article Aries Season 2025: Fire of Transformation
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Astrology & Omens

Aries Season 2025: Fire of Transformation

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Moon Omens

March 18, 2025

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On March 18, 07:37 AM —

On March 20, 2025, 05:02 AM EST, the Sun leaves Pisces and enters Aries, marking the beginning of the New Astrological Year and igniting the fire of transformation. The start of Aries season coincides with the Equinox, a moment of rare balance between light and dark that calls us to cultivate balance within ourselves.

While we are still traversing the Eclipse Window and navigating intense inner and outer transformations, Aries season stokes our inner fire and reminds us of the importance of celebrating new beginnings.

The Sun’s ingress into Aries is particularly significant for people with natal placements in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). The individuals personally impacted by the beginning of Aries season are being asked to birth themselves anew and renovate their lives from the inside out. Aries season will support their desire and willingness to begin new endeavors, put themselves out there, and explore unfamiliar paths.

Aries Season 2025

From Pisces to Aries season: The Power of Action


Pisces season is a time of the year that doesn’t bend to the rational mind or logical expectations. When the Astrological year comes to a close, the imperative is to surrender control and allow everything to unfold as it’s meant to. Especially since the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo took place, we have been called to release resistance, let go of rigid expectations, and allow what doesn’t serve us to dissolve. The past weeks have been a time of transition and closure that invited us to get clear about what we no longer need or want to carry and prepare for a new chapter.

As the Sun enters Aries, the energy shifts dramatically. The fog of uncertainty begins to clear, and a surge of vitality inspires us to move forward with more optimism. Aries season awakens our instincts, reignites our motivation, and stirs a deep desire to take action on our dreams. The Sun is traditionally exalted in Aries, meaning his energy is amplified and expressed with strength, confidence, and clarity. In this Cardinal Fire sign, the Sun burns bright, igniting our passion and reminding us of the power of bold, spontaneous self-expression.


Aries Season: Create Your Own Destiny


As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries is connected with the moment of birth, the moment when instinct takes over and we emerge into the world, from the womb, as separate individuals. Ruled by Mars, the planet of action and desire, Aries teaches us the importance of trusting our instinct, taking risks, and daring to pursue what sets our Soul on fire.

While the Sun is in Aries, we are reminded that life is not meant to be passively observed but actively engaged with. We are reminded that the only way forward is through action and that we have the power to create our own path. Both the Sun and Aries are connected to the Fire element, associated with creativity, instinct, and passion. This blend of energies invites risk-taking and creative self-discovery.

Aries season is an opportunity to put ourselves out there and dare to challenge ourselves, dare to fail, dare to make mistakes. It is an invitation to embrace trial and error, learn from our experiences, and celebrate the power of play without taking ourselves too seriously.

Aries Season 2025

Aries Season 2025: Upcoming Lunations


Eclipse season is not over yet and in just a few days we will experience the final Eclipse in Aries until 2032. The New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse taking place on March 29 happens in the early degrees of Aries and will be conjunct with the North Node in the late degrees of Pisces. This event can be seen as a threshold between the old and the new and it will accelerate the pace of our evolution, pushing us toward uncharted territory.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries opens a portal to a new reality: this is a gateway of transformation, a powerful new beginning that brings a surge of momentum and a wave of renewal. It is a potent time to take a new path, make radical changes, and align our actions with our true desires. The Solar Eclipse in Aries asks us to shed outdated identities, walk through the ashes of who we were, and emerge renewed, fully stepping into who we are becoming.

The Full Moon in Libra taking place on April 12 brings to completion a six-month cycle that started with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra that occurred on October 2, 2024. Something that began to unfold back then is now coming to its culmination and we have an opportunity to see more clearly its deepest purpose. Despite not being an Eclipse, this Full Moon will be powerfully felt, as it will be exactly opposing Chiron in Aries, conjunct with the Sun to the degree. Sun and Moon will also square Mars in Cancer as well as Pluto in Aquarius, which adds more layers of complexity and intensity to this event.


Aries season 2025: the Fire of Transformation


Mars and Pluto will be in opposition for the entirety of Aries season 2025 and this is very significant since Mars is the ruler of Aries. The Red Planet is now direct in the late degrees of Cancer and is gathering speed to prepare to face Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius for the third time. On April 18, Mars enters Leo, and the Mars-Pluto opposition goes exact on April 26. Mars and Pluto already opposed each other twice: the first time they aligned, it was in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn on November 3, 2024. On January 3, 2025, while Mars was retrograde in Leo, their opposition went exact again.

When the two planets perfect their alignment for the final time, at the end of April, we will be able to see more clearly the purpose and meaning of the process we embarked on in November. The Mars-Pluto opposition will color Aries season 2025 with an intense desire for transformation, while challenging us to learn more about the nature of power and be very aware of what power is and what power isn’t.

To align with the natural cycles and energies of this Aries Season and Equinox, we invite you to print out and use our Aries Season 2025 Workbook. This is a powerful workbook for those who love and appreciate self-care and growth. Happy and blessed Aries Season and a New Astrological Year soul family!


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