article Aries Season March 20th – April 20th
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Astrology & Omens

Aries Season March 20th – April 20th

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Moon Omens

March 20, 2020

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On March 20 at 3:49am the Sun Shifts into the Constellation of Aries. Welcome to the Aries Season!

What is Aries Season?


The Sun spends 30 days in each of the Zodiac signs, from March 20 until April 20th the Sun will be transiting Aries. We can call this Aries Season.

The Sun represents our conscious awareness. We can imagine that this solar energy is like a big spotlight shining on an area of our psyche. The themes associated with Aries energy are highlighted and brought to the surface during these times. If we were born during Aries Season or have other personal planets in Aries we may feel this in a heightened way. However, in this article we are looking at Aries Season through a collective lens which means regardless of whether or not you are an “Aries” this is still relevant information.


Aries Season is the Start of the Zodiac Year


Aries Season is the beginning of a new astrological year. Although we celebrated a new calendar year in January, now is a time when things really start to feel new. Up until now we may have felt as though there was a thick fog or sleepy energy around us. We may have felt as though we are tying up loose ends or focusing on conclusions.

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As the Sun shifts into Aries we are invited to start fresh. We are asked to leave the past behind and move forward with an open heart. This takes courage. Aries season is not for the faint of heart. We are asked to be brave and move forward in new ways that may be unbeknown to us.

Aries is the Spark


Aries energy is the spark that starts the fire. It’s vulnerable to be the first flame, however if we tend to the fire and kindle it we know the energy can grow. This is a time of taking care of ourselves and listening to our needs. This energy is passionate, warm and exciting. It’s thrilling and gains momentum quickly.

Things in our lives may start to take off. Things may start to come together and we may experience a snowball effect of our actions. This is awesome! However, it’s very important to remain grounded and not allow ourselves to get attached from an ego driven place. Even if things are working really well, our best bet is to stay neutral and open.

aries moon omens

Conversely, if things are not working out for us, trying hard to force our agendas will leave us frustrated. If we are faced with a brick wall our best bet is to take a rest or try an alternate route. It’s not wise to attempt to break down that wall. Although Aries energy is very associated with action, it’s key to remember sometimes the best thing to do is rest and release. 


Aries Season, Embrace the Trailblazer Within


Since this is just the start of the new zodiac calendar it’s important not give into any sense of urgency. There is no need to rush and if we feel like we are behind, remember there’s a whole year ahead of us. Aries is the trailblazer and while it may feel like it wants to sprint to the finish line, conserving our energy is what can help us to win the race. 

Aries is on the front lines of creation. This means we are being asked to envision where we want to go, or what we want to create. It’s a good time to sit at the drawing board and catch hold of a vision. It’s a time of feeding the fire of creation that exists within each of us. Starting fresh can feel overwhelming at times which is why it’s important to remember life is not just a sprint.


Aries Season: A Cracking Open


Imagine we are a little chicken hatching from an egg. The egg has cracked open and we find ourselves looking out at a whole new world. This is very much the energy of Aries Season. We know it is not an option to collect the broken egg shells and try to rebuild the egg. Instead, we have to move away from the shell’s security and boldly step into the world.

We are being asked to show up. To stand up. To speak up. This can really set us off. It’s a challenge to feel confident and we are working to heal on many levels.


Chiron in Aries


The asteroid, Chiron, is in Aries from 2019 until 2027. Chiron represents the wounded healer. It’s our personal healing journeys. Each of us is on our own path, with our own wounds. It’s not that we are broken but we are asked to become aware of our soft spots. As the Sun’s light moves through Aries it will illuminate the energy of Chiron. Our wounds are coming to the forefront in order for us to heal.

Now imagine we have a cut on our hand. We do not need to know the science behind our skin in order for it to heal. Our bodies naturally heal. Our skin knows what to do. Our job is solely to keep the wound clean and let nature do the healing.


Chiron in Aries Throughout History


It’s safe to say we are living in extraordinary times. It feels like everything is up in the air and nothing is certain. There’s a collective sense of not-knowing and while we can’t pinpoint what exactly is going to happen and when, we can take a look back at these cycles throughout history.

Looking back can help us to move forward with wisdom. Instead of history repeating itself, we can expand our awareness and break the patterns. Chiron was in Aries 1918-1926; let’s take a look at some of the happenings from that age.

The Spanish flu pandemic occurred in 1918 and 1919. This time period also saw the end of World War 1. The roaring 20’s came into effect which led to economic growth and widespread prosperity. This decade was a time of individuals expressing themselves and acting in ways the generations before them had not. This was a time of celebration and living life in the moment.

Of course at this point in time, with what is happening in the world, it is easy to fall into despair. We are facing unprecedented times and the economic impact of current events is a very real threat for many. Like the generation of the Jazz Age, it’s important to embrace our sense of individuality and creative expression. It’s time to do things differently and challenge pre-existing societal norms. 

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It’s time to become those trailblazers. It’s time to carve out a new path for ourselves and the generations who will come after us. 

Like the beginning of Chiron’s transit in Aries transit back in 1918, we are facing another pandemic. The key of Aries is to remember our own potential and personal power. Of course, we must acknowledge how our actions impact others. However, at times when we feel hopeless and pulled into collective despair, let’s remember what it means to be an individual. 


Chiron in Aries: Reclaim Individuality


Individuality is the cornerstone of transformation. If we don’t look in the mirrors and reclaim our Selves, we can never move forward in a world that works hard to tell us who we should or shouldn’t be. Chiron in Aries is that reclamation of individuality. 

We can look back to the 1969 and once again see Chiron transiting Aries. During this cycle we see war, this time the Vietnam war. We can see masses of people standing up demanding change in the form of the civil rights movement. We witnessed Woodstock that brought thousands together in the name of a counter culture.

The birth of a new counter culture is the theme of Chiron in Aries, which we are experiencing now until 2027. Throughout Aries Season the Sun will be illuminating this transit. When everything we know is changing what other choice do we have? This is about owning who we are as individuals, creating and sharing that sense of self with the world.


It Takes Courage


This is a season where some tender wounds could emerge. There will be times for us to play an active role in our healing and other times when it’s okay to just let it be. Both action and inaction takes courage. This Aries Season the more we can give ourselves room to breath, the stronger we will be.

Comment below if you can feel this energy too and if you’re ready to be a part of this wonderful new world that emerging! We are sending infinite love & blessings your way, let stay united, lets love one another! – The Moon Omens Team

P.S. We invite you to read our New Moon article! Tap on the image below.



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