Amazonite Guided Meditation
💚 Our guided Amazonite meditation takes you on an inner adventure to release stifled emotional energy, calm your nervous system, and restore harmony in your mind, body & heart. 🏞️

The Story of Amazonite
Born in the lush green heart of the jungle where the sky and rivers meet, amazonite is a calming current of energy to quell the fires, cleanse the obstacles, and settle the spinning thoughts within you, helping you reset, restore, and come back into alignment with your heart and the true expression of yourself.
Incredibly soothing, relaxing, and restorative, amazonite has been used for thousands of years throughout the ancient world and is a beautiful healing crystal for overall health and equanimity of the mind, body, and spirit. It brings ease and adaptability to the surface to help you flow around any obstacles you may encounter along your path.
Beautifully cleansing and rejuvenating, amazonite gathers up any energy within you that’s been scattered by fear, fright, or shock, and pulls it back into alignment, back to center, to strengthen your inner power and sense of harmony from within. It also addresses the symptoms of repressed fear, such as anger, resentment, the need to control or dominate, or even things like procrastination and judgment. Any feelings or behaviors that are masking the insecurities you hold within yourself are the exact places within you that amazonite’s calming, clear essence targets and cleanses from your system.
Amazonite opens the inner doors to allow your truth to flow, without getting over-emotional about it, from a calm and balanced perspective so you can be heard loud and clear, fostering harmonious communication. It’s a river flowing, nourishing your yin energy, balancing excessive over-doingness, allowing you to surrender to the tender presence of just being.
A crystal that will help you walk your talk, your words become conscious tools of creation while working with amazonite, helping you speak your dreams into reality and tap into the highest vision that your heart holds so you can express it in the world. It’s a stone of release and flow, to move the barriers and blocks out of the way, allowing you to express the truth of who you are in the world with gentleness and grace.

Amazonite Healing Properties
Amazonite’s water energy is like the great Amazon river carving its way through the rainforest, gently and eternally flowing, flushing things out, and moving energy along. In this way, it flushes out stagnant and excess emotional energy from your system and moves it through the energetic highway of the heart to be dispersed, expressed, and released.
Extremely hydrating, amazonite generates and nourishes the fluids of the physical body as well as the emotional body, helping you relax, stop resisting, and allow yourself to flow with the natural rhythms of life. It’s cleansing, clearing, and cooling, like floating down a river, nourishing your yin essence, revitalizing and rejuvenating you from the inside out.
This water essence is associated with the kidneys in Daoist stone medicine and amazonite is a beautiful tool to help cleanse and clear the kidneys and adrenals of fear and heightened activation, helping you calm your nervous system and find peace and centeredness in your body.
The other nourishing essence of amazonite comes from its earth energy, which is supportive and nourishing. It’s like the vibrant green rainforest surrounding the river, thriving and bursting with life. It’s the energy of growth and abundance and life-force energy, it’s detoxifying, health-giving, and life-affirming.
Amazonite’s earth energy is connected to the heart, to your vital essence, to the center of your energetic being. Its vibrant green coloring is connected to the wood element in Daoist stone medicine, like the energy of all the trees and plants bursting to life that are supported by the strength and vitality of their roots stretching deep within the earth.
Paired with its water energy, amazonite nourishes and clears out your emotional roots, to get down into the foundational core, to help you stabilize yourself internally, bringing confidence, self-assurance, and courage. It helps you materialize the dreams that your heart holds and to be more flexible as you stretch to achieve them, just like the nourished and healthy wood of a tree that’s able to bend and flex with the wind rather than break.
The heart chakra is the center of our being, the place of harmony between the lower and upper chakras, the middle point of pure presence where we can experience love, joy, and appreciation for being alive. Amazonite cleanses and opens this heart energy and connects you to its purest essence, helping you access more joy, presence, and harmony in your whole being, which radiates out into your life.
The heart chakra is also our emotional center, where we give and receive emotional energy to and from others, and because of this, we can hold onto and store an abundance of stagnant energy here from past pain, other people, and emotions we’ve repressed.
Amazonite pulls you back into the present moment, helping you flush out and release the energetic pain of the past and emotions that don’t belong to you, and gently express the truth within you that’s been stuffed down. It moves you back into alignment with your highest desires and wisdom, opening you to more loving, open communication and understanding, for yourself and all others in your life.
Amazonite acts as a bridge between the heart and throat chakra, funneling the energy of the heart up through the throat where it can be expressed into the world, helping you communicate and create from a place of love, balance, and ease within yourself.
The throat is the seat of authenticity and creative expression within our emotional being- it’s where we express our truth and speak ideas into form. Amazonite brings its cleansing, nourishing energy to the throat to release the bounds of constriction or repression that have been placed upon it, even in subtle or subconscious ways you may not be aware of. In this way, it helps you feel confident and free to express your authentic truth with love and grace, allowing it to fully flow through you.
You’ll speak up and speak with love when you’re working with amazonite, sharing and expressing your feelings with more ease and less resistance. When you’re aligned with your heart’s truest desires and you speak them into the world, that’s how you materialize your dreams into reality, and that’s exactly what amazonite can help you do.
Energetic Qualities
This crystal is balancing and internally regulating, bringing the whole system into a calm, coherent state, aligned from within. It cleanses and clears external detrimental energies, bringing harmony to the whole being. It bridges the heart and throat, for a loving and whole expression of truth helping you create harmony within and without.
Amazonite clears and flushes heat from the body, including both physical heat, say from inflammation, and emotional heat, like from stress, frustration, or anger. Its cooling qualities are also yin in nature, restoring and balancing heightened yang energy. It cools hot-headed temperaments and calms an overstimulated nervous system.
Wherever there is stuckness or stagnation within you, amazonite can help the energy gently flow. It is moving, flexible, versatile, ever-changing, always leading the way back to balance. It will help your thoughts, words, creativity, and truth to flow freely out of the expression of your heart.
Physical Properties
Amazonite is found in a lively green or blue-green color, often with thin white banding or a mottled pattern. Reminiscent of the skies and waters of the Equatorial jungles it was named after, amazonite holds vibrant, life-affirming energy. Its coloring is derived from the trace amounts of lead and water it contains, which points again to its ability to bridge earth and water elements together, aiding in bringing our emotional expression to the material world.
Its bright aqua-blue hue is a symbol of freedom, truth, and flowing energy, paired with the heart-full, rejuvenating, energies of its vibrant green, amazonite is a very rejuvenating, nurturing stone to calm the heart and soul, and allow your truth to flow freely.
Amazonite is formed at all three layers of the Earth, making it energetically versatile and adaptable, able to penetrate through every layer of your energetic being.
It’s a potassium aluminum silicate. Silica supports the health and strength of bones and hair. Potassium helps regulate the energy of the heart and lungs and distribute blood throughout the body. And aluminum clears heat and mental sluggishness and helps regulate the nerves.
It has a framework silicate crystal structure, which is regulating and harmonizing, creating a matrix where energy can move in any direction which helps detoxify and eliminate harmful pathogens and energies.
Use Amazonite When...
You’re feeling…
anxious, stressed, restless, overstimulated, hyper-fixated, worried, on-edge, aggressive, frustrated, irritated, imbalanced, stuck, stagnant, blocked, uninspired, disconnected
You’re struggling with…
fear-based reactions, emotional turbulence, shock or trauma, nervous system burn-out, resentment, anger, intolerance, inner resistance, conflict, repression, harsh communication
When you want…
calm, ease, flow, understanding, harmony, openness, internal balance, support, connection, joy, presence, gratitude, confidence, truthful expression, gentle communication, clarity, relief

Using Amazonite in Everyday Life
As a crystal that bridges the heart and throat, amazonite is a beautiful choice to help you tap into your truest desires and then speak those into reality. It’s a great stone to hold while you speak or sing your intentions out loud, while you speak your visions into life, or while you have conversations about the future you want to create for yourself.
It will help your words flow from the truth of your heart with the purest intentions, and empower those visions of what you want to manifest in your life to come to fruition. Use amazonite to get clear on the dreams and goals that are most aligned with your heart, and then like magic you can speak them out loud or write them down, and then watch the Universe bring them downstream into the reality of your life.
By balancing the energy of your heart and throat, you break down the damns of repression and allow yourself to express the truth of who you are and what you’re here to create in this world. Amazonite helps you do this in a gentle, graceful way, in direct connection with the Universe, so you can simply lean back and fall into its eternal flow, and allow it to naturally carry you to your destination.
Love & Relationship
Amazonite can be very helpful in all sorts of relationships to quell disputes and disharmony and bring a balanced, loving, and gentle perspective to communication as a whole. It can help you have the hard conversations and speak from your heart smoothly and calmly, allowing your truth to flow in a way that others can receive it, and in a way that feels aligned with the highest essence of yourself.
If you’re having issues expressing your ideas or emotions clearly, openly, or honestly in your relationships and find yourself holding back or repressing a lot within yourself, amazonite is a stone you want to wear, keep in your pocket, or hold onto to help your communication flow freely, easily, and peacefully, so you can say what needs to be said from a heart-led perspective.
Amazonite is a great gift to give to a loved one or anyone who you want to nurture easy lines of communication with. It can also be a great stone to bring into the workplace or keep in a central spot in your home so it can spread its harmonizing essence throughout the entire space and all those who enter it. An amazonite tower or sphere can be particularly good for this purpose.
Shadow Work
The beautiful flowing energy of amazonite can break down your emotional walls with gentle reassurance, allowing you to open up to more of your inner truth than you may have discovered before. It’s excellent at working through fear in particular, which is often the emotional underpinning to much of what we experience as “negative” in our lives.
Amazonite is like an ever-flowing river that gently releases the obstacles and blocks in your life by helping you see them, notice them, and flow around them. An incredible amount of built-up emotional energy can accumulate from all that’s been repressed, unfelt, and unexpressed within you, and amazonite can wear these accumulations down, layer by layer, until they become like sediment at the bottom of the river as you just float on through.
Work with amazonite to help you release not only the current dense and heavy energies you’re carrying, but also the ones you’ve been carrying for years, for your whole life, for lifetimes. When you’re ready to let go, meditate with amazonite, carry it with you daily, sleep with it under your pillow, hold it as you journal and cry and create and feel your feelings and the relief will be palpable as you start to see the effects of these conscious and unconscious shadows fading away from your life, as more and more ease, relief and joy find their way to the surface.

Physical Healing
In Daoist stone medicine, amazonite is linked to the energies of the liver, through its green color, and also with the kidneys through its blue hue. These speak to both the physical organs and their related systems as well as the energetic systems attached to these areas of the body. Thus liver liver-related issues that may cause digestive upset, bloating, abdominal cramping, etc are linked to emotions of anger, frustration, and indigestible thought patterns- and aventurine helps relieve these issues at both the physical surface level and the deeper emotional root.
A silica-rich stone, amazonite aids in bone strength and structural integrity and is beneficial for any bone issues, acute bone injuries, osteoporosis, and tooth decay. It also benefits the sinews, muscles, and fascia of the body, allowing stagnated energies to move, release, and increase flexibility. It helps release glandular swelling, is anti-inflammatory, and is helpful for disseminating fluids in the body. It can also help balance the thyroid and endocrine system, especially when worn as earrings or as a short necklace near the clavicle.
It’s also a great stone to choose for the physical effects of anxiety such as palpitations or stress headaches. It works for general pain relief and cramps as well, wherever you’re experiencing them, and can boost vitality when you feel fatigued or your nervous system is zapped. It’s most effective placed right against your skin wherever you’re experiencing pain or tension and need some relief.
Self Care
A beautiful self-care stone, amazonite is like an adaptogenic herb, as it helps the body adapt and find internal stability even through stressful situations. When you’re nervous, anxious, stressed, hyper-fixated, too in your head, or running around like crazy, amazonite is the crystal to help you calm down, come back to center, and release the hustle and bustle of the world around you to fall back into your own innate flow.
It’s one of the best stones you can wear or carry with you to help you calm your nervous system. You can also try holding an amazonite stone to your chest or throat area, or maybe even abdomen- wherever you’re feeling a sense of anxiety and tension in your body- and just breathe for a short while and allow the crystal to do its work, calming and soothing your entire being.
It’s also a great stone for kids and pets because it’s so gentle, forgiving, and adaptable. Place it near an anxious pet or give a nervous or frightened kiddo one to hold. Amazonite can calm down heightened sensory reactions, anxiousness, fear, and inner tension, allowing ease to rise to the surface.
It’s a great crystal to wear as a necklace, earrings, or a bracelet so you can carry its calming energy with you throughout the day. Whenever nerves are tense in your life or for your loved ones, reach for amazonite to come back into internal alignment and peace.

Sleep & Dreamwork
Such a restorative and gentle crystal, amazonite can be a great choice to sleep with. Place a small tumbled stone under your pillow or by your bedside to calm your mind and emotions and promote easy, restful sleep. It will work to cleanse your field and restore your health and vital essence as you sleep.
It’s also a beautiful stone for accessing dreams, opening you up to new visions and awareness of the future to help you pull it in through the presence of your heart. It opens the gates of destiny within you, especially while you sleep, as you’re in such a relaxed, subconscious state and open to receive the higher wisdom of your unconscious mind.
It can also help you better interpret and trust the information and symbolism coming in through your dreams, so you can use it to guide you in your waking life. It can open you to receive foresight into the future through your dreams, expanding your unconscious into the higher realms of wisdom and opening you to the answers and truth that already exist within you.
An excellent crystal for meditation, amazonite drops you into your heart, moving past the worries and protests of the monkey mind, so you can connect with what’s true for you, realign with your heart’s inner knowing, and allow that to guide you forward in your self-expression. It helps you listen to what your heart has to say so you can express its wisdom in your life.
It calms tension in the mind, emotions, and body, wherever it finds it, helping stagnancy and blocks in your energy to flow smoothly again. Hold it in your hands as you sit, or lay with amazonite on your heart chakra in the center of your chest or over your throat, and tune into its gentle therapeutic effects as it brings relaxation, calm, and ease to your whole being.
💚Our guided Amazonite meditation takes you on an inner adventure to release stifled emotional energy, calm your nervous system, and restore harmony in your mind, body & heart. 🏞️

Amazonite Guided Meditation
💚 Our guided Amazonite meditation takes you on an inner adventure to release stifled emotional energy, calm your nervous system, and restore harmony in your mind, body & heart. 🏞️

Amazonite Connections
Zodiac Signs & Ruling Planet
Cleansing and purifying, bringing everyday balance to your life, amazonite resonates with the grounded and health-conscious energies of Virgo. It can also help balance out and mitigate some of the mental anxiety that can accompany Virgo energy, allowing it to move and flow out of your body so you can release the criticism and judgments that may be keeping you from reaching full alignment between mind, body, and soul.
This beautiful stone of balance and equanimity also aligns with the energies of Libra, marrying the yearnings of the heart with the expression of the mind. It’s a crystal for peacemaking and peacekeeping, for surrendering the fight and relaxing into the flow of truth, and allowing it to express itself through you. It’ll help you access that Libran state of inner harmony to help you restore balance and order throughout your life.
There is a deep wisdom and otherworldly connection that amazonite holds that aligns with Aquarian energy, and its ability to pierce through the fog of emotions into the truth, to see the larger vision that lies beyond the present-day obstacles. It also helps release the rigidity of thinking that fixed Aquarian energy can hold, to help you break through long-held judgments toward yourself and others.
Uranus is associated with the higher essence of amazonite energy that brings bright hope for the future, clear insight into it, and the courage to move forward towards it even if it means a sudden or complete change of direction or new perceptions and beliefs we must take on. Amazonite is a beautiful tool to tap into this Uraniuan flow of information from the collective consciousness and communicate your own unique wisdom for the greater good. It also quells and alleviates the nervous system shock and tension that Uranian energy can bring.

Sabian Symbol
Sabian Symbol
{The Sabian symbols are a set of channeled mental images that describe the energy associated with each degree of the zodiac wheel. Each Sabian symbol has been linked to a crystal that embodies the frequency and essence of that symbol’s energy.}
Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher’s Head…
Phase 210, Libra 30*
Bring this image to your mind… what symbology or keywords pop up for you?
This could be a metaphor for the wisdom we collect over time and the relationship between abstract ideas and our human interpretation of them. A philosopher collects a wide breadth and wealth of ideas and perceptions from which to coalesce meaning, which becomes an accumulation of knowledge.
When this is lived knowledge, when it’s experiential rather than just intellectual, when we know its truth in our bodies and hearts rather than just in our minds, that’s when it becomes true wisdom.
Amazonite helps you access this clear and present knowledge that’s gained from the experiences of your heart, to become present with the truth that lives within you, to act as a philosopher of your own being and explore the full expanse of who you are, so you can express it into the world.

Tarot Cards
The Star
This major arcana card is a symbol of healing and regeneration, and the act of expressing and sharing your unique essence with the world, to spread your ideas into the vast river of the collective consciousness. Amazonite encapsulates both the healing and regenerative qualities of the Star card, as well as giving you the ability to feel confident in sharing your unique gifts, perspectives, and ideas with the world, no matter how far out they may seem.
The Star and amazonite are both about gathering your inner reserves and nourishing your emotional balance so you feel free of fear and courageous enough to shine the light of your truth into the world and be a beacon of inspiration and hope for others.

Spirit Animal
Sea Turtle
Floating and gliding gently through the water, being carried by the rhythms of the sea, this gentle green turtle is a beautiful match for the energy of amazonite. Able to navigate easily through the waters of life, a sea turtle is the embodiment of centeredness and grace, at home within itself, holding a timeless wisdom that’s gained through experience.
Turtles are resilient and enduring, a symbol of longevity, able to both dive into the depths and rest in the beauty of the present moment. These are the same qualities that amazonite imbues within you, helping you move into the depths of your emotional experience and find a place to gently float within yourself, resting in presence and grace, allowing the currents of life to carry you.

Crystal Pairings
Amazonite + Hematite
Pair with hematite to ground and strengthen your body, come into internal balance, and allow your body to rest, relax, and recuperate its natural essence for healing to flow.
Amazonite + Smoky Quartz
Amazonite often naturally grows with smoky quartz making this a beautiful combo to ground and release the heat and emotions that amazonite cleanses from your system.
Amazonite + Labradorite
Pair with its feldspar cousin labradorite to access higher insights and help your imagination and intuition flow freely in the expression of your truth.

Care + Cleansing for Amazonite
As a stone of the water element, you can cleanse amazonite under running water for a quick and easy release of energy, and then dry it in a bed of sea salt to help it further release any accumulated energy.
You can recharge its life-affirming qualities by placing it in the sunlight for a short period of time, or on top of a clear quartz or amethyst cluster or geode.
For a full and complete cleansing and recharging after extended use or a healing treatment that resulted in a big emotional release, you can place it outside on the earth overnight- on the grass, dirt, sand, a tree root, or even buried in some soil- and it will discharge any disharmonious energies and charge back up with the nurturing harmonic energies of Mama Earth.
We put our hearts and souls to bring this into life for you. We want to ask you to tap on the heart button if you like this, and please share with others! Thank you. Love and blessings from Moon Omens team..
Oh, and we are looking forward reading your comments below about your experience with Amazonite or crystals in general!
Tell us what you think

Thank you Jena! Awesome write-up and an incredible healing, calming, grounding, rainforest amazonia guided meditation! 🙂
Thanks Lukas! 🩵
Spot on as always. Thank you
Thanks for reading, Faye! 🙂
Thank you 💚. I was given an amazonite, this beautifully puts my experience into words + adds some interesting bigger picture facts
Oh that’s awesome! I love being given a crystal and only later realizing how perfect it was for me at the time
How would you suggest the best way to obtain these amazing elements,Please?
Check around for some local crystal shops first, it’s a relatively easy crystal to find. We also order crystals online- http://www.beyondbohemian.com has some great ethically sourced options 🙂