article Super Full Moon in Aries: Transform Challenges into Opportunities
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Astrology & Omens

Super Full Moon in Aries: Transform Challenges into Opportunities

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Moon Omens

October 15, 2024

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On October 15, 08:37 AM —

On October 17, 07:26 AM EST, a Super Full Moon at 24º34º of Aries takes place. This event invites us to tap into our inner strength and transform challenges into growth opportunities. Despite not being an Eclipse, this Full Moon is a powerful one: besides representing the peak of a lunar cycle that began two weeks ago with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, it also marks the culmination of a larger six-month cycle that started on April 8, 2024, with the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. This is also a Super Full Moon: the Moon is closer to us than usual and appears bigger and brighter than a regular Full Moon. Due to the Moon’s proximity and increased gravitational pull on the tides, these events are typically felt more intensely.

This event is especially relevant for the individuals born with natal planets or angles around the 24º of Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). They will feel this Full Moon more strongly and are more likely to experience significant changes in their lives. As a chapter of their healing journey comes to completion, they have opportunities to reflect on the past months, acknowledge their growth, and free themselves from what doesn’t serve them.

Super Full Moon in Aries: Raw Emotions


Full Moons mark the peak point of the lunar cycle: at this time of the month, the Sun and the Moon are directly facing one another and the light of the Sun illuminates our inner, emotional world. Every Full Moon brings our attention to what is unresolved, unfelt, and unacknowledged and offers us opportunities to acknowledge and feel it. Clarity is more easily accessible at this time of the month and what was previously hidden from our awareness is revealed.

Emotions are heightened when the Moon is Full, and even more so when the Moon is transiting through an instinctual, impulsive Fire sign such as Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. When the Moon is in Aries, we tend to experience a palpable feeling of urgency, along with a strong need for stimulation, novelty, and immediate action.

Under a Super Full Moon in Aries, we experience emotions viscerally and intensely and tend to express them in raw, unfiltered ways. In the sign of the Warrior, a Full Moon can trigger surges of deep-seated anger and frustration. With Aries’ ruler Mars currently traveling through the emotional sign of Cancer, long-held resentments can suddenly surface and be brought into the open.


Balancing Autonomy and Togetherness


Every Full Moon brings our attention to two opposing and complementary signs, and this month the Aries-Libra axis is in the spotlight, which brings our attention to how we harmonize independence and interdependence, freedom and connection, autonomy and togetherness.

The relationship axis is highlighted now, and relationship themes have been in the spotlight for the past weeks, especially since the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra took place. At this point, we can no longer ignore what doesn’t work, what is out of balance, and what has been built on a faulty foundation.

As Eclipse season draws to a close, the Aries Full Moon reminds us that, in order to relate to other people authentically, we must know ourselves and we must be committed to honoring our truth, our needs, and our desires.  This event will empower many of us to tap into the courage and strength we need to make bold decisions, set clear boundaries, and walk away from situations that don’t serve our highest good.


Full Moon conjunct Chiron: the Wisdom of Pain


This Full Moon happens at 24º Aries and is conjunct with both Chiron and Eris. Chiron is a celestial body associated with the archetype of the wounded healer and teacher. In Astrology, Chiron represents a very sensitive, tender point in a chart: it is connected to deep vulnerabilities, wounds, and painful existential experiences that reveal life’s inherent unfairness. Chiron’s lessons revolve around the fact that when pain becomes our teacher, we develop a unique kind of compassion and wisdom, one that can’t be developed otherwise.

When Chiron is conjunct with the Moon, emotional healing takes center stage as we are confronted with recurring emotional pain, with wounds that won’t stop bleeding, or that periodically reopen. Chiron teaches us to stay present with our grief and feel our grief without trying to find a solution for it, without trying to fix it.

The Total Solar Eclipse that took place in April was also conjunct with Chiron, and this magnifies the significance of this conjunction. The current Full Moon will help us gain a clear awareness of where we are at in our healing journey, what changed in the last six months, what didn’t change, and what we learned, especially when it comes to relating to our pain.

Around this time, we can expect intense, cathartic emotional releases. While long-buried wounds may resurface or reopen, opportunities for deep healing and resolution will be available too.

Super Full Moon in Aries

Full Moon conjunct Eris: Anger as a Transformative Force


Eris is a dwarf planet that was first discovered in 2003. Because of her recent discovery, we can say that an awareness of our relationship with her energy is still emerging into collective consciousness. Eris needs over 500 years to travel through the Zodiac: she has been in Aries since 1926 and remains in the sign until 2044.

Before receiving her official name, she was temporarily named Xena, after the warrior princess from a popular TV show. Eris was then named after the mythological Goddess of Chaos and Discord, the sister of Ares (the Greek equivalent of Mars) and the daughter of Nyx, the Goddess of the night.

Astrologically, Eris is connected to feminine anger, empowerment, and with the drive to expose the truth and fight for it. She has also to do with the urge to create chaos, discord, and destruction for the sake of it, or for our egoic pleasure.

While her energy can indeed be expressed in very destructive ways, Eris gives us strength to progress in our empowerment journey, rebel from oppression, reclaim our freedom, expose the truth, and reveal dysfunctions. She teaches us that anger, channeled constructively, is the catalyst that helps us stand up for ourselves and walk away from what we refuse to tolerate. On this Full Moon, the invitation for us is to explore how to relate with our anger as a transformative force, rather than a destructive one.


Full Moon square Mars and Pluto: Breaking Points


The Moon in Aries and the Sun in Libra, as well as Chiron and Eris, square both retrograde Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer, the planetary ruler of this Full Moon. This highly charged configuration can point to an escalation of conflicts and power struggles: as long-accumulated tension erupts into the open, the likelihood of experiencing separations and breaking points increases.

These planets are forming a Cardinal Grand Cross, which consists of planets traveling through all the Cardinal signs, forming two oppositions, and all simultaneously squaring each other. This configuration reflects a buildup of energy that is locked in and needs to find an outlet: Cardinal signs have an inherent need to initiate, and when this impulse is thwarted frustration grows.

The activation of Pluto at 29º of Capricorn and Mars in Cancer, which was also squaring the Solar Eclipse in Libra two weeks ago, pushes us to recognize and release habitual patterns that represented a way to survive in the past but damage us in the present. The prominence of the Cancer-Capricorn axis points to the necessity of healing childhood wounds that keep impacting our lives and our relationships. This is an invitation to take responsibility for our healing and learn to create security for ourselves.


Super Full Moon in Aries: Transform Challenges into Opportunities


The Super Full Moon in Aries invites us to transform our relationship with our anger and strengthen our connection with our passion, with our aliveness, with the pulse of our desire. This event inspires us to keep our inner fire burning, get things moving, and practice expressing intense emotions constructively rather than destructively.

As the Full Moon peaks, Venus in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus are opposing each other: this aspect indicates that our relationships and values are undergoing a revolution, they are changing in unexpected and unpredictable ways. While we may feel a strong tension between our desire for intimacy and our need for independence, we have an opportunity to break free from styles of relating that don’t serve us and embrace more authentic, liberated ways of connecting with others, aligning with our true values. The Venus-Uranus opposition motivates us to question the status quo and challenge how things have always been done to discover what works for us.

Meanwhile, Jupiter in Gemini is forming a harmonic sextile to Chiron, Eris, and the Full Moon, offering us an escape valve to diffuse the tension of the Grand Cross configuration. The sextile to Jupiter highlights the value of asking questions, being curious, and exploring new ways of attributing meaning to our experiences. Jupiter’s activation highlights the importance of being connected with our truth and finding new opportunities for growth and healing amidst the challenges we may experience.


Super Full Moon in Aries Journal & Guided Meditation is available as part of our Full Experience membership. Join Full Experience, receive everything we create monthly and support our work ♥


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