Black Tourmaline Guided Meditation
🖤 Our guided black tourmaline meditation takes you through a purifying practice to release dark, heavy energies and strengthen your internal sense of purpose so you can bring your highest goals to life. 🌟

The Story of Black Tourmaline
Born from the darkness of the magnetic core of the Earth, black tourmaline is a potent and powerful crystal to help you access the core of yourself. It roots you down into the power and strength of the Earth and draws its support, structure, and strength into your body, boosting your confidence, courage, and sense of inner security. It’s also a powerful booster for your physical stamina and endurance, increasing your vitality and life force energy.
It acts as a powerful absorber of energies like a psychic vacuum to release and remove all the density, weight, and darkness from your energy field, your body and mind, your environment and your entire being. It’s a great stone to keep in your pocket when you’ll be in a crowded area around many other people’s energies, especially if you tend to take on the emotions of others very easily. Black tourmaline can act as a defensive shield against any detrimental energies and any mental and emotional manipulation. It keeps you very present and focused on what’s real and what’s right in front of you.
Incredibly cleansing and powerfully protective, black tourmaline is a beautiful ally for the modern world where we’re assaulted daily with vast amounts of information and energy from the world around us. It will help you stand strong within yourself, centered at the core of who you are, no matter what external influences are trying to infiltrate or impede your integrity and responsibility to be who you truly are in this world. It will strengthen your tenacity, determination, and resilience and help you create the foundation and structure to support your long-term growth and stability.
This comforting stone helps you release anxiety, anger, emotional blocks, fear, worry, shock, and trauma. Use it to help you find footing and support in practical, daily life and with material matters. It concentrates your mind on your goals and paves the pathway for your intentions and ideations to come into physical form. It’s a great crystal to choose when you need to clear your mind of all distractions and external influences and hone in on the central source of information from your own being, from the mission your soul came to Earth to fulfill.

Black Tourmaline Healing Properties
The energy of black tourmaline is highly grounding and supportive, bringing you right back into your body and into connection with the Earth. It relates greatly to the material world, to your present experience, to what’s right here right now, and it can help you release all the mental, emotional, and energetic debris and interference that’s in the way of you being present in your body.
Using black tourmaline invokes your inner security and strength, helping you feel self-aware and self-assured, and to trust in your ability to accomplish your goals. It’s a stone that supports the earthly duties of working hard and applying effort and time towards that which you want to create, while also helping you get extremely clear and focused on exactly what that is, what you came to Earth for.
It’s also an extremely detoxifying stone that works to absorb the dense, dark, heavy energies within you and pull them back down into the Earth, where they can be composted to nourish new growth in you and strengthen your energetic foundation.
A powerfully psychic stone, black tourmaline is energetically protective and regenerative, building up your inner strength and sense of your own power so that you can bring all your big ideas, goals, and dreams to fruition, into the material world, into the reality of now.
Black tourmaline works beautifully to cleanse and align the entire chakra system but it does so through its powerful connection to the root chakra, which it activates and opens for you, connecting your energetic roots into the strength and stability of the Earth. As it cleanses and clears the whole chakra system and the energetic field surrounding you, it attracts any debris and toxicity and releases it down and out through your root chakra as the energetic escape hatch for dense energy to be removed.
It also connects with what’s sometimes called the Earth Star chakra which is a point within our energy field that’s below our feet, below the ground, connected to our roots and karma, and to our internal, spiritual foundation.
Black tourmaline helps to strengthen and solidify these essential energetic centers that lie at the base of who we are, to embolden your courage, confidence, and stability. Not only does it work to cleanse the root chakra of all its dense, heavy, shadowy energy, all that’s depleting you and weighing you down, it also helps build you back up, restoring your inner strength and internal alignment, helping you lay down the practical foundation and structure from which to bring your dreams down into reality.
Energetic Qualities
Black tourmaline moves energy down and out of the body, it moves pathogens and toxicity to the exterior, purging what’s dense, heavy, and dark. It’s one of the best crystals to use for releasing, letting go, removing impurities, cutting cords, and getting rid of energetic debris. Use it when you want to take out the energetic trash.
One of the most psychically and energetically protective crystals in the stone kingdom, black tourmaline has your back. It strengthens your body, mind, and soul, instills courage and confidence, and acts like a bouncer for bad vibes trying to sneak into your aura. It’s one of the best stones for guarding yourself against absorbing other people’s energy when you feel like a sponge soaking up other people’s ideas and emotions.
The density and power of black tourmaline penetrate throughout your entire chakra system, throughout your cells, and throughout your aura to cleanse and clear your physical and energetic bodies from the inside out. It also penetrates deeply into the core of the issue, into the past, karmic ties, and unconscious darkness to clear toxicity and debris from its root.
Physical Properties
Black tourmaline, also called Schorl, is found in jet, opaque black, often with striations, and some lusterous shine to it. It could lean towards a brownish, bluish, or greenish black, but it is always impenetrable to the light, which lends to its energetic qualities of being solid, strong, and protective.
Black absorbs all light on the color spectrum, which is where black tourmaline’s absorbant qualities come from. In Daoist stone medicine, black is associated with the kidneys which can store our fear and shock, and black tourmaline is an excellent tool to absorb, release, and remedy these exact emotions, at the deepest levels of our being.
Black tourmaline is a sodium iron aluminum borosilicate hydroxide. That’s a mouthful, yes, but each of these minerals, as well as the energy of their unique combination, contribute to its metaphysical healing properties.
Iron is incredibly nourishing and strengthening. Aluminum clears heat and settles the nerves. Borosilicate is a type of very durable and heat-resistant glass. And hydroxides are purging. These qualities all together are what make black tourmaline so strong, grounding, durable, and protective.
Use Black Tourmaline When...
You’re feeling…
stressed, pessimistic, weighed down, overly sensitive, fragile, weak, anxious, frustrated, unsure, disconnected, spacey, wishy-washy, like a sponge, frustrated, exhausted, overwhelmed, foggy
You’re struggling with…
shock or sudden disruption, processing trauma, heavy or dark emotions, absorbing other people’s energy, fear-based behavior, anger, angst, depression, low vibratory energy
When you want…
strength, resilience, fortitude, clarity, self-assurance, inner balance, practical next steps, more support and security, psychic and energetic protection, emotional processing, to let go of fear

Using Black Tourmaline in Everyday Life
This incredibly grounding stone clears distractions and deterrents from your mind, helping you walk forward on a clearly laid out path towards your goals, one step at a time, strident and sure. As you work with black tourmaline you’ll notice yourself naturally moving forward and progressing on your goals, finding more clarity and the ability to structure your days to focus your energy on accomplishing what you set out to.
You can use it to help you bring your dreams and ideas and intentions down into the real world through taking practical daily actions and strong, confident steps forward toward what you want for your life. It helps you stay rational, grounded, disciplined, and patient towards getting what you want but helps you see the big picture of the path that’s been paved for you, directing you right towards where you want to go.
You can hold it, place it in your lap or down by your feet as you sit and journal about your goals or write out your plans or to-do lists, or while you sit in meditation or contemplation about your purpose and what you want for your future. It helps you stay grounded and realistic while also clearing out the fog and clutter so you can focus on the highest, most aligned goals that will help you serve your soul’s purpose here on Earth.
Love & Relationship
Black tourmaline is an excellent crystal to help you stay grounded, clear-headed, and rational when making decisions in your relationships, especially if you’re mind or emotions have been running away with you. If there’s been heavy drama, tension, stress, or anxiety in your relationships, sitting with black tourmaline, having it on you or in between you both as you’re discussing things, can help cut through the fog of emotions to the core reality of the matter at hand, and lead to a balanced conclusion.
It’s a good stone to keep at the center of the room where people gather, to keep the vibes clear and absorb any heavy or toxic energy out of the space. It’s a good companion stone to pair with heart-healing crystals such as rhodonite, rose quartz, or emerald so that as they work to bring wounds up to the surface for healing, processing, and repair, black tourmaline can come in and sop up the mess, clean up what’s left, and make sure there are no energetic crumbs or debris remaining.
Black tourmaline is also a great stone for business relationships or to keep with you at work, to bring clear, focused, pragmatic energy to the surface, to boost work ethic and integrity in those relationships, and increase everyone’s feeling of responsibility for doing their part in making things work out harmoniously.
Shadow Work
One of the best stones you can use for shadow work, black tourmaline is psychically and spiritually protective to help you move into the deep dark places within yourself while feeling a sense of inner security and support. It will show you the pathway through the darkness, the way to the wisdom and lessons and learning that lie on the other side of the pain.
Like a bridge, it supports you in processing and moving through the dark and heavy energies and density of life, the toxic and traumatic moments, the repressed shame and blame, through to the other side where there is light, awareness, peace, balance, and a deeper understanding of yourself, why you’re here and what you’re meant to do in this world.
Lay down and close your eyes with black tourmaline placed on your lower abdomen or down between your legs, and feel it or sense it like a psychic vacuum sucking up the densest, darkest, heaviest energies you’ve been carrying within your psyche, within your subconscious, dragging them down deep into the Earth where they will be turned into compost to nourish new growth and the expansion of who you are.
You can also hold black tourmaline in your dominant hand as you intend in your mind or recite out loud to release any energies you’ve been carrying that don’t belong to you, to release fear and shock and any secrets hiding in the shadows down into the earth, to release anything that’s been hindering and weighing you down… and focus on your exhales, as you let the black tourmaline sop up all the mess, absorbing it into itself, with the strength to hold all the darkness you could possibly throw at it.

Physical Healing
Physically energizing and strengthening, black tourmaline is a great stone to have on you or near you when you need a boost of energy or to build up your endurance and resilience. In Daoist stone medicine, it’s associated with the kidneys which are like our energetic batteries, and this shiny black stone helps recharge those inner batteries so your overall vitality is enhanced.
It’s also physically detoxifying and purifying to help rid the body of toxins and waste and lower the viral load, boosting your immunity, attacking chronic disease, and reducing heavy metal toxicity and radiation. Bring it with you next time you need an x-ray or sleep with it when you’re feeling sick or exhausted.
It’s also a good protector from EMFs and for electronic sensitivity and to generally clear toxicity in the environment or space around you. You can keep a black tourmaline pyramid or sphere near your wifi router, computer, or other electronics to help mitigate and transmute any harmful effects. You can also place your black tourmaline on or near any area of pain in your body and breathe with it for a few moments and it will work to absorb the pain and dense energies.
Self Care
Black tourmaline is a great stone to wear or carry with you throughout the day to help you deal with any daily stress, tension, anxiety, anger, or overstimulated nerves. It will absorb and transmute any toxic or dense energies within you or that you encounter throughout the day. It’s also highly protective in blocking external interfering and detrimental energies that are all around you, from wi-fi and EMFs to manipulative information to harmful intentions from others. Black tourmaline will keep you feeling strong, stable, secure, and safe within yourself.
It’s also a beautiful confidence booster and encourager, with supportive energies that can help you escape the derailment of self-criticism, get you out of analysis paralysis, and back into your body, taking action on your goals. Use it to help you stay focused and committed to any self-care goals you have, or just to stay present and engaged with whatever’s in front of you at the moment.
You’ll also want to reach for black tourmaline anytime you feel like you’re emotionally sensitive or overly empathic, too absorbing of other people’s energies, and no longer want to carry the emotional burdens of others. Simply wearing it or carrying it in your pocket and holding it with the intent to keep your aura strong and impenetrable will help you walk through crowded spaces and places and interact with all sorts of different energies with a sense of inner strength, from a grounded, centered place within you.
You can also use black tourmaline each evening or before bed to help you discharge and release any excessive or detrimental energies you’ve picked up throughout the day, as a great nightly self-care ritual. It’s also a good choice to help you develop and stick to the habit of energetically cleansing yourself, and the perfect tool to do it with.

Intuitive Development
Although it’s a grounding, earthy crystal, black tourmaline has a knack for plugging us into the deep intuitive wisdom that we carry in the dark and unconscious parts of ourselves, the knowing that’s in our bones and DNA, instilling us with a strength of purpose and agency that can only come from our soul. It’s also an amazing tool to keep us grounded, connected, and protected from harm as we explore the astral and play in the realms of spirit in an effort to know ourselves better.
When you’re ready to stop questioning yourself and stop ignoring those intuitive hits you get, black tourmaline is an amazing choice to help you harness your inner power and act on the guidance of your soul. Just wear or carry it with you, work with it over time, and you will slowly but surely notice that you’re beginning to trust yourself more and trust that the path will rise to meet you wherever you walk.
Black tourmaline increases instinctual intuition, the ability to act and move and make choices by trusting your body and innate urges, as well as your ability to connect with the very clear voice of reason that pierces through the mind and emotions, which can often get in the way of hearing your intuition clearly. Lay with it placed on your forehead over your third eye chakra to cleanse and clear through all the gunk that’s in the way of you receiving clear intuitive guidance.
Black tourmaline is one of the best grounding crystals to meditate with when you need to escape mental and emotional turmoil and connect with the center of peace within your body. It will drop your energy down into your root, into your internal power and physical strength, reconnecting you with the roots of who you are and with the power and strength of the Earth beneath your feet.
Whenever you feel heaviness, density, ickiness, or darkness within you, meditate holding black tourmaline, or with it placed behind your tailbone in between your legs at your root chakra, and allow it to guide your awareness back into your body and into all the answers that exist right here and now.
🖤 Our guided black tourmaline meditation takes you through a purifying practice to release dark, heavy energies and strengthen your internal sense of purpose so you can bring your highest goals to life. 🌟

Black Tourmaline Guided Meditation
🖤 Our guided black tourmaline meditation takes you through a purifying practice to release dark, heavy energies and strengthen your internal sense of purpose so you can bring your highest goals to life. 🌟

Black Tourmaline Connections
Zodiac Signs & Ruling Planet
Black tourmaline helps you stay practically and dutifully minded, to get things done, to take responsibility in daily life, to stay focused on what’s right in front of you and make the decisions necessary to help you live in more balance. It stokes your dedication and commitment to self-integrity and carries the purifying, cleansing energies of Virgo. It can also help you release and process self-criticism and judgemental fears that can hinder you from moving forward on your goals.
A very balancing stone, black tourmaline helps you release the density and weight of your emotional baggage and fears, bringing more harmony to your inner and outer world. When you’re caught in the Libran air and are feeling too stuck in your head or wishy-washy, unable to decide which direction to go in, black tourmaline can clear your mind and bring you into inner alignment between your mind, body, and soul.
For structure, order, organization, and building something of long-lasting value, and to help you create a sturdy inner foundation upon which to build your life, black tourmaline greatly resonates with the energies of Capricorn. It will help you stay grounded and persevering in your goals, and to concentrate your energy on the long game, on the bigger picture, to create more strength and stability in your inner and outer world.
Saturn & Pluto
Black tourmaline’s Saturnian energy increases your stability, discipline, determination, and follow-through. It’s a beautiful stone when you need to take responsibility in your life or create more structure to support your long-term growth, and will help you grasp the gems of wisdom that come from the hard lessons life brings. Its Plutonian energy then works to transmute the pain of the past and the weight of the unconscious so you can find your power in the present, purging, releasing, and letting go of toxicity, waste, and what’s not working so you can rise into a new level of your being.

Sabian Symbol
Sabian Symbol
{The Sabian symbols are a set of channeled mental images that describe the energy associated with each degree of the zodiac wheel. Each Sabian symbol has been linked to a crystal that embodies the frequency and essence of that symbol’s energy.}
A Gang of Robbers in Hiding
Phase 199, Libra 19*
Bring this image to your mind, of a group of robbers crouching in the dark, trying not to be caught… this degree is sometimes thought of as the “Robinhood” degree as there’s an implication of doing something that feels morally justified, yet is outside “the law.” It can also be a metaphor for our mental and emotional landscape, with the “gang of robbers” being our own fears and insecurities that steal our sense of confidence and peace. There’s a need to confront the darkness and shine the light on what’s been hidden in order to find strength, safety, and ultimately a sense of justice from within yourself.
Black tourmaline is a defensive aid against these inner forces that rob us, a shield of protection when we’re walking through the dark, and a pillar of strength to help us confront that which is hiding within us. It’s an amazing crystal to help you release the fear and darkness within you, and also to help you confront the dark injustices of the world around you with a sense of upright strength, clarity, and conviction.

Tarot Cards
The death card is not to be feared, it’s simply a symbol of the inevitable process of life and the decay and transition that all life must go through before it can be seeded to grow once again. This card represents letting go, releasing what’s old, what’s toxic, what’s harmful, and of surrendering to the passage and wisdom of time and allowing it to remove things from your path that are no longer helping you grow.
Black tourmaline harnesses this essential power of the darkness, of death and decay, by helping your old beliefs and behaviors and bad habits die, by helping you cut off old ties, bury old wounds, and let go of the inner weights and burdens that are living within you. It urges you to surrender to letting go, to see the beauty in saying goodbye so that you can open up to new wisdom, insights, and possibilities for the future, so you can grow up from the mud like a lotus flower in order to bloom into even greater awareness of who you really are.

Spirit Animal
Another symbol of death, transition, and also keen insight and intelligence, the spiritual energy of a crow is a beautiful match for black tourmaline. With the same black sheen, crows and black tourmalines are both guides into the darkness and messengers of deep and transformational changes taking place.
The crow is often seen as representative of the shadow, of the dark places within you that you have not looked at, acknowledged, or loved on yet, and black tourmaline is a perfect guide to help you find those shadowy places within you and release the grip of tension and stress and pain held around them so they can be transformed into the light of awareness, wisdom, and motivation and inner strength for you to keep moving forward.

Crystal Pairings
Black Tourmaline + Selenite
Pair with selenite for a powerful purifying duo that will absorb all the darkness and bring in the light of peace and clarity. This is a yin/yang, full body, full aura cleansing team.
Black Tourmaline + Moonstone
Pair with moonstone when you’re sitting with the big, heavy emotions you need to process and clear, or to help clear the pathways for keen inner vision and psychic insight.
Black Tourmaline + Serpentine
Pair with serpentine for a powerful duo to help you release and transform, shed your skin, and move into a purer, more powerful, and expanded essence of yourself.

Care + Cleansing for Black Tourmaline
You can cleanse your black tourmaline in running water and then pat dry for a quick cleanse when you need it. You can recharge it by placing it on a clear quartz cluster.
For a more thorough cleanse and recharge, leave it out on the natural ground- in the dirt, grass, sand, on a tree root, etc- in the evening and overnight to allow it to fully discharge all the energies it has accumulated and be recharged by the natural harmonic essence of the Earth. Just avoid putting it in the sun.
Since it is so highly absorbent, you’ll want to cleanse it relatively often. Once a month is a good idea if it’s just placed in your environment or around the home. Cleansing it every couple of weeks if you wear or carry it around would be good, and also after any intense energy-clearing session or shadow work you do with it.
We put our hearts and souls to bring this into life for you. We want to ask you to tap on the heart button if you like this, and please share with others! Thank you. Love and blessings from Moon Omens team..
Oh, and we are looking forward reading your comments below about your experience with Black Tourmaline or crystals in general!
Tell us what you think

info much jnfo thank you! Where do you suggest sourcing?
You’re welcome! Buying crystals locally is always best- or look for ethically sourced crystals online- etsy is also a good option if you like scouring through all the different shops to find reputable ones 🙂
That was so informative! It can be used for many things to help and assist me currently and clients I work with. Thank you so much 💓
We love to hear that, thanks for reading and commenting!
Thank you so much I can use this information for myself and my clients it was very informative.
Everything you say resonates. This crystal is helping me with my mast cell disease. I have just forwarded your words to the mast cell support group as I believe this crystal can help these patients, as it has me. Thank you for all that you do. Nina is truly amazing and has also helped me immensely through my illness and healing.
Woowww, that’s amazing! So glad you find the black tourmaline has been helping you. I hope some of the other patients ended up trying it as well!
Excellent! I have been suffering from IBS symptoms for 4-5 days with very painful episodes of trapped wind bloating l tried sacral/solar plexus clearing.. rife..light language nothing helped until l started chanting ‘Black Tourmaline ‘ whilst taking my shower this morning and the pain went away !! Immediately! I then went and took my black Tourmaline essence and put on my black Tourmaline necklace this is powerful stuff and on a full moon eclipse !!! Thank you Spirit :)))