the inner waters flowing and filling back up again, restoring your energy and vitality, smoothing out overwhelming emotions, breaking up blockages, and purging and expelling toxic, harmful emotional energy.

Charoite helps energy move and flow like a river, releasing tension and restrictions. Where there is stuckness or stagnation in your life, it can get things moving again, help you cycle out of old negative patterns and habits, and let the river of life carry you to your Soul’s truest desires, to your life’s mission.

Element Wind


Charoite is also a stone of the mental realm, where our thoughts, ideas, and visions live, and it can help you move past the clouds of confusion, all the way to the peak of the mountain where you can get a clear view of everything and access your higher wisdom.

In particular, charoite holds the element of wind- this is air in motion, thoughts moving, ideas flowing. Think of the cold wind that rips through the Siberian mountain landscape where charoite is found, how it can cut through clouded thinking straight to the heart of the matter, to what you need to know now, to the information and insight that’s going to help you survive and thrive in your current situation.

This is what the wind of charoite does for your mental landscape, blowing away the negative, pessimistic, toxic thinking patterns and thoughts running through your mind, guiding your awareness to what’s most essential for you to know so you can get where you want to go, walk your path, and reach the peak of the proverbial mountain.

Chakra Heart


A stone for the emotional realms of the heart, charoite can help you gain a clearer understanding and awareness of what you’re feeling and where it’s coming from, and help you release and untangle some of the knots of confusion and pain that may be lying in your heart space.

In Daoist stone medicine, charoite aids in heart-kidney communication, the connection path between our emotional and physical vitality, the link between the emotions we feel and take on from others through our heart space, and how we process through all that emotional energy in the kidneys.

As charoite cleanses and releases the heavy, toxic emotions from the heart, so too it clears through the weight of emotional baggage you may be carrying in the kidneys, releasing layers of stifled, stuck emotions from your energetic field as its essence works its way down into the core of who you are.

Chakra Third Eye

Third Eye

Charoite helps cleanse and clear your inner vision, activating your intuition and higher mind to reveal insight, knowledge, and guidance. It’s especially helpful for opening awareness around your emotional state, to see how your thoughts are affecting your feelings and physical experience of the world.

In a symbiotic relationship with the solar plexus chakra, as charoite helps clear the mental fog, patterns, and limiting beliefs you may be holding in your third eye chakra, it also draws more courage and confidence into your solar plexus, giving you the ability to act on your ideas and inspiration and move forward on the visions you hold, so you can make them real.

Chakra Crown


Uplifting and inspiring, charoite opens and activates your crown chakra, extending your awareness up and out into the highest realms of Spirit, to the clearest essence of your mind, to the intuitive insight that you have access to at any time. It clears the path removing any obstacles necessary to allow that insight to flow freely, so it can guide your way.

When you’re feeling insecure, unsure, fearful, purposeless, or lost in life, charoite uplifts you mentally and emotionally, helping you lift out of the darkness to gain a higher perspective and see how all the struggles and pain have led you to exactly where you need to be now, in order to get where you want to go in the future. It helps you reorient to your true path and align with your highest self, so you can embody that spirit-connected essence in your real-world life.

Energetic Qualities
Energetic Qualities


Charoite moves energy down and inward, calming heightened emotions, erratic energy, and overwhelming thoughts. When you’re spinning up and out of your body, charoite helps move your awareness back down and into your body, pulling from the cosmic connection and drawing it all the way down into your root so you can feel calm, secure, and connected.


As a cooling stone, charoite helps cool off fiery emotions like agitation, anger, and stress and helps balance internal heat in your body, cooling the blood. When your temperature is rising, literally or figuratively and you can’t think straight, charoite can bring you to a more clear, cool-headed, rationally minded state.


Charoite’s energy has movement, it is flowing, cleansing, and like a river, always changing. It helps move energy wherever it has been stuck, stagnant, or stifled, emotionally or physically. It helps you flow like water around and past your obstacles, to keep moving forward no matter what you encounter along the way. It’s a stone to help get you back on track in life and flowing towards your true purpose.

Physical Properties
Physical Properties


Charoite is a beautiful purple stone with a distinctive and unique fibrous, swirling pattern and shimmering quality that reflects the light. It ranges from light lilac to a deep royal purple and many shades in between, often with black aegirine and white-greenish feldspar inclusions running through it.

Not technically a crystal, it’s a metamorphic rock created from a combination of many different minerals. It develops under significant heat and pressure from within the Earth, and is adept at helping us handle emotional and internal heat and pressure in our lives.


Charoite’s chemical composition is hydrated potassium sodium calcium silicate hydroxy fluoride. That’s a mouthful meaning it contains a complex diversity of different minerals all working in combination to create its unique energetic properties.

Hydrated means it contains water in its essence. Sodium regulates the fluids in the body and moves and conducts water. The calcium and fluoride brings its healing effects down to the bone level, to the core of our being. As a hydroxy, it has a purging effect that helps draw toxins from the body. And it has a chain silicate structure which gives directionality to the energy, so you can target it towards a specific area.

Use Charoite When...

You’re feeling…

agitated, stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, overemotional, insecure, lost, purposeless, anxious, fearful, confused, hopeless, disconnected, challenged, dysregulated, stuck, stifled

You’re struggling with…

cramping, tightness, tension, poor concentration, major life transitions, ADHD, fear of moving forward, toxic thinking patterns, poor boundaries, fluid retention, emotional overwhelm

When you want…

a higher perspective, intuitive insight, calm emotions, a cool head, more clarity, a sense of purpose, more confidence, courage, wisdom, lightness, awareness, inner strength

Crystal Charoite Use
Crystal Charoite Life Background
Crystal Charoite Life Background

Using Charoite in Everyday Life


As a manifestation stone, charoite helps you move past internal blocks and limitations, past the critical thoughts, doubts, and fears that can often stand in the way between you and your goals. It sparks creativity and vision, and heightens your inspiration and insights, giving you the internal drive and natural motivation to bring your ideas to life.

It also stokes your sense of inner purpose and confidence to follow your dreams. Lay with it placed over your third eye for 10-20 minutes to help clear through the mental blocks that make you second guess yourself. You can also place it on your upper abdomen between the notch of your ribs to lessen the tension and stagnation those thoughts create in your physical body, so you can begin to take action and move forward towards creating a purposeful, fulfilling life.

This is a gentle stone to protect you from your own toxic thinking and emotional turmoil, helping you stay calm, cool, and steady, connected to your inner confidence and strength. Hold or wear it as you envision the future you want to create, to see through the eyes of your highest self and expand into the potential you hold. It’s especially useful when you feel like you’re on a long and arduous journey to get to where you want to go- charoite will help you retain your sense of direction and faith in yourself and in the guidance you’re receiving from the Spirit realm.

Love and Relationship
Love & Relationship

This shimmering purple stone opens and clears the heart, opening your ability to connect with others on a higher level. It builds confidence when you feel socially insecure, helping you connect with your truest essence and bring that forward into your relationships. It strengthens your emotional boundaries, your sense of your own feelings versus those you’ve picked up from others, so that you can adequately maintain awareness of your own emotional state and protect it from outer influences.

This makes it a great tool to help you establish boundaries in your relationships- with family, friends, coworkers, romantic partners- whoever is necessary, so you can feel secure and protected within yourself. Wear it as a necklace over the heart, or as a bracelet, or simply carry some charoite with you, with the intention that it helps you keep clear emotional boundaries between yourself and others.

Another beautiful thing about charoite’s gentle healing essence is its ability to help you see the higher perspective in your relationships which invokes forgiveness, acceptance, and transmutation of the past. It would make a beautiful gift for a loved one in your life, as a token that you accept them just as they are. You can keep a larger charoite piece as a centerpiece in a room where people gather to bring in a higher awareness and more emotional ease to all those who enter the space.

Shadow Work
Shadow Work

When you want an empowering force behind you as you dive into your inner world, charoite is a great choice as it gently helps you become more aware of what you’re feeling, more aware of your emotional patterns, and more aware of the habitual thinking that is keeping you stuck running in loops in your life. It’s a stone for breaking free from the past.

You can hold a charoite stone or have it near as you do some journaling work to express what you’re feeling and gain a higher perspective on it, on why it’s here, and how to transmute it and move on from it. It releases the tension and tightness of holding onto all those emotions and allows you to let go, to ease up, to fall into trust in your higher knowing and let it guide you.

At the times when you’re at your lowest, feeling dark, depressed, worthless, unsure how or why to move forward in your life, charoite is like a coat of violet healing light, to shield and protect you from the inner and outer storms, and help you see how strong you truly are and all the light and wisdom you hold so you can find relief from the pain. It transmutes the shadows, showing you that they’re not actually as scary as they seem, and that even they carry an immense amount of insight to light your way forward, knowing who you are and what you need to do on this Earth.

Physical Healing
Physical Healing

As a water stone, charoite supports your fluid metabolism, regulating the waterways of the body. Since we are made up mostly of water/plasma, this is a very healing quality that can benefit really every area of the body. It helps expel toxins through the movement of fluids, carrying them right out of your body.

It’s a useful aid to reduce fluid retention, especially in the chest area, such as from a cold or congestive heart failure. Simply placing it on the body for a period of time, on any area of stagnation, accumulation, hardness, or tension, can help get the fluids moving again and flush excess and toxins out.

As an air stone, it supports the lungs and heart, it helps you slow down and catch your breath, to fill your lungs, easing tension, anxiety and tightness in the chest. It also supports liver health and pancreatic balance, and can be useful to purge and detoxify from radiation and EMFs. Try wearing charoite as jewelry or keeping it in your pocket when you’re getting x-rays done, and to benefit your overall health and wellbeing.

Self Care
Self Care

A beautiful companion stone for everyday self-care, charoite is one to wear or carry with you daily to help you transmute and release your negative thoughts and feelings as they arise, so they don’t threaten to swell and overwhelm you. Charoite cools and contains your emotions in a gentle way to help you stay in joy and purpose throughout the day, and not get sidetracked or deflated by the inner or outer obstacles that will inevitably arise.

It’s supportive, empowering, a gentle river to carry you through the hard times and big changes in life. When you’re dealing with transitional phases and going through a lot of internal or external growth and change in your life, charoite will help you take care of your mind and emotions through all the ups and downs, so you can stay uplifted, hopeful, and confident in the path ahead.

Wear it as a bracelet or necklace daily to help you keep the mind gremlins at bay, and to cleanse and purge your energetic field of toxicity and debris throughout the day, as you move through life. It’s also a good stone to take a break with and sit with during the day to help you release any energy you’ve picked up from external sources, and come back into alignment with yourself. Charoite is a gentle cheerleader to push you past your fears so you can embody your highest essence.

Intuitive Development
Intuitive Development

Helps ground spiritual energy, bringing it down from the cosmos into your body, into your mind and heart, so you can act on it in physical reality and use it to create a divinely guided life. It combats escapism and spiritual bypassing, bringing insights down to earth, grounding them into the reality of our here and now so you can’t float away. You have a gift to serve to the world and that requires you being grounded, aware and in your body to do so- this is one lesson that charoite teaches you.

Sit with it in meditation, lay down with it over your head or placed on your forehead, and ask to connect with your guides, your highest self, your clearest consciousness, or whatever you feel compelled to by Spirit. It opens and strengthens your connection with the higher realms but doesn’t drag you out of your body to do it, it brings that awareness down to you so you can ground it into the Earth to be a teacher, a way-shower, a healer, a guide, so you can walk your path of purpose here in the short time that you’re here.

Hold it or have it near as you’re pulling tarot or oracle cards to help you see the insights clearly,  or during any practice where you want to connect with your highest, clearest essence, and it will help get you there. It’s amazing for keeping your mind clear, open, and available to all the wisdom coming through from Spirit, and discerning in how to use it to help you move forward in your physical reality.


A wonderful, calming, and relaxing stone, charoite is a great choice for meditation when you want to settle your mind and emotions and step out of the confusion and chaos into the quietude of your own inner self. It will draw your awareness up into the cosmos and then back down into your very core, where you can access eternal wisdom and insights to guide you through life.

When you’re feeling really unsettled, unsure, agitated, or like it’s hard to sit still and calm down, that’s when you really need a moment of stillness and meditation the most, and charoite is a great stone to help you release the overwhelming thoughts and emotions, detach from the struggle, and connect with your higher awareness.

💜 Our guided Charoite meditation takes you on a cleansing, empowering journey to connect with your highest self and regain confidence to move forward on your path. 🏔️ 

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Charoite Guided Meditation

Our guided Charoite meditation takes you on a cleansing, empowering journey to connect with your highest self and regain confidence to move forward on your path.

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Crystal Charoite Connection Background
Crystal Charoite Connection Background

Charoite Connections

Zodiac Signs & Ruling Planet


An excellent stone to quell overwhelming emotions, to soften the hard edges of life, and cool heated, aggressive behavior, charoite works well to temper those Scorpionic extremes. It also harnesses the gifts of Scorpio energy by activating and heightening our intuitive knowing, our emotional awareness, and our ability to find wisdom through the struggle and pain, knowing that we’re transforming and upleveling into our true power.


The beautiful open awareness of charoite connects with the expanded vision and open-mindedness of Sagittarius, helping us dream bigger, see greater possibilities, and understand the bigger picture of our lives. When you’re searching for meaning, for purpose, searching to align with your passion, or are ready to teach and share the wisdom you already have, charoite is a great stone to use to help guide your way.

The Moon

As a deeply intuitive stone connected to the emotional realms, the Moon rules charoite and brings with it the ability for this stone to help us see into the darkness of ourselves, to gain awareness of what’s going on internally, in our minds and hearts, in our subconscious. It helps us tap into our inherent knowing and learn to trust its guidance.

Crystal Charoite Connection Item
Sabian Symbol

Sabian Symbol

{The Sabian symbols are a set of channeled mental images that describe the energy associated with each degree of the zodiac wheel. Each Sabian symbol has been linked to a crystal that embodies the frequency and essence of that symbol’s energy.}

Charoite’s Sabian Symbol is:

An Activist Spreading Revolutionary Ideals

Phase 128, Leo 8*

Bring this image to your mind and you’ll pick up on the feelings of unrest, disruption to the status quo, and the dissemination of new, revolutionary ideas that challenge authority. These themes feel very Aquarian, which is directly opposite Leo on the astrological wheel, as the two are polarities that work with each other: Aquarius represents the collective, and Leo as the creative individual force.

Charoite acts as a bridge between that collective unconscious and the individual, bringing these larger humanitarian themes into our hearts and minds where we can feel and act on that yearning for change, and our sympathy for the struggles of others. This swirling purple stone connects us to our desire to uplift and support ourselves so we can do the same for others, to be a confidant, a loyal friend, and a catalyst for growth and progression in other people’s lives.

Crystal Charoite Connection Item
Tarot Cards

The Chariot 

With almost the same spelling, charoite carries the energies of the Chariot, a major arcana card that symbolizes having control over one’s emotions and the ability to move forward through obstacles, fueled by your inner strength. These are the exact qualities that charoite brings out in you, helping you overcome and move forward in life.

The Chariot speaks of striking a balance between the mind and emotions, between spirit and material, to align with your true purpose and let that be your guiding force. It’s a card of willpower, confidence, and victory, yet is associated with the Cancer zodiac, ruled by the Moon, which charoite is as well. This speaks to the intuition, flexibility and surrender that is also required by the Charioteer in order for him to tap into that inner courage and move forward. And this speaks to the energy that charoite can help bring to your life.

Crystal Charoite Connection Item
Spirit Animal

Snowy Owl

Owls are a symbol of following your intuition, of tuning into the dark within you to find the answers, a symbol of trusting and relying on your own wisdom. And snowy owls live in a cold, harsh environment and are able to thrive in it, a representation of endurance and the ability to retain a higher perspective even through hardship and challenge. This encompasses many of the same qualities that charoite holds.

Snowy owls are guides through change and transformation, through big transitions in life, reminding you of the inner strength, courage, and wisdom you contain when you tap into your highest essence. This is the same energy charoite holds as it guides you through the snowy mountains and peaks of your life and through all the shifts and turns along the way.

Crystal Charoite Connection Item
Crystal Pairings

Charoite + Sodalite

Pair with sodalite to enhance your mental acuity and sharpness and help you rationally perceive and integrate the insights and wisdom these stones bring.

Charoite + Serpentine

Pair with serpentine when you’re going through major life transformations to help you stay grounded and strong as you shed your old skin and walk into a new future.

Charoite + Black Tourmaline

Pair with black tourmaline to absorb and ground the dense, heavy energies that charoite flushes out of your system, to sop up all the energetic debris and help you stay embodied.

Crystal Charoite Connection Item
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Crystal Charoite Care Background

Care + Cleansing for Charoite

The simplest way to cleanse charoite is to run it under cool water for a couple of minutes, and then dry it with a soft cloth. You can also run it through the smoke of some incense or an herbal smudge for a quick cleanse. You can place it on some selenite to rest overnight, and it will be cleared by the morning.

For a more thorough cleanse, place your charoite outside on the earth under the moonlight overnight. You can do it under a new or waxing moon to help build up its energy, or under a full or waning moon to help discharge the energy it’s carrying. You can also leave it to rest beside a natural body of water of some sort, especially by a riverbank. Do this for a couple of hours or longer, and this will both cleanse and recharge your stone with the healing frequencies of the water, air, and earth.

We put our hearts and souls to bring this into life for you. We want to ask you to tap on the heart button if you like this, and please share with others! Thank you. Love and blessings from Moon Omens team..

Oh, and we are looking forward reading your comments below about your experience with Charoite or crystals in general!


Tell us what you think


    • We don’t currently sell any stones, but we do have a guided meditation for each one to help you connect with their energy and experience their metaphysical effects, whether you own the stone or not! Otherwise, check these comments for some shopping recommendations 🙂

  • Wow! SO appreciate all this inspiring reading of cosmic available energies in the context of Charoite and thru so many lenses, elemental, astrological, tarot, chakra…thank you!

  • Such a lot of valuable information. Thank you. I will seek some from somewhere. I think it’s missing from my crystal collection.

    • Thank you so much for reading! Hope you find a beautiful stone for you, it’s a little more on the rare side.

  • Sounds amazing but have nowhere nearby to purchase it. Not fond of online shopping with unknowns. Sometimes don’t always receive things as we live remotely. Prefer well known reputable places. If you can suggest one, that would be great. Thanks, this is a lot of information.

    • We’ve personally bought crystals from & – both ethically sourced, I think Sage Crystals carries charoite and they’re an amazing little small business. Looking through crystal shops on etsy is also a great idea, there are many reputable sellers on there, you just have to check out their reveiws. Good luck finding your charoite!

  • Thank you for all of this beautiful information. I was buzzing just reading it all…..I know this stone is definitely for me!!!

  • I Appreciate you guys so much I cannot believe the amount of information that you give us we really need it in this time and I just purchased my first sphere last night without reading this article yet but I’m definitely going to also purchase your meditation and I’m going to work on this thank you so much for everything

    • Oh, that’s awesome you just purchased a charoite sphere! Was meant to be. Hope you love it and that you enjoyed the meditation- it’s one of our faves 🙂

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