article Blue Super Full Moon in Aquarius: Awakenings & Quantum Leaps
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Astrology & Omens

Blue Super Full Moon in Aquarius: Awakenings & Quantum Leaps

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Moon Omens

August 13, 2024

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On August 13, 05:17 PM —

On August 19, 2:25 PM EST, we experience a Blue Full Moon at 27º14’ of Aquarius. This event brings a surge of electric, revolutionary energy that will instigate awakenings and quantum leaps, motivating us to make long-due changes. The Aquarius Full Moon is considered to be a Blue Moon. This is because it is the third Full Moon of a season (Summer in the Northern hemisphere and Winter in the Southern hemisphere) during which we exceptionally experience four Full Moons.

The Aquarius Full Moon is especially relevant for people born with planets or angles in the late degrees of Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). The individuals personally impacted by this event are more likely to experience intense feelings of tension, discontent, and frustration with their existing life situation. Breakthroughs and unforeseen shifts of plans could open new doors for them, inspiring them to drastically reinvent themselves and make radical decisions.

Super Full Moon in Aquarius: Looking at Our Lives from a Distance


Full Moons represent the peak of the lunar cycle: at this time of the month, the Moon receives the highest amount of sunlight, shining bright in the night sky. Emotions are heightened when the Moon is Full and what needs to be felt, seen, and resolved comes to the surface. Around the time of a Full Moon, more clarity is available and we have opportunities to access a new level of awareness.

Every Full Moon involves a Sun-Moon opposition, a 180º angle that activates two opposing and complementary signs. This month, the Leo-Aquarius polarity is in the spotlight, and the current Full Moon brings our attention to how we integrate our individuality within our communities, how we fit our creative expression into group contexts, and how we harmonize focusing on our personal interests with focusing on the interests of our communities or collective issues.

During Leo season, a time of the year centered around ourselves, our creative impulses, and our desire to leave a personal mark on the world, the Aquarius Full Moon reminds us of the power of connection and collaboration. The Full Moon in Aquarius is an opportunity to look at our lives from a distance, from a bird’s eye view, from a higher and objective perspective, in order to recognize whether we might have been too self-centered or too focused on our subjective experiences and missed out important information or details about what is going on around us.

We invite you and highly recommend you reading our book The Age of Aquarius which has been loved and celebrated by the Moon Omens community worldwide!

Blue Full Moon in Aquarius 2024

Blue Super Full Moon in Aquarius: Relationships & Technology


The Aquarius Full Moon brings the spotlight on our relationship with groups, communities, and the larger human collective and challenges us to relate to our creativity in a way that allows us to serve others, add value to our community, or address relevant collective issues. This event is also bringing our attention to our relationship with technology, the internet, and social media, and how that impacts our quality of life and the quality of our relationships with both ourselves and others.

A theme of the upcoming twenty years and the Pluto in Aquarius transit is the complete transformation of the relationship between humans and technology. The current Blue Full Moon in Aquarius brings this issue into the spotlight, challenging each of us to gain awareness of how we want our lives to look like in terms of screen time, social media use, reliance on technological devices and artificial intelligence, and so on. It is an opportunity to release habits that don’t serve us and get clear about how we desire to relate to other people, technology, and the internet.


Full Moon square Uranus and opposite retrograde Mercury


The Sun and the Moon are exactly squaring Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, now in Taurus. The Full Moon is also opposite retrograde Mercury in Leo. This configuration is referred to as a T-square and is a highly tense yet motivating aspect pattern. By exacerbating the frustration and discomfort we are feeling, T-squares push us to take action and make changes.

The activation of Uranus, the planet of rebellion, deconditioning, and sudden shocks, suggests a surge in our desire to break free from restrictions and limitations, as well as a higher likelihood of experiencing unexpected events and changes of plans around this time.

Also known as the Great Awakener, Uranus facilitates sudden flashes of genius, downloads, and visions of the future. A peak in our restlessness and discontent with existing conditions, relationships, jobs, and life situations will lead some of us to make radical decisions . Nevertheless, since Mercury is retrograde, there can be delays, misunderstandings, or reconsiderations down the line, or the process could unfold slower than expected.

The opposition between the Full Moon in Aquarius and retrograde Mercury in Leo suggests heightened polarization between logic and emotion, rationality and feeling. These days, we might find ourselves strongly aligning with one side, dismissing the validity of the other, or projecting our own biases onto those around us. Misunderstandings and conflicts could arise, as we may feel more rigid and less open to compromise. It’s essential to recognize this tendency and strive to integrate intellectual insight with emotional information.

The T-square between Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars


As the Aquarius Full Moon takes place, Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in Gemini and they both square retrograde Saturn in Pisces and Venus in Virgo. These planets are forming another T-square. We can say that Mars and Venus are temporarily participating in the Jupiter-Saturn square that goes exact today and is active for the whole month.

For the past weeks, the Jupiter-Saturn square has been increasing the tension between our desire for expansion and growth and the responsibilities we need to take to make that happen. This square motivates us to question our relationship to our beliefs, challenging us to realistically assess how to manifest our visions in the world of form, and revealing to us how we need to mature and strengthen ourselves in order to do so.

We are experiencing the first angular aspect between Jupiter and Saturn since they met at 0º Aquarius in December 2020. This is a First Quarter square, associated with a feeling of “crisis in action” and the need to adjust our approach to moving forward according to the issues that are emerging. Around this time, we experience a “two steps forward and one step back” dynamic, as we try to leave our comfort zone but the pull of the past and the familiar is still intense and slows us down.

The presence of Venus and Mars in this configuration, squaring each other, brings relational themes to the table and offers us an opportunity to reflect on how our relationships and how we show up in relationships need to change for us to mature and grow in the ways we envision. Around this time, we have opportunities to recognize and address the inner conflicts and insecurities that hold us back from valuing ourselves, from fully committing to what is valuable to us, from taking action toward our goals, and from taking responsibility for ourselves and our desires.


Blue Full Moon in Aquarius: Awakenings & Quantum Leaps


The Blue Full Moon in Aquarius brings dynamic, revolutionary, and electric energy into our lives, motivating us to revolutionize our reality, break free from stagnation, and make long-due changes. The activation of Uranus increases the possibility of experiencing initiations and awakenings through shocking and unexpected events, breakdowns, and the sudden loss of something that represents stability and security.

Open-mindedness, flexibility, and trust in Life are required around this time, as our plans could change drastically and unexpectedly and then change again since Mercury is retrograde. Strengthening our ability to embrace unpredictability and uncertainty will be key.

Despite the pervasive discomfort that arises during times of transition or when change is forced rather than chosen, many of us will be able to connect with a new sense of freedom, power, and agency. Around this time, chances to see ourselves and our lives from a new vantage point will be available, and many of us will be able to access a new level of awareness and awaken dormant potential within.


Blue Full Moon in Aquarius Journal & Guided Meditation is available as part of our Full Experience membership. Join Full Experience, receive everything we create monthly and support our work ♥


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Tell us what you think


  • I think your knowledge of our sky’s and astrology is very informative as an aspect to our lives intelligence and hope. I’m 74 and am still learning, thank you

  • I’m glad to have been told about this I have been feeling overwhelmed and lost Andi don’t know why one min I’ll be happy and carefree and the next min I’m unhappy and irritated

  • I am feeling these awakenings , energy shifting already. Thank you for these insights Moonomens

  • Awesome thank you vor this writing I can relate to many things atm

    Specially being forced out of comfortzone tmyesterday evening I feld new possibilities come across I now finally have the time and space to do what I want in stead of keeping it save and secure … I didn’t had the courage to break free on my own I do feel that this is necessary to do so to take out all restrictions so I can move freely around …

    Yess it’s scary and everything changed in 1 ore 2 weeks I need to move to a place I don’t know and also don’t have something else yet but I may trust ghat everything will fall into it’s place the universe hase my back so yess this writing is spot on

    Thank you so much ❤️ 🙏🌱💕

    Regards from the Netherlands

    • Good luck and trust the process, 27 years ago, I moved from Europe to the USA, my most exiting years I had here! 💕

  • Yes! I have been feeling extremely tired and sad..I’m an empath, so I just thought I was picking up on people around me energy.I can honestly see how this Mercury retrograde and moon, can affect us. I have felt a charge or energy surge, when placing certain stones in moonlight.In addition to our planets, the Earth’s going through some changes also.I think we all have to slow down, think more positive and help each other.

  • Yes I am feeling the energy. My natal sun + moon are both Aquarius. I need courage to make a long due change; to dismiss the emergence of an ex. How long will the Uranus activation be? Always love your writings. Thank you.

  • Thank you so much for all your explanations and service to us. I am Leo/ Scorpio, my Birthday is the coming Super Blue moon 8/19th
    I am an Empath and had a very hard time lately! Still full of hope and wonder what life brings! I am 82…. still learning, it never stops, higher and higher we go! One Love 💕


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