Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: Call to Purify
Moon Omens
March 11, 2025
On March 11, 11:11 AM —
On March 14, 02:59 AM EST, a Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse takes place at 23º58’ of Virgo.
This is the first Eclipse of the season and of the calendar year, as well as the first Eclipse in the sign of Virgo since 2016. A clear call to purify and realign, this Lunar Eclipse in Virgo brings opportunities for deep emotional purging and inner work and challenges us to let go of our need for perfection and control.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is significant for everybody, but particularly so for people born with planets or angles in the late degrees of Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). The individuals personally impacted by this Eclipse will feel a heightened sense of urgency relative to taking action and making changes. They are more likely to experience significant turning points, fated events, and opportunities to close a chapter of their life for good.
We invite you to watch our hour long Total Lunar Eclipse energy update together with Nina where she walks us through current Eclipse Season energies.
Eclipses: Portals of Change
Twice a year, Eclipses shake up our inner and outer reality by accelerating the pace of personal and collective evolution. Portals of change and transformation, Eclipses offer us glimpses of what is possible when we surrender control and choose to fully trust Life.Quantum leaps become more common during the Eclipse window, the period between an Eclipse and the next one, which sometimes offers us opportunities to jump from one timeline to another in matters of seconds.
Time can feel stretched, compressed, or distorted these days, as we are reminded of its non-linearity while our perception gets blurred from the magnitude of everything that is taking place both inwardly and outwardly. Synchronicities and fated events become more frequent, as we get more attuned to the repeating symbolism and signs that keep appearing in both our dreams and waking lives.
Lunar Eclipses: Opportunities to Close Cycles
Lunar Eclipses are supercharged, more intense Full Moons that take place when the Sun and the Moon oppose each other while close to the Lunar Nodes, the two points in space marking the intersection between the Ecliptic and the Moon’s orbit. During a Lunar Eclipse, also sometimes referred to as a Blood Moon, the shadow of the Earth temporarily prevents sunlight from reaching the Moon, which appears to be partially or totally obscured.
Lunar Eclipses mark powerful turning points and bring us opportunities to close cycles and let go of what no longer serves us. Cathartic emotional releases are more accessible now. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is a call to purify ourselves from everything that weighs us down, everything that has run its course, everything that holds us back and keeps us from growing.
This Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is total, which means the alignment between the luminaries and the Lunar Nodes is tight. The Eclipse will be strongly felt, particularly in those areas of the world where it is visible. People in the United States, Canada, Central America, and the Western regions of South America will be able to see the Eclipse in its totality, while those living in Europe, Western Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and East Asia will be able to see part of it.
Lunar Eclipse conjunct the South Node: Releasing the Past
This Lunar Eclipse happens on the South Node of the Moon. The Lunar South Node has to do with our past, with our karma, what we are familiar with and unconsciously gravitate toward. The pull of the South Node is very hard to resist and we tend to get stuck in its energy. In Virgo, the South Node reflects a general inclination towards overanalyzing, overworrying, and perfectionism, as well as a need to control the unfolding of everything and feel in control of every detail.
A Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on the South Node is an opportunity for deep emotional purging and inner work. In Virgo, it is an invitation to let go of outdated habits, attachments, and patterns that keep us stuck in self-criticism, overthinking, and perfectionism. It is an invitation to release the excessive need for control and rigid planning, while still appreciating the value of order, organization, and effort.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: Call to Purify
In the sign of Virgo, the Lunar Eclipse brings a reality check and invites us to let go of habits, behaviors, and lifestyles that don’t support our well being. Virgo is associated with discernment, purification, and refinement. This archetype teaches us the importance of being intentional about our daily choices, about what we consume, about what and who we allow into our field, about how we invest our time, energy, and focus.
Virgo’s shadow can manifest as excessive worry, an inability to rest, and a tendency to equate our worth with our productivity, with what we do and accomplish. The Eclipse highlights where these patterns have been keeping us stuck and invites us to create space for more flow, presence, and trust in the mystery. Around this time, we have an opportunity to become more aware of the ways in which we have been micromanaging our reality or got lost in self-criticism, over-analysis, or an impossible quest for perfection.
Since the Virgo/Pisces axis rules our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, this event may expose imbalances that impact our wellbeing or reveal how our obsession with healing may be holding us back from truly healing.
Full Moon opposite Saturn and Neptune
This Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, tightly opposing Saturn in Pisces, highlights where excessive rigidity, need for control, or avoidance of responsibility may be limiting our growth. The opposition to Saturn is an opportunity to reflect on the difference between fear-based discipline and a service-oriented mindset. This Eclipse is an invitation to find a new kind of harmony between discipline and surrender, effort and flow, and refine our ability to discern when one or the other is necessary.
The Full Moon is also opposing Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, currently conjunct with the North Node. This event could reveal the nature of fantasies, illusions, and delusions we believed to be true and ask us to refine our ability to discern between what is true and what isn’t, what we need and what we don’t need, what is our responsibility and what isn’t our responsibility.
Neptune’s activation can blur the line between truth and fantasy: this configuration challenges us to recognize where we might have been deceiving ourselves or others, or whether we are still attached to a narrative, a vision, or an ideal that does not serve our growth. This opposition asks us to sharpen our ability to discern between what is truly aligned with our Soul’s path and what is merely a distraction or an illusion we have been clinging on for comfort.
Full Moon trine Uranus and sextile Mars
The activation of Uranus and Mars on this Full Moon adds more dynamism and momentum to these days. The trine to Uranus supports our ability to welcome change and adapt to any sudden shift in circumstances. Uranus also inspires us to see the potential for innovation in any challenges we may be facing. This planet encourages us to break free from old patterns, urges us to step out of our comfort zones, and inspires us to embrace new ideas, perspectives, and ways of doing things.
The Moon-Mars sextile supports our ability to take action aimed at meeting our needs and helps us access the courage to express what we need and feel with confidence. The Full Moon is ruling Mars in Cancer, hence making decisions from a place of emotional clarity is crucial these days. This Moon-Mars sextile helps us move forward with both sensitivity and assertiveness, without losing touch with ourselves, our emotions, and our desires.
Mars has also been squaring Chiron in Aries for a while, as he stationed direct in Cancer just a couple of weeks ago. This ongoing tension between Mars and Chiron is an invitation to heal the wounds around self-assertion, identity, initiation, and personal power. We may still feel a push-pull between wanting to act boldly and feeling vulnerable or wounded in the process. Yet, this square also presents us with an opportunity to confront these wounds and take new steps toward healing them for good.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: Trust the Mystery
Mercury is the planetary ruler of Virgo and of this Eclipse. Studying Mercury’s condition gives us more information about the energy of these days. Mercury is now in Aries, conjunct with retrograde Venus, and is going to station retrograde too in just a few hours.
This configuration highlights the value of clear and honest communication and suggests that a drastic shift in perception is on the way. While Venus retrograde is already facilitating a process of revision, restructuring, and redefinition of our relationships and values, Mercury going retrograde during the Eclipse window will ask us to review, reassess, and restructure the way we think, communicate, and interface with our surroundings. New information is likely to come to light after the retrograde has ended.
As we step into the Eclipse portal, the invitation for us is to resist the urge to seek immediate clarity and practice instead sitting with uncertainty, trusting that everything will become clear in its own timing.
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