article October 2020 Astrology Forecast: a Groundbreaking Time
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Astrology & Omens

October 2020 Astrology Forecast: a Groundbreaking Time

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Moon Omens

October 4, 2020

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In this article we are going to dive deeper into October 2020 astrology forecast. October is going to be a groundbreaking time: we are entering an intense month, filled with changes, unexpected experiences, and ongoing inner work. A New Super Moon in Libra and two Full Moons are taking place.

This year, the Full Harvest Moon arrives on October 1, while the Full Hunter Moon, a rare Blue Moon, is happening on October 31. This event makes the upcoming month particularly interesting and very relevant for our collective and personal journey.

With Jupiter and Saturn now in direct motion and Pluto joining them on October 4, the energy is shifting significantly: after the introspection that occurred during their retrograde cycle, we enter a phase of integration, implementation, and focused action. Yet, Mars is still in apparent backward motion, together with Uranus, Neptune, Chiron, and soon Mercury. Mars retrograde, in particular, may cause the sensation that something is slowing us down, affecting our ability to take initiative and immediate action.

During this groundbreaking period, we will be encouraged to look back, reevaluate the approach we chose and the path we embarked upon. Many of us will feel inspired to make different choices, as we will have the chance to understand the real motives behind what we did in the past. In any case, this is a month where we are going to realize that we need to somehow keep moving forward, although there will be the necessity of restructuring and reviewing our priorities along the way.

The transformation of the existing structures and systems is not happening only in the external world: a profound shift in consciousness is occurring for all human beings. These changes have the potential to root us into our personal power and inner authority, guiding us back to ourselves, to our connection to Nature and Mother Earth. 

October 2020 Astrology Forecast Moon Omens

During October, more and more people will have the opportunity to discover unique ways to adapt to the paradigm shift that is taking place. Throughout the upcoming month, we have the chance to build new foundations for our lives, to overcome obstacles and challenges, and to grow into newfound strength and power.

Stay tuned with us during the month of October, we are going to publish an article for each event that you are going to find in this article. If you’re looking for more in depth, personalized guidance for October we invite you to get your October Horoscope.


Full Harvest Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron

The Full Harvest Moon in Aries starts the new month, infusing it with energy and passion. This celestial event stimulates our need for freedom, excitement, and new experiences. The Full Moon is conjunct with Chiron: this aspect brings our attention to wounds related to our masculine side, our inner warrior archetype, and our sexuality.

We are likely to feel drawn to reflect on how we assert our needs, how we go after what we want, and how we express our individuality and sexual desires. This cosmic event gives us the chance to let go of the fear of fully owning who we are and our instinctual self-expression. The energy of the Full Moon in Aries can help us intentionally direct our willpower and strength without being harmful or hurtful. If you haven’t already we invite you to tap here to read Full Moon in Aries article.


Venus enters Virgo

Just one day after the Full Moon, Venus travels from Leo to Virgo. This transit immediately grounds the intense emotional energy, helping us control our reactions and be mindful of the way we respond to triggers. Venus in Virgo is highly analytical and organized: this energy can easily become too critical, too focused on what is lacking, maybe even pessimistic if it is not expressed healthily.

The highest purpose of Venus in Virgo is to teach us discernment and help us cultivate common sense in order to be able to make conscious decisions. Venus will trine Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn towards the end of the month, facilitating the structural transformation that is taking place and allowing us to adapt to changes smoothly. If you haven’t already we invite you to tap here to read Venus in Virgo article.


Pluto stations Direct

A long season of internal exploration and self-reflection, that gave us the chance to connect with our inner power, has come to an end. Pluto finally stations direct after being in apparent backward motion since April: we now implement the lessons we learned during this time. Pluto is the force of evolution, constantly inviting us to fully embody our power and strength.

This cosmic event allows us to put into practice the work we have done on ourselves, and to act in ways that reflect how much we have inwardly changed. Now, the transformation we experienced can ripple outwardly and we can manifest relevant changes in our external reality. 


Mars retrograde square Pluto

Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn for the second time this year, bringing us back in time and inviting us to reflect on the themes that arose when the first square took place on August 13. Pluto is now direct while Mars is retrograde: this invites us to think well about the intentions and the motives behind our conscious desires.

This aspect may reflect obstacles and blockages on our journey that have the function to test our commitment to the path we chose. We need to make sure that what we are trying to achieve is aligned with the evolutionary intentions of our Soul and it’s not just an expression of our ego. The third and last Mars-Pluto square of this cycle is taking place on December 20, when we will have the final exam, and we will be able to see the purpose of what we are going through now.


Mercury stations retrograde; Sun opposite Mars

Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio while the Sun in Libra opposes retrograde Mars in Aries. How we relate and communicate with others are going to be big themes of this retrograde: we will be encouraged to reflect upon our approach to relationships as Mercury travels back to Libra.

This Mercury retrograde cycle is going to be about exploring the depths of our psyche, our deeper motivations, and intentions. Secrets may be revealed, unconscious traumas uncovered and remembered. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is a transit that offers an amazing healing potential if we are not afraid of meeting our shadow and we embrace the necessary transformation without fear. 


Super New Moon in Libra; Sun and Moon opposite Mars

On October 16, we experience the second of a series of three New Super Moons that will prepare us for the Total Solar New Moon Eclipse of December 14. Sun and Moon come together in the sign of the Scales and oppose retrograde Mars in Aries. This configuration is reminding us that to cultivate peace and harmony in our relationships with others we need to first honor and meet our individual needs and desires.

The New Moon in Libra is also creating a trine to the North Node in Gemini. This supportive aspect increases the karmic significance of this cosmic event, making it particularly relevant for our collective evolution and for the paradigm shift we are going through.


Mars retrograde square Jupiter 

October 2020 Astrology Forecast

On October 19, retrograde Mars in Aries squares Jupiter in Capricorn, now direct. The first square between them took place on August 4, 2020, while Jupiter was still retrograde. The following one is happening on January 23, 2021, when Mars will be in Taurus and Jupiter in Aquarius. This aspect can reflect an excessive nervous tension and internal restlessness, as well as friction between our desire to take action and our need to be true to ourselves.

Mars squares Jupiter can expose behaviors that are not rooted in integrity and authenticity. This aspect has the potential to bring to extremes impulsive and explosive reactions: during these days, be mindful of the way you react to triggers.


Sun enters Scorpio

October 2020 Astrology Forecast

The Sun enters mysterious Scorpio on October 22, bringing our awareness to profound existential issues, to our psychology, to our relationship to death, inviting us to ask questions, and dig deeper. The Sun in Scorpio is never satisfied with superficial explanations, intentions, or motives, always inviting us to look beneath what is obvious.

During Scorpio season, our focus shifts within: we are encouraged to come into contact with our resilience, with our ability to completely transform, with our capacity to rise from our ashes. Scorpio season 2020 invites us to undergo a journey into the underworld and to come back wiser, stronger, and more powerful.


Mercury Retrograde goes back to Libra; Venus enters Libra

On October 27, both Mercury and Venus enter Libra, within minutes from each other. Mercury in Libra brings us back to what happened in September, inviting us to solve and review the lessons that we experienced back then. Before enter0ing the deep waters of Scorpio for the second time, Mercury wants to make sure that equality is at the foundation of all our relationships. Communication with our loved ones needs to be open and honest, and any underlying manipulation or control dynamic must be now uncovered and solved.

Venus traveling through one of her home signs is emphasizing these same themes, helping us cultivate fairness, equality, and balance. This transit has the potential to bring us back to an inner state of grace and harmony that can positively affect all our interactions with others.


Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus

October 2020 Astrology Forecast

The Full Hunter Moon this year is a rare Blue Moon, taking place on Samhain, also referred to as Halloween. This cosmic event has the potential to be extremely powerful and life-changing for many of us: the Moon is exactly conjunct Uranus, the planet of sudden awakenings, disruptions, and deconditioning. We can expect breakdowns of what has fulfilled its purpose, breakthroughs, new possibilities, unconventional paths spontaneously opening, and all sorts of unexpected events during these days: stay open to what unfolds. You can download our free Moon Calendar & Daily Affirmations e-book here.

On the same day, Mercury retrograde in Libra is squaring Saturn in Capricorn for the second time this year. This aspect brings us back to what happened at the end of September, around the time of the Super New Moon in Virgo, when the first square between them took place. On the Full Moon in Taurus, Mercury and Saturn will remind us that our thoughts, our words, and our perception of the world have the power to change our actual reality.

Although this month is going to feel heavy and challenging, it is also very empowering and healing. A lot of things that are going to come to the surface on both individual and collective level are inviting us to stay grounded in higher frequencies no matter what is happening in the external world. Our power to change ourselves and to change the world when we unite collectively always comes from within. Love is the answer.

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