article Aries Season 2024: Birthing Ourselves Anew
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Astrology & Omens

Aries Season 2024: Birthing Ourselves Anew

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Moon Omens

March 17, 2024

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On March 19, 11:07 PM EST, Aries season 2024 begins, bringing us an invitation to recover our connection with our courage, deepen our trust in our instincts, and celebrate mistakes as our teachers. Aries season asks us to birth ourselves anew and reminds us that every day contains the promise of a new beginning.

The beginning of Aries season is especially relevant for those of us born with natal placements in Cardinal signs. The individuals more strongly impacted by this shift will experience a boost in their energy levels, determination, and vitality. They will feel inspired to take new risks, be more assertive, and follow the whispers of their desires with faith.

From Pisces to Aries season: Rebirth and Reemergence


The Sun starts a new trip around the Zodiac wheel and his ingress into Aries starts the New Astrological Year, bringing renewal and renovation in all areas of our lives. We are emerging from the deep, oceanic waters of Pisces season out into the world again: Aries season is starting and the energy is shifting dramatically from the Yin, feminine, receptive vibe of Pisces to the Yang, masculine, action-oriented one of Aries. 

The transition from Pisces to Aries is symbolized by the moment of birth and the cut of the umbilical cord. From a state of non-duality and oneness, where everything is provided, we are suddenly out into the world alone, as separate individuals who need to fend for themselves and develop their unique identity. This process can be as scary as it can be exciting: Aries season reminds us that opportunities are endless and new doors are always opening, yet it’s up to us to take the first step, to take action, to decide to walk toward a specific direction.

Astronomically speaking, the start of the Aries season coincides with the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere and the Fall Equinox in the southern hemisphere. Regardless of our location on Earth, this event marks an energetic shift that has been celebrated and revered since ancient times by people all over the world, who built temples and sacred sites aligned with the Sun’s position on these days. On Equinoxes, day and night have the same length: this offers us an opportunity to contemplate our relationship with both light and darkness and inspires us to observe how we balance light and dark in our lives.


Aries season 2024: Action, Creativity, and Risk-Taking


The Sun’s ingress into Aries brings a surge of dynamism, vitality, and zest for life. This is the sign of the Sun’s traditional exaltation, which means that the energies of the Sun and Aries blend particularly well. A Yang, Fire, and Cardinal sign, Aries offers a great stage for the Sun’s rays to shine bright: this combination of energies supports action, creativity, risk-taking, and self-expression. The focus goes on the unfamiliar, the unexplored, and the new, but also on our availability to learn by trial and error and our capacity to do so without getting discouraged by mistakes or setbacks.

This time of the year reminds us that life can change, our situation can change, we can change, and we are not doomed to repeating the past, to staying stuck in unfulfilling routines, situations, and relationships. At this time, we see possibilities and paths that we could not see before and we can more easily access the courage we need to make the changes we aspire to make. Aries season encourages us to avoid any temptation to dwell in a victim mindset, nihilism, or pessimism, inspires us to get into creation mode, and motivates us to do what we can do with what is currently available to us.

Eclipse season begins


During Aries season 2024, the first Eclipse season of the calendar year begins. Eclipses are portals to a new level of consciousness and mark a time of accelerated growth, evolutionary pressure, and quantum leaps toward the future. They often shake up our lives, increasing the degree of unpredictability, which can help us break free from stuckness and stagnation. Throughout the upcoming weeks, two potent Eclipses are taking place.

On March 25, we are going to experience a Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra conjunct with the South Node of the Moon. When Eclipses take place on the Lunar South Node, they offer us chances to release the grip of the past, resolve old wounds, and clear karmic debts. 

The Lunar Eclipse of March 25 represents the culmination of a six-month cycle that started on October 14, 2023, with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra. This event completes an evolutionary process that started back then, offering us an opportunity to gain a new awareness of our needs, desires, and relational patterns as well as a deeper understanding of what needs to change in ourselves in order to create different relationships.

On April 8, we are going to experience an extremely powerful New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, tightly conjunct Chiron and the North Node of the Moon, and more widely conjunct retrograde Mercury. This event will bring to the forefront the necessity to prioritize healing and tending to our emotional wounds as this is the only way for us to move toward our Soul purpose without compulsively repeating the past.

The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries represents an extremely potent initiation as well as a time of intense karmic cleansing and spiritual rebirth, which will bring fated events and massive changes in many people’s lives.

Lunar Eclipse in Libra

Aries season 2024: Celebrate Mistakes


Aries season is a time to bring new things into the world without worrying about doing it perfectly or in the right way. The Sun’s journey through Aries inspires us to access the courage, determination, and confidence we need to take leaps, to follow our passion, to trust the spark we feel, to go toward the direction of what lights us up even when, logically, it doesn’t make sense.

Aries season motivates us to recover our connection with our creative spark, our inner sacred fire, the energy that moves us. The Sun in Aries is currently forming a sextile with Pluto in Aquarius, which supports our ability to empower and reinvent ourselves through creativity and self-expression, deepen our self-awareness, and radically transform our sense of self and our connection to purpose.

This is a time to be active participants in life, a time to be proactive in acting on our desires, a time to take risks and challenge ourselves, and a time to explore unfamiliar paths despite our fears. This is a time to dare, a time to do something that scares us, a time to play and experiment without shame or fear of making mistakes. Aries season is a time to welcome mistakes, celebrate mistakes, and learn from our mistakes, recognizing them as our teachers. 


Tap here to Get Your Aries Season 2024 Workbook


To celebrate the arrival of Aries Season we present you our new creation – the Aries Season Workbook 2024. This is a printable PDF workbook that you can print out and work on right away!

It is an absolutely powerful workbook that you deserve and must experience – for all zodiac signs, no matter your sun sign or configuration of your natal chart. Don’t think twice, go ahead and get the workbook now. It is life changing and we are going to be using it along side you. Below you can watch our short Aries Season 2024 workbook preview!

Our Crystal Pick for Sun in Aries: Herkimer Diamond


This double-terminated clear quartz is a beautiful Arian crystal to use all season long to lift your spirits, clarify your vision, and bring inspiration and light to your life. It helps activate and direct your energy to help you move forward toward what you want to create in your life. 

It’s also a powerful cleanser for your entire energetic field, to uplift and enlighten your mind, emotions, and spirit into the bright-eyed, optimistic perception of life that Aries brings. After this Piscean season of confusion, mystery, and swimming in the depths of our unconscious, Herkimer diamond can bring clear insight to the forefront so you know where to direct your focus and attention.

The Sun in Aries means a time to take bold action and jump into life, trusting that the invisible net of the Universe will catch you. This super clear, very special quartz variety can help you harness all that activated, bright energy and funnel it into the projects, ideas, and adventures that will fuel the fire of your spirit!

Leave a comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you liked this article.. Happy Aries Season!


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Tell us what you think


  • “After this Piscean season of confusion, mystery, and swimming in the depths of our unconscious..” – appreciated this! Very much looking forward to Aries season bringing in fresh new energy / Spring time! Pisces szn was rough for me, but I can see the light <3

  • I love this website and everything it has to offer, thank you so much! Could you *please* do something about the fact that when we scroll up or down, the header drops down at the same time, dropping onto the content. Please and thanks!

  • Brilliant article, I’m a double Aries, sun and Ascendant love ♈ Aries season, a couple of months ago bought Herkimer diamond ring 💍


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