article Aquarius Season 2023: Owning our Uniqueness
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Astrology & Omens

Aquarius Season 2023: Owning our Uniqueness

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Moon Omens

January 20, 2023

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On January 20, 07:43 PM —

On January 20, 3:30 AM ET, Aquarius season 2023 begins, as the Sun leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. The Sun remains in the sign of the Water Bearer until February 18. Aquarius season represents an invitation to own and celebrate our uniqueness, and to work on releasing fears, limitations, and beliefs that hold us back from full, authentic expression. 

This time of the year brings our attention to our relationship with progress, evolution, revolution, and innovation. The increasing prominence of the sign of Aquarius and its modern ruler Uranus throughout the upcoming days and weeks has the potential to inspire us to make radically different choices to change our reality and the way we interface with it.

Aquarius season 2023: Celebrating Individual Differences


In the Zodiac, Aquarius follows Capricorn: Aquarius is the archetype through which we break free from structures that lost their purpose and build new ones, we break rules that are obsolete and prevent progress from taking place. While Capricorn correlates to conditioning, Aquarius corresponds to the process of deconditioning.

The Sun entering Aquarius brings the spotlight to our journey of individuation, our ongoing process of deconstruction and unlearning. Aquarius season represents an invitation to discover new, innovative, and authentic ways to structure our lives and let go of habits, beliefs, fears, structures, and ways of being that aren’t serving our growth. This time of the year always represents a period of creative self-discovery, experimentation, and celebration of individual differences. Aquarius season reminds us of the value of what makes us unique and encourages us to own our eccentricity, our paradoxes, our incongruities, our imperfections.


Working on Energetics & Regulating our Nervous System


Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign, correlated with the quantum field, with long-term memory, and the akashic records. The Sun’s ingress into the sign of the Water Bearer will bring our awareness to how working on energetics and shifting our frequency can generate tangible changes in our reality. 

As it correlates to long-term memory and the nervous system, the archetype of Aquarius has a connection to trauma, and to the fragmentation and dissociation that can happen during overwhelming experiences. During the upcoming weeks, we will be reminded of the importance of being committed to working on regulating our nervous system and integrating unprocessed experiences, as this process is necessary to be able to show up in life with confidence, as our authentic selves. 


Aquarius season 2023: Lunations and Transits


During Aquarius season 2023, we will experience a New Moon in Aquarius and a Full Moon in Leo. The New Moon in Aquarius is taking place on January 21, at 1º of the sign, and the Sun and the Moon are going to be conjunct with Pluto in the late degrees of Capricorn. This lunation begins a cycle centered around restructuring and revolutionizing our lives. The proximity of the Sun, Moon, and Pluto indicate an emphasis on personal transformation processes: this configuration will invite us to refine our understanding of our emotional nature and begin a new chapter of our healing journey.

The Full Moon in Leo is happening on February 5 and the Sun and the Moon are going to be in a square aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This lunation is likely to bring up a strong need for change, stimulation, creative independence, and personal freedom. Many of us could feel inspired to make radical changes in our lives around this time and decide to break free from situations that feel restrictive, oppressive, or uninspiring.


Sun sextile Jupiter and Sun square Lunar Nodes


The Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Aries on January 24. This is an energizing and motivating aspect that supports our self-confidence and courage. The Sun-Jupiter sextile reminds us to believe in the power of our creativity, of our ideas, of our visions: these days, we may find the courage to take action on them or share some of them with others.

The Sun squares the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio on January 28. This configuration has the potential to bring up inner conflicts relative to being seen, self-expression, visibility, and exposure, in order for us to work on them. The Sun’s square to the Nodal Axis may be a time to confront fear and blockages that prevent us from fully expressing ourselves, and break free from patterns linked to hiding, making ourselves smaller, and dimming our light.


Sun trine Mars and Sun conjunct Saturn


The Sun trines Mars in Gemini on January 29. The Sun-Mars trine will increase both our physical and our mental energy. This is a productive and driven aspect that supports our ability for self-determination and self-motivation, increasing our capacity to channel our focus into something we are passionate about.

The Sun crosses Saturn in Aquarius on February 16, and the spotlight goes on our responsibilities, duties, and commitments. Around this time, we could feel physically tired, more serious, and less cheerful than usual. The Sun-Saturn conjunction is an invitation to take responsibility for our lives, our choices, and the way we invest our energy. This aspect reminds us to be patient and encourages us to keep in mind that it takes time, work, and dedication to build something of value that lasts.


Aquarius season 2023: The Power of Connection


Aquarius season will remind us of the power of connecting and collaborating with like-minded people who have similar visions and of the value of creating together and growing together. This time of the year brings the spotlight to our relationship with groups, with our friends, and to our role within the communities we are part of, inviting us to reflect on what we can offer to our community and on how the groups we are part of can support our individual unfolding. These themes will be front and center, particularly around the time of the Leo Full Moon.

Something worth mentioning is that Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is stationing direct soon, on January 22. Uranus’s influence is already felt, as it is already at a standstill, closer to Earth, and conjunct with the Lunar North Node. The prominence of Uranus increases the emphasis on the archetype of Aquarius. During the upcoming days and weeks, the invitation is to make radically different choices, rebel from outdated ways of being, believe in the value of our visions and in our capacity to create the future we dream of.

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