article Capricorn Season 2024: Building with Intention
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Astrology & Omens

Capricorn Season 2024: Building with Intention

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Moon Omens

December 16, 2024

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On December 16, 11:11 AM —

On December 21, 04:21 AM EST, the Solstice takes place and Capricorn season 2024 begins. The Sun is going to remain in Capricorn until January 19, offering us an invitation to focus on building with intention, take responsibility for our lives, and cultivate patience and resilience.

The beginning of Capricorn season is particularly relevant for those of us born with planets or angles in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). These individuals will have opportunities to reflect on their relationship to authority, structure, and accountability and confront any patterns of avoidance or indecision that prevent them from taking full responsibility for their choices.

P.S. our 2025 Astro Calendars are now ready to bring more magic to your home! If you would like to get yours – hurry up, we have limited stock available. Thank you for your support, we ❤ you!

Capricorn Season and the Solstice: A New Beginning


Capricorn season corresponds to the start of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer in the Southern Hemisphere. In the Northern part of the globe, we experience the longest night of the year: this event has been long celebrated across many cultures, religions, and spiritual traditions all over the world. This is a time to welcome darkness and simultaneously celebrate the rebirth and return of the light: the Winter Solstice is associated with spiritual renewal and seen as an invitation to turn inward and come into a deeper relationship with ourselves and our inner light.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year and invites a celebration of the peak moment of vitality, joy, and abundance. From now on, the nights will gradually become longer: this event reminds us of the importance of honoring the cyclical nature of life and preparing for the transition that comes as the days get shorter and shorter.

Regardless of our location on Earth, the beginning of Capricorn season is an invitation to enter a phase of introspection, inner exploration, and personal maturation. As the last Cardinal sign of the Zodiac, Capricorn initiates us into a new season of transformation, encouraging us to take responsibility for our lives and align our actions with our intentions and ideals.


From Sagittarius to Capricorn Season: Expansion and Contraction


Sagittarius season is a time to explore uncharted territories, expand beyond the confines of our comfort zone, and pursue knowledge and experiences that enrich us. This time of the year brings the spotlight toward our search for truth, meaning, and purpose and challenges us to embrace radical authenticity.

The Sun’s ingress into Capricorn invites a shift from expansion to contraction, consolidation, and introspection. A Cardinal, Yin, and Earth sign, Capricorn is connected to our drive to build something that lasts through the test of time, create our legacy, and ground our dreams into reality. As the Sun travels through Capricorn, we have an opportunity to reassess our commitments, long-term visions, the structures we have built so far, and the structures we aspire to create.

This is a time to be deliberate and intentional regarding what we are building, what we are creating, and how we are investing our time, attention, and energy. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the Lord of Time, and this season is an opportunity to deeply reflect on our relationship with time and aging, on what we are doing with our time, on how we feel when we look back and witness what we have done with it so far. During Capricorn season, we are reminded that time is both a powerful teacher and a finite resource: we are encouraged to make sure we are investing our time in what truly matters to us and persevering through challenges and setbacks.

Capricorn Season 2024

Capricorn Season 2024: Upcoming Lunations


During Capricorn season 2024, we are going to experience a New Moon in Capricorn and a Full Moon in Cancer. The Capricorn New Moon is taking place on December 30 at 9º43’ of the sign. This event is a wonderful opportunity to set tangible, clear, and grounded intentions for the upcoming calendar year. The Capricorn New Moon invites us to renovate our commitment to what is valuable to us and get clear about what we aspire to build during 2025 and beyond. This event is an opportunity to redefine success on our own terms and renew our relationship to responsibility. The Sun and the Moon are going to form sextiles to Saturn in Pisces, the planetary ruler of Capricorn. This configuration supports our capacity and willingness to be perseverant and determined in materializing our dreams and visions.

A Full Moon in Cancer takes place on January 13, 2025. This event brings our attention to our relationship with our past, our memory, as well as home and family matters. The Cancer Full Moon invites us to reflect on what represents a source of security for us and how we are drawn to create feelings of safety in our lives.

The Full Moon in Cancer is going to be conjunct with retrograde Mars and opposite Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius. This configuration adds a layer of intensity to our emotional experiences and suggests a higher degree of impulsivity, reactivity, and defensiveness. Around this time, we will be required to confront unresolved emotions from our past, gain awareness of the root of our triggers, and recognize the impact of unmet needs and unhealed wounds from our childhood.


Capricorn Season 2024: Building with Intention


Capricorn season is a powerful moment to focus on building with intention and cultivating resilience, patience, and determination. This time of the year brings the spotlight on our journey toward personal mastery and self-discipline, and underlines the importance of integrity. It is a time to be accountable with ourselves regarding the results of our choices and the consequences of our actions.

Capricorn season challenges us to confront any areas where we may have avoided responsibility, overlooked the need for discipline, or fallen short of our commitments. It is a reminder of the power of showing up consistently, even when the road feels steep, even when we don’t see immediate results. Delayed gratification is a keyword when Capricorn energy is in the spotlight: this season reminds us to trust the process, even when progress feels slow or imperceptible, challenges us to stay committed to what truly matters, and highlights the power of dedication and hard work.

To align with the energies of the Capricorn Season we invite you to print out and use our Capricorn Season Workbook. This is a powerful workbook for those who love and appreciate self-care and growth. Happy Capricorn Season!


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