Consciousness that is aligned with the source, the infinite, with that deep heart knowing of the truth, true south, true north, and our true origins that transcends the mystery of the unknown. It is evergreen, ever blossoming, ever flowing fountain of youth, flower of life and abundance. It is alive and it is expressing itself through every one of us. That is why Moon Omens is a soul family.
There are no coincidences, only synchronicities that are guiding us back home to our true eternal selves and from that place of infinity and interconnectedness, in an aha heart moment, we realize that we are indeed all one.
We are all unique expressions of one vibrating at slightly different levels of frequency, dancing the cosmic dance of life, guiding each other and gravitating to one another forming a global community and family of souls.
We are a small team, a group of souls who realized that they cannot do it all on their own, and that we all need a tribe, a family of souls who are all aligned and who wholeheartedly care for each other, for humanity and focus and channel all their energy, and all their inner ammunition of righteousness, integrity, empathy, wisdom, courage, discipline and dedication into creating a more beautiful, more harmonious, abundant, empowering world we call home.
Some of us are deep empaths, psychics, visionaries, master astrologers, numerologists, some are carrying lots of esoteric, ancient hidden knowledge and wisdom. We are all different and very unique, but united we flow in unison, fulfill and compliment each other.
Our work has always been to provide insights and practical tools that inspire, awaken and speak through the portal of the heart into the original, highest version of self to help everyone who come across and joins Moon Omens soul family remember who they truly are. We share energetic guidance using ancient tools to stay in tune with the Cosmos, cultivate a relationship with Nature and align with the energy available to us at any specific moment, to connect with life cycles intentionally.
Thank you for being a part of this fantastic global soul family, we love and appreciate you. Everything we create, we create for you.